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Sorted Matrix Search

This section describes a function sorted_matrix_search to select the smallest entry in a set of sorted matrices that fulfills a certain criterion.

More exactly, a matrix tex2html_wrap_inline18 (over a totally ordered set S) is sorted, iff


Now let tex2html_wrap_inline22 be a set of n sorted matrices over S and f be a monotone predicate on S, i.e.


If we assume there is any feasible element in one of the matrices in tex2html_wrap_inline21, there certainly is a smallest such element. This is the one we are searching for.

The feasibility test as well as some other parameters can (and have to) be customized through a traits class. The requirements for this class are described in section reference.

#include <CGAL/sorted_matrix_search.h>

template < class RandomAccessIC, class Traits >
sorted_matrix_search (
RandomAccessIC f,
RandomAccessIC l,
Traits t)

returns the element x in one of the sorted matrices from the range [ f, l ), for which t.is_feasible( x) is true and x, y) is true for all other y values from any matrix for which t.is_feasible( y) is true.


  1. Traits satisfies the requirements for sorted matrix search traits classes stated in section reference,
  2. Value type of RandomAccessIC is Traits::Matrix,
  3. All matrices in [ f, l ) are sorted according to Traits::compare_non_strictly and
  4. there is at least one entry x in a matrix M [ f, l ) for which Traits::is_feasible( x) is true.


The implementation uses an algorithm by Frederickson and Johnson[FJ83],[FJ84] and runs in (n · k + f · log(n · k)), where n is the number of input matrices, k denotes the maximal dimension of any input matrix and f the time needed for one feasibility test.


In the following program we build a random vector a = (ai)i = 1,...,5 (elements drawn uniformly from { 0,...,99 }) and construct a Cartesian matrix M containing as elements all sums ai + aj, i,j {1,...,5}. If a is sorted, M is sorted as well. So we can apply sorted_matrix_search to compute the upper bound for the maximal entry of a in M.

#include <CGAL/Random.h>
#include <CGAL/function_objects.h>
#include <CGAL/Cartesian_matrix.h>
#include <CGAL/sorted_matrix_search.h>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
using namespace CGAL;

typedef int                              Value;
typedef vector< Value >                  Vector;
typedef Vector::iterator                 Value_iterator;
typedef vector< Vector >                 Vector_cont;
typedef Cartesian_matrix<
  plus< int >,
  Value_iterator >                       Matrix;

int main() {
  // set of vectors the matrices are build from:
  Vector_cont vectors;

  // generate a random vector and sort it:
  Vector a;
  int i;
  cout << "a = ( ";
  for ( i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    a.push_back( default_random( 100));
    cout << a.back() << " ";
  cout << ")" << endl;
  sort( a.begin(), a.end(), less< Value >());

  // build a cartesian from a:
  Matrix M( a.begin(), a.end(), a.begin(), a.end());

  // search an upper bound for max(a):
  Value bound( a[4]);
  Value upper_bound(
      &M + 1,
        bind2nd( greater_equal< Value >(), bound),
  cout << "upper bound for " << bound << " is "
       << upper_bound << endl;

  return 0;

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The GALIA project. Jan 18, 2000.