Errata to _Graphics Gems IV_, first edition, edited by Paul Heckbert (Paul.Heckbert@HOSTESS.GRAPHICS.CS.CMU.EDU), Academic Press 1994. Code available online at compiled by Eric Haines ( from author and reader contributions version 1.2 date: 1/16/95 ----- Errors in the text: p. xvi, near the bottom of the page: change "in directory pub/GraphicsGems/GemsIV" to "in directory pub/Graphics/GraphicsGems/GemsIV". p. 129, lines 4,7,10: changes: "if (x < 0)" to "if (x >= 0)", "if (y < 0)" to "if (y >= 0)", "if (z < 0)" to "if (z >= 0)". p. 349, for (Moore 1992): change "Rice University, Houston, TX" to "Cornell University, Ithaca, NY". ----- The following are errors in the code listings (corrected in the online code at Note that many of the code listings online are different in minor and major ways from the code in the book. Serious errors (ones your compiler cannot or may not catch): [none so far] ----- Syntax errors (ones that are not usually harmful, or are easily caught): [none so far] ----- The following are typographical errors in the comments: [none so far] ----- A new point in polygon test has been added to ptpoly_haines/ptinpoly.c, a variation on the Crossings test which is about 15% faster for triangles. A potential divide by zero error has been removed from ptpoly_haines/ptinpoly.c; line 1286 had "inv_y = tmax / ydiff;", which is now deleted. END