CS 248 Teaching Evaluation

Pat Hanrahan

Please take the time to fill out this questionnaire thoughtfully. The information will be used by the coordinator to ascertain how the class is progressing and to let him know which aspects are particularly good and which aspects need improvement.

This form is submitted anonymously.

The coordinator

Please answer each of the following questions with a rating from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates poor performance (much below average), 3 indicates average performance, and 5 indicates excellent performance (much above average). If you have no opinion, please select "N/A".

The coordinator,

  1. is well prepared for class:
  2. presents material with clarity:
  3. selects good examples to illustrate points:
  4. is responsive to student questions:
  5. makes the students feel comfortable to ask questions:
  6. avoids being sidetracked:
  7. adjusts the pace of the lectures to the students' level of understanding:
  8. effectively stimulates and guides discussion:
  9. provides helpful comments on assignments and projects:
  10. helps students with their presentations:
  11. imparts enthusiasm for the subject:
  12. is sensitive to diversity in the classroom:
  13. holds office hours at convenient times:
  14. is available outside class:
Rate the overall performance of the coordinator:

Class material and activities

Please answer each of the following questions with a rating from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates strong disagreement, 3 indicates uncertainty, and 5 indicates strong agreement. If you have no opinion, please select "N/A".

The class WWW pages are helpful:

The class software is helpful:

The assignments are helpful:

The course reader is helpful:

The selected papers are interesting:

The course is, overall, a positive experience:

Anything else?

Please feel free to add any remarks, comments, or suggestions:

Copyright © 1996 Pat Hanrahan
Last update: 13 December 1995 by Apostolos "Toli" Lerios