		      (Thursday, September 29, 12:15, CIS 101)


For the first meeting (this Thursday), we will offer an introduction to our
research group.  New CS and EE students are especially invited to attend.
All current PhD students in the graphics program will be on hand.  Each of us
will introduce ourselves and present a 5-minute synopsis of our research:

The order of people and topics will be:

	1.  Marc Levoy			Introduction
	2.  Pat Hanrahan		Introduction
	3.  Philippe Lacroute		Shear-warp volume rendering
	4.  Brian Curless		Surfaces from structured light
	5.  Venkat Krishnamurthy	Fitting patches to polygon meshes
	6.  Brian Freyburger		Determining the next best view
	7.  Hua ("Grace") Ge		Acquiring color and reflectance
	8.  Andrew Beers
	    and Maneesh Agrawala	3D painting on scanned objects
	9.  Apostolos ("Toli") Lerios
	    and Chase Garfinkle		Volume morphing
	10. Eric Veach			Monte Carlo methods for illumination
	11. Lisa Forssell		Visualization of vector fields
	55 minutes

A written introduction to our research group and a summary of the talks will be
handed out.  If you are unable to attend, copies will be available in Marc
Levoy's office after the lunch.

A catered lunch will be provided.