Programming assignment: submission, libraries

We recommend that you use CGAL and LEDA for your programming project. The information below should be enough to get you started.

Submission Instructions

To submit your programming assignment, simply login to a leland machine (elaine), and type


and follow the instructions. This basically copies all the files in a given directory to the class directory. It does check several things, however:

A detailed help file for what submit does can be found in the class directory:


If you have any question/trouble to submit/resubmit, please contact the TA.


Use the local copies of the manuals: Look also at the CGAL and LEDA home pages for other useful links.


CGAL and LEDA are in the leland cluster in the /usr/class/cs368 directory. Currently, the libraries have been compiled only for sparc stations. Follow the following steps to get started:
  1. Connect to any elaine workstation in sweethall and type your password.
  2. To set your environment variables properly, include the following line in your .cshrc file (assuming you are using csh): If you want to proceed right now without loging in again, type in the above in your shell prompt. If you are not using csh or tcsh, contact the TA.
  3. To verify that your environment is fine, copy the start program and compile it locally: This program computes the intersection points of a query line with a set of input lines. Check the source file line_intersect.C for instructions.
Don't hesitate to contact the teaching assistant if you run into any problem.

Writing your own programs

As the CGAL and LEDA libraries are using C++ template classes heavily, the error messages can sometimes be dauting. Come and see the TA for debugging sessions.