All successful projects require careful planning, particularly when they involve multiple people. To help you plan ahead, we would like you to use the following format for your project proposal. The actual proposal should be as short as possible, but still convey the key ideas.
Explain the basic idea and your motivations for pursuing this project. Provide background information to back up your claims.
Also describe the challenges you see in building your system, and what you think will be learned by doing the project.
Describe briefly previous work and provide references and web pointers to similar systems or related technology.
Highlight what you think is new and novel about your project.
Describe what you intend to do in detail.
Provide a diagram of the overall architecture of the system and the interfaces between components.
Provide a list of the software you will hand over to us at the end of the project.
Provide a description of the demo you intend to give on the final day of class.
Provide an itemized list of what tasks need to be done.
Describe who will be responsible for each task.
Describe your plan to insure the tasks are done in parallel and are finished on time. Develop some intermediate milestones to help yourself make steady progress.
Let us know what resources you will need for the project. If you need unusual equipment, please let us know. As we said, we are willing to buy some new devices for those that need them (provided we can afford them).
Please include pictures and/or sketches that convey your ideas. Use this template and publish your proposal as a web page with links to references and other information. When you are finished, send the url to
Note that we will be assembling a web page with pointers to all the papers so that others in the class can read the scenarios that have been proposed.