"Light Makes Right"
October 3, 1988
Volume 1, Number 10
Compiled by
All contents are copyright (c) 1988, all rights reserved by the individual authors
Archive locations: anonymous FTP at
wuarchive.wustl.edu:/graphics/graphics/RTNews, and many others.
You may also want to check out the Ray Tracing News issue guide and the Mother of all Ray Tracing Pages.
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Andrew Glassner has settled down and bought some bookshelves, and is at:
# Andrew Glassner Andrew Glassner
# Xerox PARC 690 Sharon Park Drive
# 3333 Coyote Hill Road Apt. #17
# Palo Alto, CA 94304 Menlo Park, CA 94025
# (415) 494 - 4467 (415) 854 - 4285
alias andrew_glassner glassner@xerox.com
For those of you who receive only the email version of the Ray Tracing News: you should contact Andrew, as he is the editor of the hardcopy version of the RT News. The hardcopy contains many articles which do not appear in the email version, so be sure to get both.
# K.R.Subramanian
# The University of Texas at Austin
# Dept. of Computer Sciences
# Taylor Hall 2.124
# Austin, Tx-78712.
alias krs subramn@cs.utexas.edu (ARPA) or alias krs {uunet...}!cs.utexas.edu!subramn (UUCP).
Interests in Ray Tracing:
Use of hierarchical search structures for efficient ray tracing, investigating better space partitioning techniques, trying to apply ray tracing to practical applications.
Currently a PhD student in Computer Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin.
One suggestion on the RT round table: We must have a portion of time where we can talk to other RT people on a more personal basis. At least, I find it easier to talk to people.
On the RT news: I would like to see practical applications of ray tracing described here. What applications really require mirror reflections, refraction etc. Havent seen applications where ray tracing was the way to go.
From: mcvax!ecn-nlerf.com!jack@uunet.UU.NET (Jack van Wijk)
Via my old colleagues at Delft University of Technology I received a copy of your Ray Tracing News. I am delighted by this initiative, since it provides a fast, informal way to communicate with colleagues working in this sensational area.
At the moment I do not do research with respect to ray tracing, but I expect that in the coming year the blood will creep again where it can't go (old Dutch proverb). The institute where I work now is very interested in high quality graphics, scientific data visualization and parallellism, so I expect that ray tracing can be made a topic here.
I would be very happy if you could put me on the mailing list. Here is a short auto-biography:
# Jarke J. (Jack) van Wijk - Geometric modelling, intersection algorithms,
# parallel algorithms.
# Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, ECN
# P.O. Box 1, 1755 ZG Petten (NH), The Netherlands
alias jack_van_wijk ecn!jack@mcvax.cwi.nl
I have done research on ray-tracing at Delft University of Technology from 1982 to 1986 together with Wim Bronsvoort and Erik Jansen. My thesis is: "On new types of solid models and their visualization with ray-tracing", Delft University Press, 1986, which title summarizes my main interests. I have developed intersection algorithms for sweep-defined objects (translational, rotational, sphere), and blending. Also research was done on curved surfaces, modelling languages and on improving the efficiency. Currently I am interested in intersection algorithms, efficiency, and parallel algorithms, and the use of ray tracing for Scientific Data Visualization.
Linda Roy's mail address:
# Linda Roy - all aspects of ray tracing especially efficiency
# Silicon Graphics Inc.
# 2011 Shoreline Blvd.
# Mountain View, California 94039-7311
# 415-962-3684
Mark VW's mail address:
# Mark VandeWettering
# c/o Computer and Information Sciences Dept.
# University of Oregon
# Eugene, OR 97403
back to contents
I have some bitmap utilities that I can put somewhere
if there's interest. They aren't intended to be anywhere
nearly so portable as poskbitmaps, but they seem to have more tools.
I'm pretty curious what a good total set of tools would be;
maybe this can spark such a list. Mine work only under VMS
(does direct mapping to files--FAST) and use a bizarre format
that is really just 1024 bytes of header followed by pixels.
