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Memory Allocator ( leda_allocator )


An instance A of the data type leda_allocator<T> is a memory allocator according to the C++standard. leda_allocator<T> is the standard compliant interface to the LEDA memory management.

#include < LEDA/allocator.h >


Local types are size_type, difference_type, value_type, pointer, reference, const_pointer, and const_reference.

leda_allocator<T>::rebind allows the construction of a derived allocator:
leda_allocator<T>::template rebind<T1>::other
is the type leda_allocator<T1>.


leda_allocator<T> A introduces a variable A of type leda_allocator<T>.


pointer A.allocate(size_type n, const_pointer = 0)
    returns a pointer to a newly allocated memory range of size n * sizeof(T).

void A.deallocate(pointer p, size_type n)
    deallocates a memory range of n * sizeof(T) starting at p. Precondition the memory range was obtained via allocate(n).

pointer A.address(reference r) returns &r.

const_pointer A.address(const_reference r)
    returns &r.

void A.construct(pointer p, const_reference r)
    makes an inplace new new( (void*)p ) T(r).

void A.destroy(pointer p) destroys the object referenced via p by calling p->$ \sim$T().

size_type A.max_size() the largest value n for which the call allocate(n,0) might succeed.


Note that the above class template uses all kinds of modern compiler technology like member templates, partial specialization etc. It runs only on a subset of LEDA's general supported platforms like g++ > 2.95, SGI CC > 7.3.

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