Broad Area Colloquium For AI-Geometry-Graphics-Robotics-Vision
(CS 528)
Polynomials, Circuits and Bayesian Network Inference
Adnan Darwiche
Computer Science Department
Monday, April 12, 2004, 4:15PM
TCSeq 200
Bayesian networks (and probabilistic graphical models) have become
standard tools for modeling and reasoning under uncertainty in many AI
applications. One of the central computational questions surrounding
these models is that of inference: computing the probability of various
events with respect to the distributions encoded by these models.
I will present in this talk a non-classical formulation of the inference
problem in Bayesian networks and discuss its practical and theoretical
implications. According to this formulation, each Bayesian network is
interpreted as a multivariate polynomial (with an exponential number of
terms), and probabilistic inference is reduced to a process of
evaluating the partial derivatives of this polynomial. The central
computational question is then that of finding a compact representation
of the network polynomial. I will propose arithmetic circuits for this
purpose, together with a specific algorithm for finding small arithmetic
circuits that compute network polynomials. I will show how this approach
for inference subsumes (and provides new insights on) the standard one,
based on jointrees, which has dominated the inference literature for
more than a decade. I will also show how the new approach allows one to
exploit both network connectivity (global structure) and its
parameterization (local structure). Finally, I will illustrate its
performance on very difficult networks, including those synthesized from
relational probabilistic models. These networks are rich with local
structure, yet are too connected to be within the reach of standard
inference methods based on jointrees.
About the Speaker
Dr. Adnan Darwiche is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at
UCLA. His main research interests are in probabilistic and symbolic
automated reasoning and their various applications, especially to system
analysis and diagnosis. Dr. Darwiche was a program co-chair of the
Eighteenth Conference on Uncertainty in AI (UAI'02), the Eleventh
International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX'00), and the
general chair of the Nineteenth Conference on Uncertainty in AI
(UAI'03). He is currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of
Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) and has served on the program
committees of many conferences, including the International Joint
Conference on AI (IJCAI), the National Conference on AI (AAAI), and the
Conference on Uncertainty in AI (UAI). Dr. Darwiche has published more
than 50 papers in leading journals and conferences relating to automated
reasoning, diagnosis and AI, and was the recipient of the OKAWA
Foundation Award for research in 2000. Prior to joining UCLA, Dr.
Darwiche was a senior scientist and manager of the department of
diagnostics and modeling at Rockwell Science Center. Dr. Darwiche
received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Stanford
University in 1993 and 1989, respectively.
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