Here's a list of the tools:
Cutout: Cuts a rectangle out
Dissolve: Fades from one picture to another
Gamma: Channel-independent contract change
Filter: 2x2 boxfilter
Lumin: Color to Black and White via luminosity
Pastein: Pastes a rectangle into another picture
Poke: Mess with header data, e.g. offsets
Resam: Change from 1-1 to 5-4 aspect ratio fast
Reverse: Inverse video
Switch: Swap red, green, blue channels around
Thresh: Sets pixel
back to
I do a quick check on the children to determine the key for the sort.
I just use the largest component of the current ray as the direction
along which to check and then just use the minimum (or maximum) extent
of the bounding volume to generate a key. Tim Kay says that that is
not what they meant in the paper, but it's close enough and seems to
work. However, before the sorter ever gets to deal with a new bounding
volume, I check to see if the leading edge of the bounding volume is
beyond the current hit. John Salmon added the trick that all illumination
rays get a pseudo-hit at the light source position, so that automatically
rejects all objects that cannot cast shadows. (Of course, it deals with
objects on the other side of the ray origin, too.) I also, of course,
don't sort the illumination rays' bounding volumes.
A further note: I did not find that the sorting cost was trivial; in
fact, it made up for most of the time saved in avoiding bounding volume
checking. It was more useful before we added all the other hacks to
avoid things, though.
Heap sort is the right algorithm, I think, because a total order
is not needed on all the objects. We need to pull off one object
(bounding volume) at a time from the head of the list, and once
we find a hit, we discard the rest of the list. There's no point
in sorting stuff that we will never check.
I ended up tossing the heap sort version completely, in order to
save memory space. (Odd, it's been a long time since I've had to
worry about code size.) I think that I could gain all of their
savings and then some by just postprocessing the tree so that the
left child is closer to the eye than the right child. Most non-
illumination rays go in the general direction of "away from the eye,"
so that would help them. I-rays don't need sorting anyway. Alternatively,
as you suggested, putting the bigger boxes (whatever) on the left would
work, too, maybe. If I ever have time to futz with it, I'd like to
try some of that.
My reply to Jeff:
Sorting on distance to eye sounds good - in fact, I was going to
try it, but I use the item buffer and so the eye rays are mostly taken care
of. If anything, sorting with objects farther away might help me: the
reflection rays, etc etc will probably be in a direction away from the eye
rays! Oh, another good post-process might be to sort each list of sons on
the difficulty of sorting (or did I mention this already?) - try the sphere
before the spline.
back to
Jeff Goldsmith's request for wood texture bitmaps was generously filled by
Rod Bogart, who made four bitmaps (wood.img[1-4]) available for ftp at
cs.utah.edu. These are still there (I just grabbed them), though I don't
know how long they'll remain available. These are scanned images from an
artist's book of textures.
Efficiency Question
From Mark VandeWettering:
How can we efficiently manage the intersect lists that get passed
between the various procedures. Heckbert statically allocates arrays
within the stack frames of various procedures, which seems a little odd,
because you never really know how much space to allocate. Also, merging
them using Roth's CSG scheme requires alot of copying: can this be
From Jack Ritter:
A simple method for fast ray tracing has occurred to me,
and I haven't seen it in the literature, particularly
Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics.
It is a way to trivially reject rays that don't
intersect with objects. It works for primary
rays only (from the eye). It is:
Do once for each object:
To test a ray against an object, check if the pixel
through which the ray goes is in the object's 2D box.
If not, reject it.
It sure beats line-sphere minimum distance calculation.
Surely this has been tried, hasn't it?
An Answer, by Eric Haines:
It's true, this really hasn't appeared in the literature, per se. However, it
has been done.
