Selected readings on science and art

CS 99D - The Science of Art
Winter Quarter, 1999
Marc Levoy
Handout #3
This web page will continue to be updated after it is handed out in class.

I have made an attempt to group these readings into categories. Some of these categories correspond to course topics, while others are more general. Many readings fall into more than one category, and their categorization is consequently somewhat arbitrary.

Some of these items refer to the required readings. Most go beyond them. Many of them can be found in the Stanford in Florence library. Almost all of them can also be found in my personal library in the graphics laboratory downstairs. You are welcome to read these books in the lab or borrow them overnight. A signout system will be instituted to keep track of borrowed books.

History of science

History of art

Visual perception

History and relation to art

Modern texts




Light and shadow


History and relation to art

Modern texts

Scientific illustration



Writings by artists

Writings by scientists

Art in the age of technology

Philosphical essays

Technical essays

Computer graphics techniques
Copyright © 1999 Marc Levoy