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We describe an interactive design tool for authoring, simulating, and adjusting yarn-level patterns for knitted and woven cloth. To achieve interactive performance for notoriously slow yarn-level simulations, we propose two acceleration schemes: (a) yarn-level periodic boundary conditions that enable the restricted simulation of only small periodic patches, thereby exploiting the spatial repetition of many cloth patterns in cardinal directions, and (b) a highly parallel GPU solver for efficient yarn-level simulation of the small patch. Our system supports interactive pattern editing and simulation, and runtime modification of parameters. To adjust the amount of material used (yarn take-up) we support "on the fly" modification of (a) local yarn rest-length adjustments for pattern specific edits, e.g., to tighten slip stitches, and (b) global yarn length by way of a novel yarn-radius similarity transformation. We demonstrate the tool's ability to support interactive modeling, by novice users, of a wide variety of yarn-level knit and woven patterns. Finally, to validate our approach, we compare dozens of generated patterns against reference images of actual woven or knitted cloth samples, and we release this corpus of digital patterns and simulated models as a public dataset to support future comparisons.


Paper [25M]
Video [320M]
Pattern Dataset (Control Point Data, Pattern Files, etc.) [65M]

Reference Image/ Simulation Render Comparison [32M]


Pattern Dataset Images


Jonathan Leaf, Rundong Wu, Eston Schweickart, Doug L. James, and Steve Marschner. 2018. Interactive Design of Periodic Yarn-Level Cloth Patterns. ACM Trans. Graph. 37, 6, Article 202 (November 2018), 15 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3272127.3275105


We would like to acknowledge Raj Setaluri and James WoMa for discussions and digital translation of cloth patterns, Jui-Hsien Wang for video production, Kui Wu and Cem Yuksel for Stitch Mesh code and discussions, Anastasia Onegina and Brooks Hagan for knitting discussions and demonstrations, http://knittingstitchpatterns.com for reference images and pattern descriptions, and anonymous reviewers for helpful feedback. This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation IIS-1513967, CM-1644490, and donations from Adobe. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.