Installing TOSSIM ------------------ 1. Open a cygwin window 2. Go to /cygdrive/c/tinyos-1.x/tools/java 3. Type make 4. Check /cygdrive/c/tinyos-1.x/tools/java/net/tinyos/sim 5. Make sure there are java files have compiled into class files To test ------------------------------------ 6 Go to cygdrive/c/tinyos-1.x/apps/CntToLedsAndRfm 7. type make pc 8. Run build/pc/main 1 CRTL-C to stop 9. java net.tinyos.sim.SimDriver -noconsole -gui -run build/pc/main.exe 20 It is highly recommended that you read through the following documents up to the TinyViz part(and try the DBG statements). Hopefully you are familiar with gdb. If not there are many tutorials online. Rather than TinyViz, it is recommended that you use Tython for simulations *Note: Generally you be running TOSSIM using Tython which is a python based scripting language. However at this point, we just want to make sure things are installed correctly.