If you find additional readings and browsable material that you think would be useful to others in the class, please send email to cs448a@graphics.stanford.edu and we will add it to this list.
M Weiser, Some Computer Science Issues in Ubiquitous Computing, CACM, 1993 [html]
Streitz, N.A., Geißler, J., and Holmer, T., Roomware for Cooperative Buildings: Integrated Design of Architectural Spaces and Information Spaces. In: N. Streitz, S. Konomi, H. Burkhardt (eds.), Cooperative Buildings - Integrating Information, Organization, and Architecture. Proceedings of CoBuild '98, Darmstadt, Germany. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1370. Springer: Heidelberg, 1998, pp. 4-21. [pdf]
Cooperative Buildings: Integrating Information, Organization and Architecture, Second International Workshop, CoBuild 98, Pittsburgh, February, 1999. [CoBuild99]
S. Pentland, Smart Rooms, Scientific American, 274(4), pp. 68-76, April 1996.
The New EasyLiving Project at Microsoft Research, Joint DARPA/NIST Smart Spaces Workshop, July 30-31, 1998, Gathersburg, MD. [EasyLiving Project][doc]
Andy Van Dam, Post-Wimp User Interfaces: the Human Connection, Communications of the ACM 40(2) (1997). [acm pdf][pdf][txt]
J. Rekimoto, Pick-and-Drop: A Direct Manipulation Interface for Multiple Computer Environments, Proc. of UIST '97, pp. 31-39, 1997.[pdf]
Ishii, H. and Ullmer, B., Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms, in Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '97), (Atlanta, March 1997), ACM Press, pp. 234-241[html][pdf]
Cohen, P.R., McGee, D., Oviatt, S.L., Wu, L., Clow, J., King, R., Julier,
S., Rosenblum, L. Multimodal
Interactions for 2D and 3D Environments, IEEE Computer Graphics and
Applications, July/August 1999, pp.10-13. [pdf]
G. Fitzmaurice, H. Ishii, W. Buxton, Laying the Foundation for Graspable User Interfaces, Proceedings of CHI '95, pp. 442-449.
K. Hinckley, R. Pausch, J. Goble, N. Kassel, Passive Real-World Interface Props for Neurosurgical Visualization, Proceedings of CHI '94, pp. 442-458, 1994.
Morten Fjeld et al., Exploring Brick-based camera control, HCI International '99
F. Wilhelm Bruns, Integrated Real and Virtual Prototyping, IECON'98
N.A. Streitz, "Collaboration Using Multiple PDAs Connected to a PC," Brad A. Myers,
Herb Stiel, and Robert Gargiulo. Proceedings CSCW'98: ACM Conference
on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, November 14-18, 1998, Seattle,
WA. pp. 285-294. [pdf].
Nunamaker et al., Lessons from a Dozen Years of Group Support Systems
Research: A Discussion of Lab and Field Findings [MS
L. M. Covi, J. S. Olsen, E. Rocco, W. J. Miller, P. Allie, A Room of
Your Own: What do We Learn about Support of Teamwork from Assessing Teams
in Dedicated Project Rooms, In:
N. Streitz, S. Konomi, H. Burkhardt
(eds.), Cooperative Buildings - Integrating Information, Organization,
and Architecture. Proceedings of CoBuild
'98, Darmstadt, Germany. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.
1370. Springer: Heidelberg, 1998, pp. 53-65..
Eric Bier and S. Freeman, MMM: A user interface architecture for shared
editors on a single screen, pp. 79-86, UIST 91. [acm
W. Krueger, C. Bohn, B. Froehlich, H. Schulth, W. Strauss, G. Weshke,
The Responsive Workbench: A Virtual Work Environment, IEEE Computer, 28(7),
pp. 42-48, 1995. [Stanford
Responsive Workbench Project]
Underkoffler, J. and Ishii, H., Illuminating
Light: An Optical Design Tool with a Luminous-Tangible Interface,
in Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI
'98), (Los Angeles, April 1998), ACM Press, pp. 542-549 [pdf]
Marek Czernuszenko, Dave Pape, Daniel Sandin, Tom DeFanti, Gregory L.