The idea of the item buffer has been presented by Hank Weghorst, Gary Hooper,
and Donald P. Greenberg in "Improved Computational Methods for Ray Tracing",
ACM TOG, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 1984, pages 52-69. Here they cast polygons
onto a z-buffer, storing the ID of the closest item for each pixel. During
ray tracing the z-buffer is then sampled for which items are probably hit
by the eye ray. These are checked, and if one is hit you're done. If none
are hit then a standard ray trace is performed. Incidentally, this is the
method Wavefront uses for eye rays when they perform ray tracing. It's
fairly useful, as Cornell's research found that there are usually more eye
rays than reflection and refraction rays combined. There's still all those
shadow rays, which was why I created the light buffer (but that's another
story...see IEEE CG&A September 1986 if you're interested).
In the paper the authors do not describe how to insert non-polygonal objects
into the buffer. In Weghorst's (and I assume Hooper's, too) thesis he
describes the process, which is essentially casting the bounding box onto
the screen and getting its x and y extents, then shooting rays within this
extent at the object as a pre-process. This is the idea you outlined.
However, theirs avoids all testing of the extents by doing the work as
a per object (instead of per ray) preprocess. A per object basis means they
don't have to test extents: all they do is loop through the extent itself and
shoot rays at the object for each pixel.
Efficient Polygon Intersection Question, from Mark VandeWettering
Another problem I have been considering arose from a profile of my
raytracer when run on the "gears" database. A large amount of time
(~40%) was spent in the polygon intersection code, which is greater than
other scenes which used polygons. The reason: the polygon intersection
routine which you described in the Siggraph Course Notes is linear in
the number of sides of the object. For the case of the gear, the number
of sides is 144, which is a very large number.
Perhaps a better way of trying to intersect polygons is to decompose the
complex polygons into triangles, and then arrange them in your favorite
hierarchy scheme. The simplest way would be to subdivide prior to the
raytracing in a preprocessing step. Several very quick algorithms exist
for intersection with triangles, and I think that this may be a better
way to implement polygon intersection.
"Back of the envelope" calculations:
Assuming a good hierarchy, you can expect O(logn) triangles to be
searched. The problem is finding the constants involved in this. I do
suspect that this method may in fact be superior, because in the ground
case (intersect a triangle), the two methods are equivalent (actually
since the code may be streamlined for triangles, the second is probably
better), and I expect that as the number of sides grows, the second will
get better relative to the first.
I am torn between trying to formally analyze the run-time, and just
going ahead and implementing the thing, and gaining performance
information from that. Perhaps I will have some figures for you about
my experience soon.
I would like to hear from anyone on the RT-News who has
information on ray tracing superquadrics. I am especially interested in
the numerical methods used to solve intersections, but any information
would be useful.
[as I recall Preparata talks about preprocessing polygons into trapezoids
in his book _Computational Geometry_, leading to many fewer edge which
need testing (each trapezoid has but two sides which can intersect, as the
test ray is parallel to the other two edges). Any other solutions, anyone?
-- EAH]
Bug in Paul Heckbert's Ray Tracer?
From Mark VandeWettering:
As I might have mentioned before, I modelled my raytracer after the one
described in Heckbert's article "Writing a RayTracer". I have noticed
some ambiguities/anomolies/bugs(?) that might be interesting to examine.
In Heckbert's code, there is some "weirdness" going on in the Shade
procedure. The part of the "Shade" procedure which handles
tranparency is something has a comment like:
/* hit[0].medium and hit.[1].medium are entering and exiting media */
The transmission direction is then calculated using the index of
refraction of the two media.
But hit[0].medium should be the medium that the ray originates in, not
the medium of the object actually hit. Therefore, the index of
refractions are incorrect and the Transmission direction also is
Perhaps Paul could comment on this. What seems to be correct is to keep
hit[0] reserved to contain the type of material that the ray originates
in, and hit[1] be the first hit along this ray? Was this what was
A Tidbit from USENET
From: Ali T. Ozer
In article (10207@s.ms.uky.edu) sean@ms.uky.edu (Sean Casey) writes:
For a lot higher price, though... I read that the Mac version of
Byte by Byte's Sculpt 3D and Animate 3D packages will start from $500.
