"Light Makes Right"
January 18, 1996
Volume 9, Number 1
Compiled by
All contents are copyright (c) 1995,1996, all rights reserved by the individual authors
Archive locations: anonymous FTP at
ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/graphics/graphics/ray/RTNews/,and others.
http://www.povray.org/rtn/index.html, among others.
You may also want to check out the Ray Tracing News issue guide and the Mother of all Ray Tracing Pages.
I am glad to have an excuse to no longer track in the RT News all the various commercial packages, as that is a full time job and then some. Instead the RT News will focus more on research issues, on free or extremely cheap software, and on other resources both on-line and off. If you are interested in the commercial scene, check out the Tessellation Times (http://www.3dartist.com/tess/tessmain.htm), which is associated with _3D Artist_ magazine. It is an excellent bi-weekly source of information on commercial rendering trends, and amazingly enough is free.
jgt: I am one of around ten editors of the new "journal of graphics tools", from A.K. Peters (Alice Peters helped produce the first volume of _Graphics Gems_). Ronen Barzel (ronen@pixar.com) of Pixar is the Editor in Chief, and Andrew Glassner is the founding editor. Think "Graphics Gems" and "Numerical Recipes" and you have a sense of what sort of articles we are after: useful results, tutorials, guidelines for choosing algorithms, and so on. The journal is peer reviewed (academics take note), and now has a web site, courtesy of the ACM, at http://www.acm.org/jgt .
The only fun computer toy I have bought recently is the Snappy Video Snapshot (on the web at http://www.play.com/pages/snaphead.html). What a cute thing: for about $200 or less it is a phaser sized box with a 9 volt battery which plugs into your parallel port and hooks up to a video camera, VCR, or TV. Bring up the software and you can capture video shots on your computer at three different resolutions and up to 24 bits of color. It is fast to install and use (though catching exactly the right shot from a video can take a few tries). Also, it comes with Gryphon Morph, a nice image morphing package, and Fauve Matisse "lite", a reasonable natural paint program. It is pretty easy to take pictures of friends, pull them in, then morph one into the other. Why am I talking about it here? Because it is also a pretty good way to scan in materials and photos for use as textures. When you use a perfectly still video image you can up the scanning quality within Snappy's software and multiple frames are blended and filtered to give pretty sharp images. It beats a flatbed scanner for cost, speed (faster than a scanner, and no waiting to get film developed), and amount of desktop real estate it takes.
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The trivial answer is: 1/2, because I did not properly state that the 2D bounding box is axis aligned (sorry about that). So, what is the answer for axis aligned bounding boxes?
This problem turned out to be a lot trickier than I first thought. When I asked it, I figured out the answer for any given triangle where all three points of the triangle touch the bounding box. The gist is that you do not have to worry about the infinite plane for this case, as the ratio between the triangle and bounding box is all that matters. So, the bounding box can be thought of as size 1x1, and one corner of the triangle is always at one of the bounding box corners, and the other two points on the triangle can freely move along the two edges opposite this corner:
+-- this triangle point can be anywhere along this edge V 1+---*-----+ | X | | * <-- and this tri. point can be anywhere along this edge | | | |}Y | | *---------+ ^ 1 +-- and this point must be at a corner
With the distances X and Y as shown, the area of the triangle is:
A = 1 - X/2 - Y/2 - (1-X)*(1-Y)/2 = (1-X*Y)/2
Doing a double integral of X and Y each over [0,1] gives the answer 3/8ths.
Unfortunately, it's a bit harder than that: what if just two of the triangle's points touch the bounding box (i.e. are at opposite corners of the bounding box) and the third point is somewhere inside the box? Call these "two point" triangles. This ratio is not so hard to compute, it turns out to be 1/6th (see solution). But, what is the ratio between these two point triangles and the previous, three points on the bounding box types? Personally, I struggled with this one and did not feel comfortable with my answer, as it did not closely agree with the empirical answer my C program found.
The person who won this contest is Arijan Siska, who came up with a good proof showing that the ratio between "two point" and "three point" types as 1:2. He made the same oversight that I did (forgetting the "two point" types), but when informed of this, quickly derived the rest and sent in a convincing answer, which follows. Jack Ritter (jritter@netcom.com) gets an honorable mention for getting the empirical answer first, 0.3055, by performing monte carlo testing. Joe Demers (joed@graphics.usc.edu) had a solution that was very close, the first to get 3/8th and 1/6th as the sub-answers, and almost but not quite coming up with a way to blend the two (like I said, nor did I).
No one took up the challenge of determining the average area of an arbitrary non-intersecting quadrilateral and its bounding box (nor do I envy anyone the task!).
The rest of the solution follows, in Arijan's words.
- [for two point triangles] you end up with a triangle with one side going from (0,0) to (1,1) and the third point being anywhere within the unit square.
- if the third point touches the unit square the triangle has already been processed by the case with all points on the b. box.
- area of this 2point on b. box triangle is:
+------------* (1,1) pt = 1/2 - (1-x)y/2 - x y - (1-y)x/2 | / | = (1-x-y)/2 | / / | | / / | average pt = 1/6 | / pt / | | / ---*------ |/ --- | | y *--------|---+ (0,0) | x
- now the portion of 2point and 3point on b. box triangles out of all triangles:
If we think of a triangle as a two point line with third point added to it, we can state the condition for triangle to touch b. box in only two points is to have the third point inserted between first two points in x and y dimension or inserted beyond first two points - see the picture:
A | | point x3 has to be in the regions A B C or D. |x1 | -----*----+--------- |\ B | | \ | | \ | | C \|x2 -----+----*--------- | | D | |
Let's take a one dimensional example:
1. We use finite region [0,1] in which we generate random points. This region can be later expanded to infinity without affecting the results (probabilities).
