Broad Area Colloquium For AI-Geometry-Graphics-Robotics-Vision
(CS 528)
A Small Biped Entertainment Robot Exploring Attractive Applications
Yoshihiro Kuroki
Entertainment Robot Company
Sony Corporation
Monday, Nov. 3, 2003, 4:15PM
TCSeq 200
We have been developing a small biped entertainment robot SDR (Sony Dream
Robot) since 1997. In November 2000 we proposed the first prototype SDR-3X.
It made demonstrative dynamic and attractive motion performances using the key
technologies such as the advanced and integrated robot actuator ISA
(Intelligent Servo Actuator) and the Whole Body Cooperative Dynamic Motion
Control. QRIO (SDR-4X II) is the latest and most advanced model and has
important new capabilities such as a safe design and functions for safe
physical interaction with human. An advanced motion control system, Real-time
Integrated Adaptive Motion Control using the enhanced ISA and sensors has been
developed. It enables real-time adaptive motion control against external
force, real-time adaptive and controlled falling over, and standing up on a
floor. In addition, we have also developed a motion creating software system
that allows non-specialists to design and create attractive motion performances
including biped walking in synchrony with music. Also, Real-world Space
Perception Technology and Multi-modal Human Interaction Technology have been
developed to utilize the functions of 3D visual recognition and detection of
individuals by face and speech recognition. In addition, speech synthesis and
singing voice production are also developed for enhancement of entertainment
applications. Some attractive motion performances are introduced as possible
applications by real QRIOs.
About the Speaker
Yoshihiro Kuroki received the B. S. and M. S. degrees in mechanical engineering
from Waseda University, Japan, in 1975 and 1977, respectively. He joined Sony
Corporation from 1977 and was engaged in development of the high-speed assembly
robot and intelligent robot systems. In 1997 he started a research project on
a small biped entertainment robot, SDR in Sony. Now he is a general manager of
Sony's Entertainment Robot Company. He is a member of the Society of
Biomechanisms Japan and the Robotics Society of Japan.
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