Dawe, Maxine D. Brown, The ImmersaDesk and Infinity Wall Projection-Based
Virtual Reality, May 1997 issue of Computer Graphics. [html]
Forsberg, A.S., LaViola, J.J., and Zeleznik, R.C. "ErgoDesk: A Framework
for Two- and Three-Dimensional Interaction at the ActiveDesk", Proceedings
of the Second International Immersive Projection Technology Workshop,
Ames, Iowa, May 11-12, 1998.[pdf]
Ullmer, B. and Ishii, H., The
metaDESK: Models and Prototypes for Tangible User Interfaces, in
of Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '97),
(Banff, Alberta, Canada, October, 1997), ACM Press, pp. 223-232. [pdf]
M. Kobayashi, H. Koike, EnhancedDesk: Integrating Paper Documents and
Digital Documents,
Pyramid ImmersaDesk [ImmersaDesk
paper (html)]
Input Technologies, Inc (ITI)
VisionMaker Digital Desk
MIT/RLE Virtual Workbench
E. Pedersen, K. McCall, T. Moran, F. Halasz, Tivoli: An Electronic Whiteboard
for Informal Group Meetings, InterCHI '93, pp. 391-398, 1993. [acm
J. Rekimoto, M. Saitoh, Augmented Surfaces: A Spatially Continuous Workspace
for Hybrid Computing Environments, Proceedings of CHI 99, 1999. [pdf][Project
T. Moran, P. Chiu, W. van Melle, Pen-Based Interaction Techniques for
Organizing Material on an Electronic Whiteboard, UIST '97, pp. 45-54, 1997.
Q. Stafford-Fraser, P. Robinson, BrightBoard: A Video-Augmented Environment.
Eric Saund, Bringing the marks on a whiteboard to electronic life. [ZombieBoard]
Rome Labs
University of Minnesota
Display Wall,
Trimension, makers of the
Reality Room,, V-Desk8 (wall), V-DOME (including for the Hayden
Smart Technoligies, maker of
the SmartBoard
Projection Display and Matisse
Plasma Panel Touch Panel
R. Raskar. G. Welch, M. Cutts, A. Lake, L. Stesin, H. Fuchs, The Office
of the Future: A Unified Approach to Image-Based Modeling and Sptially
Immersive Displays, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 98 (Orlando, FL, July 19-24,
1998), In Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1998,
ACM SIGGRAPH, pp. 179-188.[pdf]
N. Streitz, J. Geissler, T. Holmer, S. Konomi, C. Muller-Tomfelde, W.
Reischl, P. Rexroth, P. Seitz, R. Steinmetz, i-LAND: An Interactive Landscape
for Creativity and Innovation, Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 99), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.,
May 15-20, 1999, ACM Press, New York, pp. 120-127. [Ambiete
Project Page][pdf]
Underkoffler, J., Ullmer, B., and Ishii, H., Emancipated
Pixels: Real-World Graphics In The Luminous Room , in Proceedings
of SIGGRAPH '99, (Los Angeles, California USA, August 8-13, 1999),
ACM Press, pp. 385-392.[pdf]
Yatin Chawathe, Steve Fink, Steven McCanne, and Eric Brewer. A
Proxy Architecture for Reliable Multicast in Heterogeneous Environments.
Proc. ACM Multimedia 98, Bristol, UK, Sept. 1998. [.ps.gz]
(Just understand the soft-state load balancing and failure tolerance mechanisms
described.) P. Wyckoff, S. W. McLaughry, T. J. Lehman and D. A. Ford. T Spaces.