Ali Ozer, aozer@NeXT.com
back to
Raytrace to Impress/Postscript Converter, by David Koblas
Contained is a shar for converting MRGB pictures to either
impress or postscript depending on your needs (black and white).
{I'm looking for versatec plotter routines, if you have some I'd be interested}
[Ed. note: there is also a patch for this program posted to USENET.]
[as usual, the code is deleted for space. Check USENET or contact David for
the program. - EAH]
name : David Koblas place: MIPS Computers Systems
phone: 408-991-0287 uucp : {ames,decwrl,pyramid,wyse}!mips!koblas
Raytrace to X Image converter, by Paul Andrews
Here's a somewhat primitive program to display one of Marks raytraced pic's
on an X display. There's no makefile, but then there's only one source file.
paul@torch.UUCP (Paul Andrews)
[again, code deleted for space. Check USENET or write Paul]
Better Shading Model for Raytracer, by David Koblas
A better shading model for the MTV raytracer [I probably should have
posted this a while back, while I was sure it all worked]
The two big changes this has are a better shading model, including doing
something diffrent with diffuse reflection. You can specify the color of
a light, and surfaces have an ambiant and absorbance values [default:
no ambiant and no absorbtion]. The "shine" value is now in the range
from 0.0 -> 1.0 instead of 0 -> infinity. On balls I ran a sed script
like this: '/^f/s/ 35 / 0.2 /' and got close the the same results.
Also all componants of a surface can be specified with r,g,b values.
Give it a try, and if you have any bugs/problems/sugestions, let me
know and I'll give them a try/fix.
name : David Koblas place: MIPS Computers Systems
phone: 408-991-0287 uucp : {ames,decwrl,pyramid,wyse}!mips!koblas
[code deleted for space: check USENET or write David for the new model]
From Irv Moy:
I have Mark VandeWettering's raytracer running on a Sun 3/260
and Version 2.4 of Eric Haines' SPD (I took the SPD that Mark posted and
applied the patch that Eric posted to get Ver. 2.4). I display the output
of the raytracer on a Targa 32; I had to add an extra byte in the output
file for the Targa's alpha channel. The output of 'balls.c' looks great;
I now have my very own "sphereflake"!!!
I tried 'gears' at a size factor of 4 and the resulting output is
quite dark. The background is a nice UNC blue but the gear surfaces are
very dark and so is the reflecting polygon underneath the gears.
Has anyone else tried to raytrace 'gears' with Mark's program yet???
Enquiring minds want to know.....(BTW, if you look closely at 'sphereflake',
you can see Elvis (recursively, of course)).
From Ron Hitchens:
I ran gears.nff last night and got the same results. I bumped MAXPRIMS to
11000 and ran it again, seemed to work fine. I only ran a 128x128 version,
the resolution was so low that most of the gears looked like fuzzy blobs, but
it seemed to be properly lighted and plenty colorful. I have a 512x512 run
going now, should be finished in about 12 hours (I love my Sun 3/60FC, but it
sure would be handy to have a Cray now and then).
> (BTW, if you look closely at 'sphereflake',
Naw, that's the spirit of Tom Snyder, Elvis is way too busy channelling
through an unemployed truck driver in Muncie, Indiana.
To Mark VandeWettering: Hey, thanks for the ray tracer. I don't suppose
you could send me a disk drive to store all these picture files on could you?
Ron Hitchens ronbo@vixen.uucp hitchens@cs.utexas.edu
From: Steve Holzworth
There is a bug in the screen.c routine of Mark's raytracer.
Specifically, everywhere he does a malloc, the code is of the form:
foo = (Pixel *) malloc (xres * sizeof (Pixel)) + 1;
The actual intent is to allocate xres+1 Pixels, thusly:
foo = (Pixel *) malloc ((xres + 1) * sizeof (Pixel));
There are three occurences of the former in the code; they should be changed
similarly to the later. (Note: I never ran over this bug until I tried
to run a 1024x1024 image. It worked fine on 512x512 or less images.)