2. Generate 2 random points: 0 x1 x2 1 |----*======*---------|
probability of a third point x3 being placed between these two points is equal to the average distance between x1 and x2. That distance (= probability) is
Integrate[x-y,{x,0,1},{y,0,x}]*2 = 1/3 # this is Mathematica notation
3. In two dimensions the probability of the third point being in the regions
A B & C D A B C or D is (1/3)^2 + (1/3)^2 + (1/3)^2 = 1/3. This gives us ratio:
2 p. on b. box triangles : 3 p on b box tri. = 1/3 : 2/3
- total area can be stated as:
2/3 * 3/8 + 1/3 * 1/6 = 11/36 ~ 0.3055555555555555555
Hope this time I'm right!
I've done a random test myself, and the result for 33,619,968 triangles gives an average area ratio of 0.305586785790013. So my analytical solution should be a correct one.
P.S. Check out my homepage if you have some spare time: http://luz.fer.uni-lj.si/users/arijan-eng.html [there are lots of ray traced images, a ray tracer, and more. -EAH]
Arijan later noted:
My simulation is currently at 238,157,824 trigs with average ratio 0.305573593013203, but I doubt the precision due to random number generator properties and precision.
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[hint: actually, this question can be restated to get rid of the sphere, though this does not make it any easier to compute.]
I *think* this is pretty easy, but right now I have not sat down and figured it out myself.
The prize for the best correct answer: a copy of Syndesis' Avalon CD ROM (see RTNv8n1), kindly donated by John Foust of Syndesis, http://www.webmaster.com:80/syndesis/)
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FREE access to 'The official POV-Ray CDROM'
Well, I've finally done something I've been meaning to do for some time, but had little time in which to do it - and that is to HTML-ise the Official POV-Ray CDROM and place it onto the Web !
As of now, 'The Official POV-Ray CDROM' is available for free browsing and downloading at http://www.povray.org/pov-cdrom/. If you've been wondering what's really on the CD but never had a chance to find out, now's your chance!
[I've trimmed the announcement down to just this, but check it out - it's a fully HTML-ized version of the directory structure of the CD, with much material that cannot be found anywhere else on the Net. -EAH]
- Chris Cason
Font3D is a utility program for the generation of 3-dimensional text objects.
Once created, these objects can be included in a scene description file for
later modelling or rendering. Several different output formats are supported,
It uses TrueType fonts for input. Find it at:
[This package includes C++ source code, which is cool. -EAH]
PVMPOV allows distribution of POV-Ray 2.2 across a heterogeneous network of
computers. While not ideal, and not even with all the features I'd like it
to have, it does a pretty good job with long traces, and is relatively
useful in any type of computing environment.
- Andreas Dilger (adilger@enel.ucalgary.ca)
Nathan Loofbourrow has an interesting collection of links to papers available
on the Web, including some on rendering and radiosity:
- from Stephen Spencer (spencer@siggraph.org)
Here's the short address for my home page:
Have you seen "Deja News"? Go to my web page, and follow "misc links" at the
top, then follow "Deja News" (near bottom of page) and you can search for:
for example. It is basically a searchable index of recent USENET articles.
Very cool for info junkies!
Also check out some of the other links on my misc page, like the
computational geometry bibliography or the computational geometry
software directory.
- Paul Heckbert (ph@hostess.graphics.cs.cmu.edu)
[Other searchers are also now adding netnews search capabilities. For
example, try Alta Vista at http://www.altavista.digital.com, which searches the
web and netnews. -EAH]
An extensive survey of triangulation algorithms is given by:
Paul S. Heckbert and Michael Garland:
- Yishay (timc@netvision.net.il)
Cornell Sampler
A few of the great images from Cornell:
I am updating my list of graphics pages at:
If you know of any I should add, please let me know.
Also, if you have online Monte Carlo code or papers, please let me know and I
will add you to:
- Pete Shirley (shirley@graphics.cornell.edu)
The VRML Sourcebook rocks the house! It covers all of that evil nitty-gritty
I purposely left out of my own book. But now I have a text I can recommend
- in good conscience - to people who need something more technical.
- Mark Pesce (mpesce@netcom.com)
[For more info, check:
Every VRML programmer should own this one, period. -EAH]
Que Publishing, a division of Macmillan Computer Publishing, is proud
to announce "Special Edition Using VRML," by Stephen Matsuba and
Bernie Roehl.
The book provides 800 pages of detailed information about VRML,
including tutorials on creating VRML worlds, tips and tricks,
optimization techniques, and useful insights into the design of the
Also included is comprehensive coverage of the various tools that are
available for creating VRML worlds, as well as the available browsers.
Since the VRML specification is constantly evolving, several chapters are
devoted to examining the future of the language.
For world-builders, over half a dozen worlds are detailed in the
book, along with accompanying commentary by their creators. For
programmers, there's a chapter on writing VRML translators and scene
Also included with the book is a CD-ROM with dozens of useful
utilities, sample worlds, browsers, 3D Modelers, toolkits and other
VRML resources.
Special Edition Using VRML should be available on store shelves by the
middle of February.
