Broad Area Colloquium For AI-Geometry-Graphics-Robotics-Vision
Pose Estimation and Recognition Using Visual Attention
Greg Dudek
Associate Professor
McGill University
School of Computer Science and Center for Intelligent Machines
currently visiting
Xerox PARC, DiVA
Stanford University Robotics Lab
Monday, Oct 16, 2000, 4:15PM
TCseq200, Lecture Hall A
In this talk I will consider the use of attention-like mechanisms for
robotics positioning, modelling and recognition tasks. In
particular, I will describe recent results on the use of attention
operators to produce an efficient visual pose estimator for a mobile
robot to recognized familiar objects and to build maps.
Traditional methods for these problems use geometric scene models.
To avoid the need for a geometric scene model, I will then consider
appearance-based methods. By using raw sensor images, from
either sonar or video, we can accurately estimate the position of our
robot with only a very coarse initial position estimate. This is
accomplished by storing an ensemble of highly compressed images which
capture the variations in
appearance of the environment. This can be accomplished using either
global images features or local image-domain landmarks. An attention
operator inspired by model of biological perception is used to select
candidate landmark regions which appearance variations are
subsequently learned to produce a complete pose estimator.
The presentation is based on ongoing research with Robert Sim,
Deeptiman Jugessur and Eric Bourque.
About the Speaker
Gregory Dudek is a Visiting Associate Professor at Stanford and an Associate
Professor with the School of Computer Science at McGill University and a
member of the McGill Research Center for Intelligent Machines (CIM) . He
directs the McGill Mobile Robotics Laboratory. His sabbatical from
2000-2001 involves stays at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and Stanford
University Dept. of Computer Science.
He obtained his PhD in computer science (computational vision) from the
University of Toronto.
He has published some 120 research papers on subjects including visual
object description and recognition, robotic navigation and map construction,
distributed system design and biological perception. This includes a recent
book entitled "Computational Principles of Mobile Robotics" co-authored with
Michael Jenkin and published by Cambridge University Press.
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