Broad Area Colloquium For AI-Geometry-Graphics-Robotics-Vision
Some Interesting Problems
at the Interface of Computer Science and Game Theory
Yoav Shoham
Department of Computer Science
Stanford University
Monday, Nov 27, 2000, 4:15PM
TCseq200, Lecture Hall A
The problems that lie at this interface span a broad range. In this
version of my generically titled talk I'll cover three pieces of work
that we've been involved with in recent years. All three have to do
auctions, and they range from the immediately useful (but perhaps
mundane) to the rather useless (but beautiful, imo). They are, in
(1) Taming the computational complexity of combinatorial auctions (with
Kevin Leyton-Brown, among others), (2) Trading off economic efficiency
and computational efficiency (with Daniel Lehmann and Liadan
and (3) Rational computability (with Moshe Tennenholtz).
About the Speaker
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