- Benjamin Milstead
I wanted to advertise the URL of a page I am developing with surveys and links
to research on parallel volume rendering:
Please feel free to submit URL's and or comments. I'm also the maintainer of
the FAQ for the mp-render community. This FAQ is reachable from the above
site, or available by anonymous ftp:
- Craig Wittenbrink (craig@cse.ucsc.edu)
There's a big RenderMan site out there, I think in California. Ah, here it is:
- Stephen Spencer (spencer@emily.cgrg.ohio-state.edu)
Quaternion Tutorial
How intricate do you want to get? Sir Hamilton, who invented the beasts,
wrote some books. I don't recommend them for the beginner and there is
nothing about computer graphics in them. (That is only to be expected, since
matrices were invented by Cayley after quaternions and computers only came in
the next century.) You could try my brief tutorial at
ftp://ftp.cis.upenn.edu/pub/graphics/shoemake/. If you can find a copy of the
Siggraph 85 Proceedings (tough, I know), my paper there may help. There are
also a number of articles in the various Graphics Gems books.
Quaternions are simple to program and use, but deep comprehension still
beckons me 10 years after my first paper on them.
- Ken Shoemake (shoemake@bambi.cis.upenn.edu)
Now available (for free) at http://www.ledalite.com:
* 200+ photometric data files for fluorescent light fixtures
* Documentation and ANSI C source code for an IESNA LM-63 photometric
data file parser (public domain)
* Demonstration radiosity renderer for MS-Windows 3.1 and Windows '95
* Radiosity bibliography
* Color quantization bibliography
* ... and more
- Ian Ashdown (iashdown@ledalite.com)
Per Christensen, Eric Stollnitz, David Salesin and I have been doing some
research on extending clustering to glossy global illumination. Last month we
submitted a paper "Clustering for Glossy Global Illumination" summarizing our
research to ACM TOG. The paper is available online via anonymous ftp from
ftp://espresso.cs.washington.edu/pub/danix/clustering .
An earlier version of this paper was submitted to Siggraph 95 (and was
rejected). Fortunately, the comments of the anonymous reviewers challenged us
to substantially improve both the paper and the implementation.
The highlights of the results section are: a comparison with RADIANCE on a
glossy "sphereflake" model and nice global illumination solutions for an
architectural environment with ~8000 initial surfaces, most of which are
If you happen to read the paper and have any comments, please e-mail them to
- Dani Lischinski (danix@cs.washington.edu)
BMRT Update
[BMRT is a RenderMan compliant ray tracer/radiosity renderer. See RTNv8n1.]
BMRT is still going strong. In fact, I just updated the FTP site
(ftp://ftp.gwu.edu/pub/graphics/BMRT) with a new revision that has
some enhancements and bug fixes. I've had a WWW site for a while,
too: http://www.seas.gwu.edu/student/gritz/bmrt.html. One new
feature is that I use the Mesa library (freeware OpenGL clone), so
all the non-SGI ports now support the polygon previewer and other
features that were previously only enabled on my SGI version.
The software is quite widely used, including by a lot of well known
studios (who mostly use PRMan, but occasionally use BMRT for
particular effects that are easier with ray tracing). It was used
recently for some effects on the show "Star Trek: Voyager", and also
was used to render the new video logo for the Utah Jazz (NBA team),
which apparently is shown whenever their games are broadcast.
- Larry Gritz (lg@pixar.com)
Rayshade on Linux:
Direct URL http://www.carsinfo.com/~eric/rayshade-linux.tar.gz
Indirect http://www.carsinfo.com/~eric/ < Has link to it
- Eric Bardes (eric@carsinfo.com)
I'm a little uncertain about releasing this to the world at this point, but
there have been many recent questions about it (and about Rayshade in general)
so I thought I should just do it.
This was a project I started some time ago, when I had a different job and
free time. Now I have little free time, so I cannot easily continue serious
work on it. So, here it is. Perhaps the net can make it cleaner and I can be
a patch-applying droid. ;)
If any changes are made to the source, PLEASE mail them to me as well.
Comments, suggestions, and flames to me. I'll apply the usual mail filter and
ignore the latter. :)
- Michael Graff (explorer@iastate.edu)
For a free blobby modeler, with source code, visit:
Alex Benton's homepage. Source is available (soon in a zip file), and it's
pretty fun to use: you move the spheres around and watch the implicit surface
form on the fly (turn on Blobby Surface under View). It is more of an
educational demo right now, but since the code is available it could be
hacked to export to DXF, etc.
- Eric Haines
Free Models
Well, my web page has moved one more time to:
Hopely, connection will be much better.
In case you have never been to my web page, the following is a summary of what
it has.
Do enjoy my free models. All models on my site are created by me.
[A nice little site, the knife is great. -EAH]
- Harry H. Chang (hhc@loop.com)
Crisis in Perspective, Inc. announced JOEY 4.0, an integrated programmers
tool kit for Windows 95 and NT, that promises to enable developers to create
3D applications without any prior 3D graphics knowledge or experience. It
sells for $250; it's available for evaluation at:
[If you use Visual C++ and MFC, you should give JOEY a look; I saw it at
SIGGRAPH and it looked pretty cool, a nice way to get some 3D controls in
place quickly. There is a book from Springer Verlag
(http://www.springer-ny.com or http://www.springer.de/) by Roy Hall and
Danielle Forsyth about JOEY, with some of the system's code and development
tools included on a floppy. "Interactive 3-D Graphics in Windows," Approx.
390 pp. 3 1/2" disk, Softcover ISBN 0-387-94573-3. I plan to have a short
review of this book and software here soon. -EAH]
For a tutorial on constraint based modeling, see:
It is from Purdue, and my modeling friends tell me it is quite good.
