Warmup Project:

This assignment is intended to introduce you to programming sensor networks using the TinyOS operating system. You will need the following software tools and hardware (we will provide):

This assignment has two parts: you will learn to build a simple application, access data from sensors and use timers in the first part, and setup basic networking, interface to a PC, and process sensor data on the PC, in the second part. We provide the source code.


Basic AntiTheft application:

Goal: Write a really simple anti-theft application which can protect our motes from being stolen.


You will see: Basic components, interfaces, wiring, essential system interfaces for startup, timing, sensor sampling.

Usage: Unzip AntiTheft.zip file to your home directory and read readme1


Advanced AntiTheft application:

Goal: Different anti-theft mechanisms may be appropriate for different times or places. Our perfect anti-theft system must be configurable! We also need to have a backup plan if the bright LED does not deter the thief: report the theft to a PC.

Assume: a base station (dedicated mote) is connected to a PC via USB cable and the PC is running our java application.


You will see: How to use basic networking, how to start (and stop) services, “external” types, and their use in networking, how to receive and parse tinyos messages on a PC (using IIB2400 interface board).

Usage: Unzip AntiTheft.zip file to your home directory and read readme2


This application is a courtesy of David Gay, but was modified to tinyos-1.x and simplified for the purposes of CS321 class.