An instance S of the parameterized data type b_stack<E> is a stack (see section Stacks) of bounded size.
#include < LEDA/b _stack.h >
b_stack<E> | S(int n) | creates an instance S of type b_stack<E> that can hold up to n elements. S is initialized with the empty stack. |
E | | returns the top element of S.
Precondition S is not empty. |
E | S.pop() | deletes and returns the top element of S.
Precondition S is not empty. |
void | S.push(E x) | adds x as new top element to S.
Precondition S.size() < n. |
void | S.clear() | makes S the empty stack. |
int | S.size() | returns the size of S. |
bool | S.empty() | returns true if S is empty, false otherwise. |
Bounded stacks are implemented by C++vectors. All operations take time O(1). The space requirement is O(n).