- Eric Haines
The Proceedings of the Rendering Workshops 5 and 6 are available now!
5th Rendering Workshop 1994:
6th Rendering Workshop 1995:
order from: Springer-Verlag, http://www.springer.de/ or
- Werner Purgathofer (wp@stellaris.cg.tuwien.ac.at)
Radiosity system
I'd like to announce the initial release of the radiosity code developed in
our research group. Our group is at:
- It does both shooting (progressive refinement radiosity) and
- Hierarchical refinement if you like (for both shooting or gathering)
- Importance-driven if you like (for both shooting or gathering)
- Formfactor computation by numerical integration. The ray-casting
for visibility determination is accelerated by using hierarchical bounding
boxes, shadow caching and shaftculling.
- handles both triangles and (convex) quadrilaterals.
- T-vertex elimination and many other rendering options.
- reads Greg Ward's MGF scene description files (see
- a more or less nice user interface and interactive view manipulation.
- ...
You can obtain this code for free on URL:
- Philippe Bekaert
Form Factor of a Cow
[This is a radiosity joke, "what's the form factor of a cow?", and the fact
that someone actually computed it once made it truly strange. What adds to it
is to find out that the simplification for a cow is, well, read on. -EAH]
I did look up the cow paper once, and it is for real. The motivation was
designing heating systems for the care of livestock.
Here is a summary:
"Uses mechanical integrator to measure factors from various wall elements to a
cow, and presents some results for size of equivalent sphere that gives same
factor as cow. It is found that the sphere origin should be place at
one-fourth of the withers-to-pin-bone length back of the withers, at a height
above the floor of two-thirds the height of the withers, and the equivalent
sphere radius should be 1.8, 2.08 or 1.78 times the heart girth for exchange
with the floor and ceiling, sidewalls, or front and back walls respectively.
Also discusses exchange between cows and entire bounding walls, floor and
ceiling and between parallel cows."
I don't think I kept a copy of the paper, so please don't ask me for it. As I
recall, the authors were from California, and the paper was initially read at
an agricultural meeting held at Cornell.
Ian Ashdown notes:
My favorite image manipulation program on Unix is still ImageMagick, at:
It's no PhotoShop, but it *is* free and with source, and you can run batch
jobs. It and the old but good Utah Raster Toolkit are two of the many reasons
our systems administrator can take my Unix workstation away only by prying it
from my cold, dead fingers.
On PC's the shareware Paint Shop Pro and LView Pro are both reasonable image
manipulation programs, though both have their gaps. I prefer PSP, but LView
Pro allows you to make GIFs transparent (good for HTML hacking). Search for
the latest versions of these (and just about any other shareware and freeware
for PC's) at the Virtual Software Library:
The coolest graphics java applet for me is Paul Haeberli's impressionist paint
program. See:
It is based on Paul's "paint by numbers" work presented at SIGGRAPH '90.
His 3D interactive java applet here is also impressively fast.
- Eric Haines
Other sites of interest:
- Eric Haines
If you are interested in having your computer look at you, check out:
a home page pointing at many computer vision related resources.
back to
For those who've never heard of Sced (probably most of you):
- Runs on almost any UNIX platform with X11R5 or better.
- Constraint based modelling interface.
- Support for CSG objects.
- Exports to POVray, rayshade, radiance, renderman and now VRML.
There's lot's to say but I won't say it. Find out more at:
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I've been working on fast but thorough hashing.
OK, the major problem with FP numbers is that are 17.000000000 and
17.000000001 the same number? If no (in other words, ANY difference
makes them distinct) you run into problems if any operations have been
applied to them. Copying usually does not corrupt them.
A strategy for FP I expect would deal with the 4 (or 8) bytes
that make up the value - converting to some integer/exponent or
whatever is horribly slow.
So basically you have a 3 sets of 4 bytes, and you want to mash all
twelve bytes into a unique hash. Lots of ways to do this, some fast,
some very good.
Probably the fastest version would be something like:
byte=(unsigned char *)position; /* lets us address the floats as 12 bytes */
unsigned long hash;
hash = 3*byte[0] + 5*byte[1] + 7*byte[2] + 11*byte[3] + .... (prime)*byte[n]
This is very fast. However it can suffer from aliasing, especially when
input float values have zero bytes in their binary representation.
The high quality way is to use an "S-box" to mash the bits around thoroughly.
[This is THE theme of cryptography]. An S-box is just a way of taking
one byte and outputting another, with a (random, usually) truth table.
In practice an 8x8 S-box (8 bits in, 8 bits out) can be made really easily
by the pseudocode:
Then the (very high quality) hash of a byte x is sbox[x]. All an S-box is is
bit-swizzling. It is mapping sets of bits to new sets of bits. However it does
it completely nonlinearly, which is what you want.
To combine this with many bytes, you can do a lot of things. For your
purposes, it's probably enough to do...
The mults probably are not even horribly necessary.
Actually in both cases you may want to use larger primes, like 101, 247, etc,
not 3, 5, 7.
Ken Perlin uses the algorithm:
This is a compromise, since it has excellent behavior locally (as the LSB
changes) but it causes repeated areas, i.e.
hash(x,y,z)=hash(x+i*256,y+j*256,z+k*256). It is more efficient than a longer
hash since it needs only three sbox lookups. This hash is good for generating
noise samples on an integer lattice but is terrible for finding matching
vertices (e.g. 1.0, 1.5, and 1.99 as inputs all give the same hash number
There are lots and lots and lots of variations. But the sbox method is
extremely good as a basic tool to use. If you are looking for cryptographically
secure hashing, you can chain rules, like hashing each byte into a new byte
with a new sbox, then shifting the full 12 bytes right 4 bits and hashing
again. In crypto, they often do 10 "rounds" of this kind of iteration.