Other than that, its a good raytracer. Congrats, Mark! I'm working on
a better lighting model and a better camera model. I'll send them on
when (if) I finish them.
Teapot Database for Ray Tracing, by Ron Hitchens
Subject: Ray traced teapot
Below is a modification of a program that Dean S. Jones posted a few weeks
ago that draws the well known teapot in wire frame using SunCore. I changed
it so that it would use the same data to produce an NFF file that Mark
VandeWettering's ray tracer can use. The result looks surprisingly good.
Using the default step value of 6 is satisfactory, 12 looks very nice.
I'd like to know what's causing the little specks on the spout and the
handle. I don't know if it's a problem with how this guy generates the
NFF file, or some glitch in Mark's ray tracer. I don't have the time to
The original program that Dean posted was Sun specific, since it used
SunCore. This one is not Sun-specific, all it does is some computation
and spit out some text data, so it should run most anywhere. You'll probably
need to remove the -f68881 from the makefile spec if you compile it on a
non-Sun system though.
Ron Hitchens ronbo@vixen.uucp hitchens@cs.utexas.edu
[code deleted for space. Check USENET or write Ron Hitchens for the code]
From Mark VandeWettering (to me):
Your final comments regarding Kay/Kajiya BVs were basically
in line with the thinking that I have done, and with the current state
of my raytracer. I now provide cutoffs for shadow testing, and cull
objects immediately if they are beyond the maximum distance that we need
to look.
This also allows me to implement some of the "shadow caching" and other
optimizations suggested by you in the March 28, 1988 RT-News. Most of
these were trivial to implement, and will be incorporated in a
better/stronger/faster version of my raytracer.
Gosh, I just can't keep quiet can I? I just wanted you to know that a
new and improved version of my raytracer is available for anonymous ftp.
It employs some of the stuff regarding Kay/Kajiya bounding volumes, and
shadow caches for an improvement in speed as well. (Roughly 30%
improvement). I can now do the sphereflake is less than 5 hours on a
Sun 3 w/68881 coprocessor.
For the future, I am thinking of CSG, antialiasing, and Goldsmith and
Salmon style hierarchy generation. Things that have been put off, but I
would like to include would be more complex primitives, but I just can't
deal with numerical analysis at the moment :-)
Soon it will be back to the world of functional programming and my
thesis so I better get this all done. *sigh*
New Ideas: an ObjectDesc -> NFF compiler
One possible project that I have thought of doing is an Object to NFF
compiler. The compiler could be a procedural language which could be
used to define hierarchical objects, with facilities for rotation,
translation and scaling. The output would be an NFF file for the scene.
For instance, we might have primitive object types CUBE, SPHERE, POLYGON
and CONE. Each of these might represent the canonical "unit" primitive.
We could then build new objects out of these primitives.
A hypothetical example program to create a checkerboard might be:
I would also like it to support CSG, and maybe even procedural (looping
constructs). I don't know if I will get up enough steam to implement
this, but it would make scenes easier to specify for the average user.
Ideally, such a language would be interesting to use for specifying
motion as well, although I have no real ideas about the ideal way to
specify (or implement) this.
back to
Draft document #1, 10/3/88
The NFF (Neutral File Format) is designed as a minimal scene description
language. The language was designed in order to test various rendering
algorithms and efficiency schemes. It is meant to describe the geometry and
basic surface characteristics of objects, the placement of lights, and the
viewing frustum for the eye. Some additional information is provided for
esthetic reasons (such as the color of the objects, which is not strictly
necessary for testing rendering algorithms).
Future enhancements include: circle and torus objects, spline surfaces
with trimming curves, directional lights, characteristics for positional
lights, CSG descriptions, and probably more by the time you read this.
Comments, suggestions, and criticisms are all welcome.
