Broad Area Colloquium For AI-Geometry-Graphics-Robotics-Vision
(CS 528)
Agents in Space: The Autonomous Sciencecraft on EO-1
Steve Chien, JPL
May 2 , 2005, 4:15PM
TCSeq 201
An Autonomous Science Agent has been flying onboard the Earth
Observing One Spacecraft since 2003. This software enables the
spacecraft to autonomously observe, detect, and respond to science
events occurring on the Earth such as volcanoes, flooding, and sea ice
breakup. This software, called the Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
(ASE), includes AI software systems that perform science data
analysis, deliberative planning, and run-time robust execution. ASE
is in routine use controlling the EO-1 mission and has successfully
acquired over a thousand images. More recently ASE has been
integrated with dozens of other assets to form an earth observing
sensorweb to to autonomously track volcanoes, floods, and wild fires.
In this talk we describe the ASE software, how autonomous systems
enable revolutionary new missions of space exploration, and areas of
AI research central to space exploration.
About the Speaker
Dr. Steve Chien is a Principal Computer Scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology where he leads efforts in autonomous space systems
and is the Principal Investigator for the Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment. Dr.
Chien is also an Adjunct Associate Professor with the Department of Computer Science
of the University of Southern California and a Visiting Scholar at UCLA. He holds a
B.S. with Highest Honors in Computer Science, with minors in Mathematics and Economics,
M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science, all from the University of Illinois.
Dr. Chien was a recipient of the 1995 Lew Allen Award for Excellence. In 1997, he
received the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal for his work in research and development
of planning and scheduling systems for NASA. He is the Team Lead for the ASPEN Planning
System , which received Honorable Mention in the 1999 Software of the Year Competition and
was a contributor to the Remote Agent System which was a co-winner in the same 1999
competition. In 2000, he received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for service and
leadership in research and deployment of planning and scheduling systems for NASA.
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