I should mention that my main hashing has been for stuff like fractal
noise values at gridpoints.
It is surprisingly easy to get bad aliasing on a uniform grid!! Aliasing
you can actually SEE as repeated patches. This is why I was researching
all this s-box stuff. Luckily s-boxes only take 256 bytes of ram and
a little precompute.
Trick #3: make a 512 byte array of your sbox appended to itself,
so sbox[256]=sbox[0], sbox[257]=sbox[1]...
Then you can do:
hash= sbox[byte[0]+sbox[byte[1]+sbox[byte[2]+... ]]]]
[the 512 byte array is just so that you do not overflow when adding. -EAH]
This is a REALLY good hash, but only gives you 0-255 out.
One other note, you can move to a 16x16 S-box, same idea. Your memory usage
jumps from 256 (or 512) bytes to 120 or 240K. But then you are chunking two
bytes at a time. It's a better hash, and nearly twice as fast (after the sbox
is built).
There are even more details than this: stuff about collisions
from "pipelines" when things are just one bit different that for the best
hashing you want to avoid.
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I find this work to be interesting as it explores two relatively new and
unexplored ray tracer efficiency schemes. Because the connection to JuHu's
site (at least from here) is tenuous and slow, I reprint the results of his
efficiency scheme exploration here. -EAH]
Surprisingly, BSP isn't always faster than ABVH, especially when
over-partitioning occurs. From my experiments, the max. number of candidates
in a node can be adjusted to any given number, but the max. level of
subdivision should be between 8-10.
The results from my BSP- and 5D-Implementation show that 5D is faster than BSP
only if the scene contains many low-reflective/refractive polygons with small
changes in curvature (teapot.nff, for example). For other .NFFs of SPD, such
as balls.nff, jacks.nff etc., 5D is much slower than BSP, and the required
memory for 5D is enormous compared to BSP. Another problem is that the main
advantage of 5D over BSP is not having to compute the voxel-path, but if the
BSP-tree is balanced, it is possible to find the closest intersection very
soon after few voxel-tests. And, the beam/box overlap-test for the
reclassification of candidates lists undermines the efficiency of 5D, too. I
think 5D is only attractive for eye-rays and shadow-rays, because with these
coherency is high enough.
Hardware :
Iris Indigo w/ 33 MHZ IP12 Processor, Main memory size: 48 Mbytes
For these tests, GX uses BSP as a first method and ABVH as the second, which
generates an ABVH for each BSP-node. Pure BSP or pure AVBH can be applied by
setting the max. number of candidates in a BSP-Node to 1 or to a large
[As it turns out, Matt Quail just tipped me off that George Simiakis,
who also has explored 5D ray classification
RTNv7n5), has just put
his thesis on the net (it's 4 megs, he should be compressing it soon):
Paging through it, this thesis looks like a good overview of existing RT
efficiency research, and Matt said the research looks well done. The thesis
examines pure 5D and hybrids using this scheme, along with an in-depth study
of making such algorithms parallelizable.
George Simiakis writes:
"If you ask me what I really think about 5D, I believe it is good for low
complexity scenes with lots of ray coherence, but I prefer 3D methods (or the
2D grid, see my thesis) as an all-around method. In other words I prefer
scalability, general robustness and predictability of performance. Ray
tracing may not be solved 100% but new improvements are bound to be
insignificant compared to improvements in the past. I hope to work on
parallel radiosity now. There is still some efficiency work to be done there."
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Yep, I have written a little IBM Demo called 'The Attic', maybe you'll find it
on some demo collection cd as ATTICFIX.ZIP, which does just that: an image of
a sphere with some cylinders (difficult to scan convert) was raytraced,
including some 'cool' procedural texturing (not possible in realtime) and with
this stored, fixed zbuffer, a realtime rotating cube was mixed. Looks good.
[This is actually a fun trick, and can even be useful. I once wrote a demo
for an HP graphics box where they had a weird mode where you could compare
with the z-buffer but not write to it, and could render into an overlay plane.
The effect: you could have a fully ray traced camshaft or whatever and move a
semi-transparent (screen-door) square around through this scene and the object
- cool effect, you could get a good sense of the contours of the object, while
having a nice rendering on display. -EAH]
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This dissertation concerns efficient computation of realistic images. To
compute realistic synthetic images, the effect of global illumination is
essential. Ray tracing algorithms solve the global illumination problem for
specular interreflections, and radiosity algorithms solve it for diffuse
interreflections. But computing a solution is more complicated when the
surfaces have glossy reflection.
This dissertation describes hierarchical techniques for efficient solution of
the glossy global illumination problem. Two types of hierarchy are utilized:
wavelets to accurately represent radiance distributions on surface patches,
and clusters to approximately represent radiant intensity from groups of
surface patches. Without hierarchical techniques, the solution time would be
quadratic in the number of patches and O(b^{1.5}) in the number of basis
functions b. The hierarchical techniques make solution time linear in both
the number of patches and in the number of basis functions. This reduction is
significant since the numbers of patches and basis functions are large for
accurate solutions in realistic environments. Furthermore, directional
importance is used to focus refinement of the solution on parts that
contribute significantly to a particular view of the scene.
