Proposal Due:
May 21, 2004
Demo / Competition: June 7, 2004
Write-up Due:
Your final project is to produce a realistic image of a
real object or scene. The scene or object should be challenging enough to
require you to design and implement an advanced rendering algorithm. The final
project is your chance to investigate an area that interests you in more depth,
and to showcase your creativity. To get an idea of our expectations, check out
the images
produced by past participants. As extra incentive, we are offering a grand
prize that includes a free trip to SIGGRAPH in
Possible Projects
Here are some examples of
challenging projects:
Your main task should be to implement cool rendering algorithms, rather than spending all of your time modeling a complex scene. However, you do need to provide pbrt with a scene to render! Check the RenderMan resources page for info about the RIB file format. You can convert this file form to a pbrt scene file using the utility rib2pbrt.
Project Proposal
As a first step you should write a
one page project proposal. The project proposal should be in the form of a web
page. To submit the project proposal, send the url to
This is due Friday, May 21
The proposal should contain a picture of a real object or
scene that you intend to reproduce. We
suggest that you first pick something that you would like to simulate, and then
investigate what techniques need to be used. A real object that you can carry
around with you is best, but a good photograph or painting is almost as good.
This proposal should state the goal of your project,
motivate why it is interesting, identify the key technical challenges you will
face, and outline briefly your approach. If you are implementing an algorithm
described in a particular paper, provide the reference to the paper. If you
plan on collaborating with others, briefly describe how each person's piece
relates to the others.
We will provide feedback as to whether we think your idea
is reasonable, and also try to offer some technical guidance, e.g. papers you
might be interested in reading.
The project will be due on the
afternoon of Monday, June 7th. Late days are not allowed. During this time each group will be given 15
minutes to demonstrate their system and show some images that they produced.
All demos will be in the Sweet Hall Graphics Lab. Remember to bring the
object/images that you are modeling and reproducing. Remember, the goals and
technology that you developed should be obvious from the image itself. After
all, this is graphics.
Final Write-up
The final write-up will be due on Thursday, June 9th at 5 pm. Late days may not be used.
The final project will count 1/2
(or more, if based on our judgement, we consider the
project truly outstanding) towards your final grade in the course. We will
consider strongly the novelty of the idea (if it's never been done before, you
get lots of credit), your technical skill in implementing the idea, and the
quality of the pictures you produce. Mega-lines of code does
not make a project good.
When you are finished with your project you should submit
the source for your system and any test scenes and images that you have
created. You should also submit your original project proposal, and an updated
version that reads as a two to three page project summary, more or less of the
same format as the project proposal, but with a brief results section and any
conclusions or comments you have based on your experience.
You are permitted to work in small groups, but each person
will be graded individually. A good group project is a system consisting of a
collection of well defined subsystems. Each subsystem should be the
responsibility of one person and be clearly identified as their project. A good
criteria for whether you should work in a group is whether
the system as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts!
Rendering Prize
To provide additional incentive,
we are offering several prizes for the best images produced as part of the
final project.
all-expense-paid trip to SIGGRAPH 2004 for one (worth about $1000).
To be determined.
A book on
The jury will be announced soon.