CS 348C Student Profiles
CS 348C - Modeling in Computer
Fall quarter, 1995
Coordinator: Apostolos Lerios
This is a list of the students taking the class this quarter. Students
may use this list to get to know each other, and as a source of
contacts for choosing project partners.
Sending email to cs348c@aegean.stanford.edu
reaches all students of the class, as well as the
coordinator. Students may freely use this mailing list.
The hyperlinks in the list below perform the following functions:
- Clicking on a student name allows the student to check the status of
his/her grades; access to grade information is controlled by using the
Stanford University ID as a password.
- Clicking on an email address brings up a dialog box which you can
use to send email to the student.
- Clicking on a URL transports you to the student's home page.
- Larry Cutler
- shucks@leland.stanford.edu
- Helios Tsoi
- helios@leland.stanford.edu
- Anthony Ramirez
- antho@rescomp.stanford.edu
- http://rescomp.stanford.edu/~antho/
- Lucas Pereira
- lucasp@cs.stanford.edu
- Alice Tull
- tull@cs.stanford.edu
- http://xenon.stanford.edu/~tull/
- Afra Zomorodian
- afra@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~afra/
- Jeffrey Chan
- whizzer@leland.stanford.edu
- Andrea Rosso
- rosso@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~rosso/
- Rob Engle
- grenoble@cs.stanford.edu
- David Hsu
- dyhsu@cs.stanford.edu
- Milton Chen
- miltchen@leland.stanford.edu
- http://po.eecs.berkeley.edu/~miltchen/
- James Kuffner
- kuffner@cs.stanford.edu
- http://robotics.stanford.edu/users/kuffner/
- Sandeep Jain
- sandeep@leland.stanford.edu
- Komal Sethi
- sethi@cs.stanford.edu
- Gary Herman
- gherman@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~gherman/
- David Redkey
- dredkey@cs.stanford.edu
- Robert James Williamson
- sparkles@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~sparkles/
Last update: 13 December 1995 by Apostolos "Toli" Lerios