Our method is the first finite-element method capable of handling complex
glossy scenes.
If you would like to read more than the abstract, go to
and click on "dissertation" or "smaller version". The smaller version is much
faster to transfer, but has no color images.
[A paper on this topic by Per Christensen, Eric Stollnitz, David Salesin and
Dani Lischinski is available online via anonymous ftp from
ftp://espresso.cs.washington.edu/pub/danix/clustering . - EAH]
back to
There were about 20 of us attending, and I won't embarrass myself by
misspelling (or forgetting) everyone's name, but instead I'll just mention some
of the topics we covered and what was said about them.
1. Sharing models and data
To address need for shared models that are usable and useful for global
illumination, a new format has been developed called MGF (for Materials and
Geometry Format) and models and libraries are now available from:
Or, if you only have ftp access, try:
This format supports a reasonable reflectance model, CIE XYZ and spectral
colors, and the IES luminaire data format for light sources. A number of
models from Radiance and other sources have been collected, and we encourage
people with big hearts to add their own models to our collection. Write to me
if you have any questions or want to get on the mailing list for how to
improve this format to meet our long-term needs.
2. Setting up light sources
Dan Wexler [see
his article] pointed out that one of the biggest time sinks
in animation and rendering for film is the setting up of light sources, and
that methods for making this more interactive were critical to this
application. Specifically, he felt that a "deep raster" approach (similar to
that developed by Sequin et al and presented at Siggraph 4 years or so ago)
was a good way to go. In general, he felt there needed to be more of an
emphasis on animation and interaction than there was in our current focus on
static environments and generating one really nice image.
3. Image-based rendering
Pete Shirley addressed a general question to the group about the relative
importance and promise of image-based rendering (ala Quicktime VR) versus
polygon-based methods. The overall response seemed to indicate that indeed
image interpolation was a significant direction to head in the future, though
polygon rendering will continue to be important when object manipulating is
required and for nearby objects. It seemed that at least five people there
were actively pursuing such techniques. (Check out this year's Siggraph
proceedings on Plenoptic Modeling and Quicktime VR, also Nimeroff et al in
Eurographics Rendering Workshop '95.)
4. Visibility processing
Several people talked about the difficulty of geometric simplification and
other statistical or computational geometry methods for detecting visibility
changes or approximating visibility. Christine Piatko of NIST reminded folks
that tracking visibility is an O(N^6) problem and not something you want to do
explicitly, and there was an interesting paper by Francois Sillion and George
Drettakis (similar in some respects to the one Francois presented at EGRW this
June) on approximating shadows. Jeff Nimeroff of UPenn also mentioned the
work he had done with Julie Dorsey and Holly Rushmeier and presented at EGRW
on statistical measures of object visibility for looking at this problem. It
was agreed by most that statistical measures or simplification were necessary
in large environments, though there is still much work to be done in this
5. Calibrated input and output
Holly Rushmeier (who by the way is next year's Siggraph papers chair) talked a
little about the difficulty of obtaining accurate physical data from
real-world scenes, and a number of people lamented about the undetermined
nature of image-to-output mappings for computer monitors, printers and film
recorders. It was suggested that these devices be measured, which is
certainly possible, and that this data be shared with the larger community.
(Hear, hear, let's all do it, etc.) Holly and I also reminded people to look
at the conference room image measurements and model we have made available on
the web site:
From there, you can also pick up an online copy of our EGRW '95 paper on image
metrics if you haven't purchased the Springer-Verlag proceedings yet.
6. Getting papers into Siggraph
Henrik Wann Jensen of Denmark asked about the lack of papers covering global
illumination this year at Siggraph, and if this was a trend or what? Holly
answered that there's a bias against incremental work in any field, and that
Siggraph tends to accept papers that are new directions rather than the
logical next step in a technique previously published. Ian Ashdown of
Ledalite said that he had submitted something that reviewers liked except that
it didn't have any pretty pictures and was therefore rejected. (No one had
anything to say to console him on this.) I made the unsubstantiated claim
that it can help to provide evidence of a real-life application along with an
incremental improvement in one or more existing algorithms, and Holly agreed
that there must be a balance between application and innovation.
There is a lot of useful information by the way on next year's Siggraph in New
Orleans. Look for the "new" icons on the web site:
In particular, you should be aware of the new electronic abstract requirement
for technical papers.
7. Oracle-assisted rendering
Another trend that people discussed (me for one) was the use of oracles to
decide when and where to apply which algorithms (a.k.a. "hacks") to improve
the speed and quality of renderings. Some information may be derived from the
scene itself, but other assistance will always require the user to help the
program to guide the calculation. This is not as bad as it sounds, since
users are after all necessary to rendering, so they may as well guide it. I
directed people to my EGRW '95 paper on the subject, which I can make
available online if people are interested. Although I don't plan to pursue
this too much myself, I think it continues to be an interesting and promising
direction for investigation.
8. Rendering code available
Philipp Slusallek of Erlangen Univ. mentioned to the group that they have a
renderer that extends Renderman input to include global illumination
calculations (physically-based) and that code is available from him. His
address is (slusallek@informatik.uni-erlangen.de) if you're interested. (He's
going to hate me when he gets back.)
Remember also about the Blue Moon Ray Tracer, written by Larry Gritz
(lg@pixar.com) and available at:
It also does some global illumination calculations, though I'm not in a
position to compare the two.
