DTI-Query 1.1 | CINCH 1.0 BETA |
[ pdb header size, in bytes ] - integer -- PDB HEADER FOLLOWS -- [ 4x4 transformation matrix which is used to transform from voxel space to scanner space (or some other space) ] - 16 doubles, stored in row-major order (same as VTK). [ number of pathway statistics ] - integer for each statistic: [ currently unused ] - integer [ is this statistic stored per point, or just as an aggregate per path? ] - integer (0 = false, 1 = true) [ currently unused ] - integer [ name of the statistic ] - char[255] [ currently unused ] - char[255] [ unique ID - an integer that uniquely identifies this statistic, across files ] - integer [ number of algorithms ] - integer for each algorithm: [ algorithm name ] - char[255] [ comments about the algorithm ] - char[255] [ unique ID ] - an integer that uniquely identifies this algorithm, across files ] - integer [ version number ] - integer (DTIQuery 1.1 = 1, this field did not exist prior to DTIQuery 1.1) -- PDB HEADER ENDS -- [ number of pathways ] - integer for each pathway: [ header size ] - integer -- PATHWAY HEADER FOLLOWS -- [ number of points ] - integer [ algorithm ID ] - integer [ seed point index ] - integer, currently unused by DTI-Query for each statistic: [ precomputed statistical value ] - double -- PATHWAY HEADER ENDS -- for each point: [ position of the point - in 0-indexed voxel space! ] - 3 doubles for each statistic: IF the statistic is also computed per point (see statistics header, second field): for each point: [ statistical value for this point ] - double for each pathway: [ byte offset of pathway header ] - long -- END OF FILE --