Broad Area Colloquium For AI-Geometry-Graphics-Robotics-Vision
(CS 528)
Hybrid Control: from Air Traffic to Fly Wings
Claire Tomlin
Stanford Aeronautics and Astronautics
November 29, 2004, 4:15PM
TCSeq 200
Hybrid systems are a suitable model for representing systems that
can transition between different behaviors. Many engineered
systems are designed to be hybrid in order to simplify function
and maintain flexibility in operation. For example, air traffic
control systems involve transitions between simple flight modes
for multiple aircraft. Hybrid systems are also a good framework
for modeling natural systems: in cell biology, the dynamics that
govern the spatial and temporal increase or decrease of protein
concentration inside a single cell are continuous differential equations
derived from biochemistry, yet their activation or deactivation is
triggered by transitions which encode protein concentrations reaching
given thresholds.
In this talk, methods that have been designed to analyze, verify, and
control hybrid systems will be presented. The methods use tools from game
theory, wavefront propagation, and symbolic predicate abstraction, and
rely on an iterative refinement procedure which computes, either
exactly or approximately, regions of the system's operating space
in which desired behavior is guaranteed. I will focus on two large scale examples:
the design and implementation of real time collision avoidance schemes for
manned and unmanned air vehicles, and the development of models of
cellular regulatory networks in developmental biology.
Joint work with Ian Mitchell, Alex Bayen, Ronojoy Ghosh, Meeko Oishi,
Jeff Axelrod, and Keith Amonlirdviman.
About the Speaker
Claire Tomlin received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering
from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1998. Since
September 1998 she has been an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford
University, with a courtesy appointment in Electrical Engineering.
She was a graduate fellow in the Division of Applied Sciences
at Harvard University in 1994, and
she has held visiting research positions at NASA Ames and Honeywell
Labs. She is a recipient of the Eckman Award of the American
Automatic Control Council (2003), MIT Technology Review's Top 100
Young Innovators Award (2003), AIAA Outstanding Teacher Award (Stanford,
2001), and the Bernard Friedman Memorial Prize in Applied Mathematics (Berkeley,
1998). Her research interests are in hybrid systems, air traffic control
automation, flight management system analysis and design, and modeling and
analysis of biological cell networks.
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