As long as I'm plugging other people's code, must mention my own for those of
you who have been asleep or locked up for some time:
Well, that's about it I guess. Anyone else who was there and remembers stuff
I forgot or points I left out, please pipe in. I tend to do a really bad job
at these sorts of summaries, and I neglected to take notes during the meeting,
so I'm relying here on my less-than-adequate memory.
back to
I've run into an interesting implementation problem (again) which I've
found annoying. Imagine you've got something with a big index of refraction,
like a diamond, and you shoot a ray at it. A refraction ray is spawned and
passes through the diamond. Due to total internal reflection (TIR) (i.e. the
ray's past the critical angle) no refraction ray exits when this refracted ray
(the one passing through the diamond) now intersects the surface, only a
reflection ray is generated which bounces back through the diamond. The normal
correction for TIR is to simply boost the reflection ray's contribution if the
refraction ray is not generated.
However, what happens if this reflection ray again hits, TIR occurs,
and again only a reflection ray is spawned? Say this happens again and again
until the maximum level of computation is reached and we call it quits. What
happens at this point? That is, how do you shade this bottommost ray? Very
little color has been picked up along the way, as it is expected that the
reflection ray eventually hits something mostly diffuse and takes up that
Really, this is just a special case of the general problem of what
should happen when the maximum ray level is hit. Currently my kludgy fix is
to say when the maximum level is hit we simply don't shoot the reflection ray
but return the background color times the reflectivity and call it a day.
I've also tried just taking the bottommost ray's surface and boost the diffuse
component, but this is scary. I am interested to hear how other ray tracer
coders have handled this problem. (Perhaps I can glue up the answers into an
article for the Ray Tracing News).
Greg Ward (greg@hobbes.lbl.gov) replied:
I don't think you will see black faces due to TIR because the light in a
mutifaceted gem eventually finds a surface at a passable angle. If the
light started from inside a pane of glass or something, it might not ever
get out, it's true, but that's the way it is. The light that can't get
out also couldn't get in, i.e. any incident angle up to 90 degrees refracts
to less than the TIR angle.
[Greg focusses on the gem case in particular, but I am interested
in some general solution for the situation. Thinking about it later, I
realized that in some cases there just is no good answer: TIR is how fiber
optics work, and rays down a fiber optic cable yields a huge ray depth. - EAH]
Chris Larson (larson@kingston.cs.ucla.edu) replied:
Two comments. First of all, I don't hard code any "maximum level" for rays;
rather, I maintain a fraction for each ray, indicating its contribution to
the intensity (color, whatever) assigned to the root ray. Recursion stops
when this fraction falls below one bit of intensity in the final color. I
suppose this is still a hard limit in one sense, but it allows as many
reflections/refractions as necessary to obtain this approximation of the root
ray's color. It also has the nice property that reflected/refracted rays
which don't contribute much can be solved without recursing to a hard
maximum level. Although this could just as easily be done with the maximum
level approach, my method provides this without any additional complexity.
However, this method can still lead to infinite total internal reflection. To
combat that problem, rays are attenuated based upon the distance they travel
through any transparent (or translucent) media. This attenuation is based
upon the physical characteristics of the media in question (exponential decay
for non-conductors, different for conductors because the index of refraction
is complex for an electrically conductive medium; I think there is another
thread around here discussing this very point). Such attenuation is in
addition to the typical division of energy performed between reflected and
refracted rays.
Nothing about either of these approaches is new and different; it was simply
my chosen solution to the same problem.
[For more on adaptive depth, see IEEE CG&A, Roy Hall, A Testbed for Realistic
Image Synthesis, v.3, n.8, Nov. 1983. This method bears repeating here as it
is a good technique to save time; I use it too. But without a maximum depth
you can potentially bounce a ray forever, as with the fiber optic case. After
getting people's insights, my conclusion for TIR for now is what Hall
concluded, that a maximum depth is called for just to avoid a near-infinite
compute time for each TIR ray. However, this leads back to my original
question: how to shade once I reach this maximum level? If you have written
a ray tracer, please let me know how you treat this case. -EAH]
back to
We suspect that the 6000-8000 Angstrom area of the spectrum holds a roseate
coloured light which we can utilize in making spectacles. By having an index
of refraction which is less than 1.0, the light itself then must be moving
faster than the speed of light in vacuum. As you no doubt have surmised, such
spectacles would have the property of being able to look forward in time,
though admittedly only a small amount. However, we believe with an elaborate
application of smoky dispersive materials and mirrors we can make a marketable
Ken suggests the names:
for the industrial version, but what we need is a good consumer brand name,
and that's where you can come in (my suggestions of Turbo-X-Lenses and
Tachyon-Lenses are lame in the extreme). Just send us your suggestions along
with all your loose change and convertible bonds and we'll let you in on the
ground floor (or even the basement) of our enterprise.
I think we could have an initial public offering at SIGGRAPH at a nickel a
share (for all those nickels which Ken Perlin should have made for developing
turbulence functions). I say we put all the initial money into the
exploration of amber colored zymurgical beverages and their optical properties
when placed in prism sided glass mugs.
back to
To find out who is leading the way with PNG, check out Greg Roelf's page at:
Greg is one of the PNG spec developers (I'm a minor one also) and is one of
the zip/unzip developers. The page cited above will lead you to lists of
software that already supports PNG (there's a lot) as well as portable source
code libraries if you want to implement PNG in your own application. These
are the Libpng and Zlib libraries, which are written in C and have been tested
on many platforms.