At present the NFF file format is used in conjunction with the SPD (Standard
Procedural Database) software, a package designed to create a variety of
databases for testing rendering schemes. The SPD package is available
from Netlib and via ftp from drizzle.cs.uoregon.edu. For more information
about SPD see "A Proposal for Standard Graphics Environments," IEEE Computer
Graphics and Applications, vol. 7, no. 11, November 1987, pp. 3-5.
By providing a minimal interface, NFF is meant to act as a simple format to
allow the programmer to quickly write filters to move from NFF to the
local file format. Presently the following entities are supported:
A simple perspective frustum
A positional (vs. directional) light source description
A background color description
A surface properties description
Polygon, polygonal patch, cylinder/cone, and sphere descriptions
Files are output as lines of text. For each entity, the first line
defines its type. The rest of the first line and possibly other lines
contain further information about the entity. Entities include:
These are explained in depth below:
The parameters are:
Note that no assumptions are made about normalizing the data (e.g. the
from-at distance does not have to be 1). Also, vectors are not
required to be perpendicular to each other.
For all databases some viewing parameters are always the same:
A view entity must be defined before any objects are defined (this
requirement is so that NFF files can be used by hidden surface machines).
Positional light. A light is defined by XYZ position. Description:
"b" X Y Z
All light entities must be defined before any objects are defined (this
requirement is so that NFF files can be used by hidden surface machines).
Lights have a non-zero intensity of no particular value [this definition
may change soon, with the addition of an intensity and/or color].
Background color. A color is simply RGB with values between 0 and 1:
"b" R G B
If no background color is set, assume RGB = {0,0,0}.
Kd is the diffuse component, Ks the specular, Shine is the Phong cosine
power for highlights, T is transmittance (fraction of light passed per
unit). Usually, 0 <= Kd <= 1 and 0 <= Ks <= 1, though it is not required
that Kd + Ks == 1. Note that transmitting objects ( T > 0 ) are considered
to have two sides for algorithms that need these (normally objects have
one side).
The fill color is used to color the objects following it until a new color
is assigned.
Objects: all objects are considered one-sided, unless the second side is
needed for transmittance calculations (e.g. you cannot throw out the second
intersection of a transparent sphere in ray tracing).
Cylinder or cone. A cylinder is defined as having a radius and an axis
defined by two points, which also define the top and bottom edge of the
cylinder. A cone is defined similarly, the difference being that the apex
and base radii are different. The apex radius is defined as being smaller
than the base radius. Note that the surface exists without endcaps. The
cone or cylinder description:
A negative value for both radii means that only the inside of the object is
visible (objects are normally considered one sided, with the outside
visible). Note that the base and apex cannot be coincident for a cylinder
or cone.
Sphere. A sphere is defined by a radius and center position:
"s" center.x center.y center.z radius
If the radius is negative, then only the sphere's inside is visible
(objects are normally considered one sided, with the outside visible).
Polygon. A polygon is defined by a set of vertices. With these databases,
a polygon is defined to have all points coplanar. A polygon has only
one side, with the order of the vertices being counterclockwise as you
face the polygon (right-handed coordinate system). The first two edges
must form a non-zero convex angle, so that the normal and side visibility
can be determined. Description:
Polygonal patch. A patch is defined by a set of vertices and their normals.
With these databases, a patch is defined to have all points coplanar.
A patch has only one side, with the order of the vertices being
counterclockwise as you face the patch (right-handed coordinate system).
The first two edges must form a non-zero convex angle, so that the normal
and side visibility can be determined. Description:
As soon as a "#" character is detected, the rest of the line is considered
a comment.
back to
More Comments on Kay/Kajiya
From Jeff Goldsmith:
Good references for heap sort algorithms are:
Standish, _Data Structure Techniques_ and
Knuth, of course.
Questions and Answers (for want of a better name)
Wood Texture Request Filled:
compute its minimum 3D bounding box. Project
the box's 8 corners unto pixel space. Surround the
cluster of 8 pixel points with a minimum 2D bounding box.
