Crestview Drive, San Carlos map


Max. grade: 16%
Main climb:
Avg. grade: 8.3% (elev. gain/dist)
Length: 1.44 miles (2.32 km)
Elev. gain: 630 feet (192 m)
Entire profile:
Avg. grade: 8.3%
Length: 1.44 miles (2.32 km)
Climb: 630 feet (192 m)
Descent: 0 feet (0 m)


The southern end of Crestview climbs up from Edgewood to Melendy in San Carlos. The street is very wide and fairly straight, so the 30+ mph traffic can leave you room to climb. Over the summit, it drops back down to Ralston Ave in Belmont. There is a barricade at the Belmont/San Carlos border (where the name changes to Hallmark), but bikes can pass through.

Altimeter altitude

(Altitude linearly interpolated from altimeter samples, and smoothed with a 0.04mi gaussian.)

Each horizontal line is 100 feet. Each vertical line is 0.2 miles.

Gradiometer grade

(Grade linearly interpolated from gradiometer samples, and smoothed with a 0.04mi gaussian.)

Each horizontal line is 2% grade. Each vertical line is 0.2 miles.

Altimeter grade

(Grade linearly interpolated from altimeter samples, and smoothed with a 0.20mi gaussian.)

Each horizontal line is 2% grade. Each vertical line is 0.2 miles.

Comparison of grades

(Green grade is from the gradiometer, magenta grade is from the altimeter, and white is where they overlap.)

Each horizontal line is 2% grade. Each vertical line is 0.2 miles.

Overall (averaging my first 20 hills), the gradiometer grade averages 0.63 (% grade) higher than the altimeter grade, with a standard deviation of 4.5 (% grade per road). This error may be due to:

In the end, though, I think that each individual sample is accurate to within about 2% for that instantaneous segment of road. My results may not always agree with my altimeter, but they are generally repeatable within 1%. I think that I just need to take more samples to generate more accurate graphs.

Raw Data:

Dist    Grade   Alti.   Location
----    -----   ------  --------
0.00     6%      280    start - Edgewood Road                   
0.04     9%      300
0.13     5%      330    1461
0.21    11%      350    speed limit 30 sign
0.26    15%      370    1347
0.30    15%      400    1325
0.35    16%      440    1307
0.42    15%      490    1291
0.45    15%      520    1261
0.50    16%      550    1231
0.54     1%      570    La Mesa
0.59     1%      580
0.65     1%      580    Brittan Ave
0.69     9%      590    1081
0.75     4%      610    1041
0.81     7%      630    1001
0.83    15%      640    995
0.88    13%      670    969
0.95    10%      720    935
1.00    11%      740    915
1.02    16%      760    909
1.05    14%      780    879
1.07    12%      790    Melendy
1.13    12%      820    795
1.17     6%      840    Coventry
1.27    10%      870    Normandy
1.31     5%      890    nice view
1.37     7%      900    Lewis Ranch Road
1.44     0%      910    top - 707 Crestview

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