IBM Systems Journal 37(3), Java Technology. [html]
(Just get the basic architectural idea, don't worry about the details.) Christian Schuckmann, M. Coen, Building Brains for Rooms. [HAL
M. Coen, Design Principles for Intelligent Environments, Proc. National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1998. [pdf]
M. Coen, B. Phillips, N. Warshawsky, L. Weisman, S. Peters, P. Finin,
Meeting the Computational Needs of Intelligent Environments: The Metaglue
System. [pdf]
T. D. Hodes, R. H. Katz, Composable Ad hoc Location-based Services for
Heterogeneous Mobile Clients, ACM Wireless Networks Journal, special
issue on mobile computing. (to appear) [ps]
T. D. Hodes, R. H. Katz, Enabling ``Smart Spaces:'' Entity Description
and User Interface Generation for a Heterogeneous Component-based Distributed
System, DARPA/NIST Smart Spaces Workshop, Gaithersburg, Maryland,
July 1998. UC Berkeley Technical Report CSD/98/1008 [ps]
T. Hodes, M. Newman, S. McCanne, R. H. Katz, J. Landay, Shared Remote
Control of a Videoconferencing Application: Motivation, Design, and Implementation,
Multimedia Computing and Networking (MMCN '99), San Jose, California,
January 1999, pp. 17-28. [ps]
M. Munson, T. Hodes, T. Fischer, K. H. Lee, T. Lehman, B. Zhao, Flexible
Internetworking of Devices and Controls, Proceedings of IECON, San
Jose, CA, December 1999. [ps]
S. McCanne, A Distributed Shared Whiteboard. J. Hollan, S. Stornetta, Beyond Being There, Proceedings of Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '92), ACM SIGCHI, Monterey, 3-7
May 1992, pp. 119-125.[acm
W. Buxton, Living in Augmented Reality: Ubiquitous Media
and Reactive Environments. In K. Finn, A. Sellen & S. Wilber (Eds.). Video
Mediated Communication. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 363-384. An earlier
version of this chapter also appears in Proceedings of Imagina '95,
215-229. [html]
S. Gibbs, C. Arapis, C. Brietlander, TELEPORT: Towards Immersive Copresence,
ACM Multimedia Systems Journal, 7(3), pp. 214-221, 1999. [Collaborative
Wall Home Page][springer
F. Guimbretiere, T. Winograd, Visual Instruments for an Interactive Mural,
CHI 99 Extended Abstracts. [html]
Terry Winograd, Towards a Human-Centered Architecture [html]
Background and Browsables
Mark Stefik et al., Beyond the Chalkboard, CACM 1987, 32-47. [acm
Tables and Desks
P. Wellner, Interacting with Paper on the Digital Desk, CACM 36(7), pp.
86-96, 1993.[acm
Background and Browsables
William Newman and Pierre Wellner, A desk supporting computer-based interaction
with paper documents
pp. 587-592. [acm pdf]
Products and Projects
SGI Reality Center Desk
Walls and Whiteboards
S. Elrod, R. Bruce, R. Gold, D. Goldberg, F. Halasz, W. Janssen, D. Lee,
K. McCall, E. Pedersen, K. Pier, J. Tang, B. Welch, LiveBoard: A Large
Interactive Display Supporting Group Meetings, Presentations and Remote
Collaboration, CHI '92, pp. 599-607, 1992. [acm
Background and Browsables
Jun Rekimoto and Nobuyuki Matsushita, "Perceptual Surfaces: Towards
a Human and Object Sensitive Interactive Display", Workshop on Perceptural
User Interfaces (PUI'97), 1997.[acm
Wall, MIT Media Lab
Panoram Technologies, makers
of the PanoWall, Direct View Desktop Display, as well as large curved screen
front and rear projection systems.
C. Cruz-Neira, D. Sandin, T. Defanti, Surround-Screen Projection-Based
Virtual Reality: The Design and Implementation of the CAVE, Proceedings
of SIGGRAPH 93, In Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series,
1993, ACM SIGGRAPH, pp. 193-202.[html]
Background and Browsables
M. Black, F. Berard, A. Jepson, W. Newman, E. Saund, G. Socher, M. Taylor,
The Digital Office: Overview, AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent Environments,
Stanford, CA, March, 1998, pp. 1-6. [ps]
Products and Projects
Fakespace CAVE
Distributed Systems Infrastructure
The MultiSpace: an Evolutionary Platform for Infrastructural Services,
by Steven D. Gribble, Matt Welsh, Eric A. Brewer, and David Culler. To
appear, Proceedings of the 1999 Usenix Annual Technical Conference, Monterey,
CA, June 1999. (.ps.gz,
209.4 KB).
Background and Browsables
Armando Fox, Steven D. Gribble, Yatin Chawathe, Eric A. Brewer. Adapting
to Network and Client Variation Using Active Proxies: Lessons and Perspectives.
Personal Communications (invited submission), August 1998. [pdf]
Distributed Collaboration and Teleconferencing
Ishii, H. and Kobayashi, M., "ClearBoard: A Seamless Media for Shared Drawing
and Conversation with Eye-Contact," Proceedings of Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '92), ACM SIGCHI, Monterey, 3-7
May 1992, pp. 525-532.[ClearBoard
Human-Centered Interaction Architecture