(a tighter bounding volume could be used).
Haines' method of intersection: O(n) to intersect polygon
Triangular decomposition: O(1) to intersect triangle
* number of triangles searched
inside your hierarchy scheme.
>Oh yeah, I hear that some of the commercial Amiga ray tracing software is
>being ported to the Mac II. These products have been around for a while, so
>it's a good chance for Mac users to get their hands on some already-evolved
>ray-tracing software.
More on MTV's Public Domain Ray Tracer (features, bug fixes, etc)
Irv Moy
UUCP: ..!chinet!musashi
Internet: musashi@chinet.uucp
This may have some bearing on the problem:
vixen% ray -i gears.nff -o gears.pic -t
ray: (9345 prims, 5 lights)
ray: inputfile = "gears.nff"
ray: resolution 512 512
ray: after adding bounding volumes, 10516 prims
From defs.h:
#define MAXPRIMS (10000)
> you can see Elvis (recursively, of course)).
Steve Holzworth
# checkboard.obj
define object check {
polygon (0.0 0.0 0.0)
(1.0 0.0 0.0)
(1.0 1.0 0.0)
(0.0 1.0 0.0) ;
# Check4 contains 4 squares...
define object check4 {
check, color white ;
check, translate(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), color black ;
check, translate(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), color white ;
check, translate(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), color black ;
# Board 4 is 1/4 of a checkerboard...
define object board4 {
check4 ;
check4, translate(2.0, 0.0, 0.0) ;
check4, translate(0.0, 2.0, 0.0) ;
check4, translate(2.0, 2.0, 0.0) ;
# Board is a full sized checkerboard...
define object board {
board4 ;
board4, translate(4.0, 0.0, 0.0) ;
board4, translate(0.0, 4.0, 0.0) ;
board4, translate(4.0, 4.0, 0.0) ;
# the scene to be rendered...
define scene {
board ;
Neutral File Format (NFF),
by Eric Haines
[This is a description of the format used in the SPD package. Any comments
on how to expand this format are appreciated. Some extensions seem obvious
to me (e.g. adding directional lights, circles, and tori), but I want to take
my time, gather opinions, and get it more-or-less right the first time. -EAH]
"v" - viewing vectors and angles
"l" - positional light location
"b" - background color
"f" - object material properties
"c" - cone or cylinder primitive
"s" - sphere primitive
"p" - polygon primitive
"pp" - polygonal patch primitive
Viewpoint location. Description:
"from" Fx Fy Fz
"at" Ax Ay Az
"up" Ux Uy Uz
"angle" angle
"hither" hither
"resolution" xres yres
from %g %g %g
at %g %g %g
up %g %g %g
angle %g
hither %g
resolution %d %d
From: the eye location in XYZ.
At: a position to be at the center of the image, in XYZ world
coordinates. A.k.a. "lookat".
Up: a vector defining which direction is up, as an XYZ vector.
Angle: in degrees, defined as from the center of top pixel row to
bottom pixel row and left column to right column.
Resolution: in pixels, in x and in y.
Yon is "at infinity."
Aspect ratio is 1.0.
l %g %g %g
b %g %g %g
Fill color and shading parameters. Description:
"f" red green blue Kd Ks Shine T index_of_refraction
f %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g
RGB is in terms of 0.0 to 1.0.
base.x base.y base.z base_radius
apex.x apex.y apex.z apex_radius
%g %g %g %g
%g %g %g %g
s %g %g %g %g
"p" total_vertices
vert1.x vert1.y vert1.z
[etc. for total_vertices vertices]
p %d
[ %g %g %g ] <-- for total_vertices vertices
"pp" total_vertices
vert1.x vert1.y vert1.z norm1.x norm1.y norm1.z
[etc. for total_vertices vertices]
pp %d
[ %g %g %g %g %g %g ] <-- for total_vertices vertices
Comment. Description:
"#" [ string ]
# [ string ]
Eric Haines / erich@eye.com