Selected Reference Books
- Wolfgang Böhm and Hartmut Prautzsch. Geometric Concepts for Geometric Design. A. K. Peters, 1994.
- Botsch, Mario, Leif Kobbelt, Mark Pauly, Pierre Alliez, and Bruno Lévy. Polygon Mesh Processing. AK Peters Limited, 2010.
- Elaine Cohen, Richard Riesenfeld, and Gershon Elber. Geometric Modeling with Splines. A. K. Peters, 2001.
- Gerald Farin. NURB Curves and Surfaces. A. K. Peters, 1995.
- Gerald Farin. Curves and Surfaces for CAGD: A Practical Guide. 5-th edition, Academic Press, 2002.
- Markus Gross and Hanspeter Pfister (Eds.). Point-Based Graphics. Morgan Kaufmann, 2007.
- David Hestenes. New Foundations for Classical Mechanics. D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1986.
- Joseph Hoschek and Dieter Lasser. Fundamentals of Computer-Aided Geometric Design. A. K. Peters, 1993.
- Michael A. Penna and Richard R. Patterson. Projective Geometry and its Applications to Computer Graphics. Prentice-Hall, 1986.
- Les Piegl and Wayne Tiller. The NURBS Book. Springer-Verlag, 1995.
- Helmut Pottmann, Andreas Asperl, Michael Hofer, and Axel Kilian. Architectural Geometry. Bentley Institute Press, 2007.
- Alyn Rockwood and Peter Chambers. Interactive Curves and Surfaces: A Multimedia Tutorial on CAGD. Morgan-Kaufmann, 1996.
- Joe Warren and Henrik Weimer. Subdvision Methods for Geometric Design. Morgan-Kaufmann, 2002.
- Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, and Tom Davis. OpenGL Programming Guide. Addison-Wesley, 1997.
- Richard Wright, Jr., and Michael Sweet. OpenGL SuperBible. Waite Group Press, 1996