CompuServe has endorsed PNG, and Spyglass Mosaic supports inline PNG now. Any
browser can support PNG via helper applications. Under UNIX, there are
patches available for adding PNG support to Mosaic and Netscape.
PNG incorporates all the features that make GIF popular, and provides a
badly-needed update including support for true color, gamma, and alpha
channels. PNG uses the same deflate/inflate algorithm as zip/unzip/gzip that
is as patent safe as is possible these days. PNG and JPEG are complementary;
the main difference being the use of lossless vs lossy compression. Unlike
GIF, both support true color (PNG also supports palette based color.)
Tom Lane (organizer of the Independent JPEG Group) notes:
PNG is always going to be much faster at decompression than compression, same
as everything else that's based on the "zip" compression method. This is the
right tradeoff for most applications: you make an image file once and then
look at it many times.
PNG is strictly lossless. On photo-like images it will never be able to beat
JPEG for file size; that's not the point of PNG. The other side of the coin
is that JPEGed images can turn to mush after a few editing cycles due to
lossiness. PNG files won't.
PNG is smaller than other lossless image formats. For instance, it can store
a palette-color image in less space than GIF. But lossy compression methods
will always beat lossless methods on file size; that's the only reason people
put up with the obvious drawbacks of a lossy method.
And this just in from Tim Wegner:
The W3C is now releasing the PNG Specification, Version 0.92, as a W3C
Working Draft. You can see the draft through the link at the W3C
Technical Report page:
[This is important for PNG acceptance, as it is now aimed to become a Web
standard. -EAH]
back to
Here are a couple of my favorite references:
[Sing-Choong Foo (sfoo@graphics.cornell.edu) notes that "the price is only
$49.95. You can order it from ASC (American Society of Cinematographers)
Other excellent texts include:
Lowell, Ross; "Matters of Light & Depth"; Broad Street Books; '92
ISBN 1-879174-03-0
Brown, Braun & Grondin; "Lighting Secrets for the Professional Photographer";
Writers Digest Books; '90; ISBN 0-89879-412-9
Hart, John; "Lighting for Action"; AMPHOTO; '92; ISBN 0-8174-4225-1
These contain other references, and I will happily send you more if you send
me mail. I think I might like the third one because the author makes special
mention of Haskell Wexler, who is, of course, not related to me in any way I
know of. I am indebted to Jean Cunningham, one of our local lighting experts
for most of these references.
I cannot emphasize enough how much there is to learn from this body of
knowledge. Good lighting with a bad renderer always looks better than bad
lighting with a good renderer, IMHO.
Daniel Wexler
back to
Three possible ways of getting rid of the divide are:
These are not the only ways of doing it, but I haven't heard of another method
that will ge reasonable results at a reasonable frame rate. All of these
approaches are approximating, i.e. will not look as good as the real thing,
but you can get pretty close. At the moment, there is no realtime free
direction texturemapper for the pc, ppc, or any other "low-end" machine that
does do the divide, and some of them (descent, magic carpet...) do look quite
My personal favourite is approach nr. 3 (possibly combined with 2), although
this is probably because I like a clean, elegant, solution more than anything
else. I've heard somewhere that Descent uses this approach, but I'm not sure
about this.
And while we're on the subject, these are just my ideas/opinions on the
subject, and while I don't think they are wildly of the mark, I don't think
they are 100% correct either. If anyone sees things differently, just say so.
Bob Pendleton (bobp@bga.com) comments:
Linear interpolation with runs of 16 pixels seems to be the best trade off
between speed and image quality for perspective texture mapping using current
back to
o Persistence of Vision 2.x
o Vivid 2.0
o AutoCad DXF
o RenderMan RIB
o RAW Triangles
(natas* | nasta*) & kinski
Fast Polygonal Approximation of Terrains and Height Fields.
Carnegie Mellon University tech report CMU-CS-95-181, August 1995.
Ken Offer (koffer@io.com) wrote:
: Can anyone mention a good text for those wishing to comprehend the
: intricate details of quaternions?
Netshade 0.0.3 (really beta :) can be found on:
1. Free 3D Models in .3ds format
* Victorinox Swiss Army Knife
* Deoxyriboneucleic acid
2. Free Star Wars related Models in .3ds format
* 16 Models of Rebel Alliance Weapons
* 16 Models of Empire Weapons
* 7 Other Models
3. Thumbnails of my Architectural Works
4. thumbnails of my Industrial and Miscellaneous Models
5. Gallery of raytraced images of my models and animation
Photorealistic Rendering Techniques (ed. Sakas, Shirley, Mueller)
ISBN 3-540-58475-7
Rendering Techniques'95 (ed. Hanrahan, Purgathofer)
ISBN 3-211-82733-1
It requires
- Motif,
- Silicon Graphics' Iris GL (or a clone) or PEX
- an ANSI-C compiler (gcc 2.7.0 was used to develop it) and GNU make (or
another make which offers the .include feature, unless you change
the Makefiles a bit) to compile it.
- Holly E Rushmeier (holly@cam.nist.gov)
%A R. L. Perry
%A E. P. Speck
%T Geometric Factors for Thermal Radiation Exchange between Cows and their
%R Technical Report 59-323
%I Journal of the American Society of Agricultural Engineering
%D 1959
%K form factors
%Z a seminal paper in computing cow form factors
http://www.essi.fr/~diard/photon4d.html - Photon 4D, a Unix based ray
tracer, z-buffer renderer, and Motif interface. The author is
looking for beta testers at this point.
http://www.cyberstation.fr/~dolivier/povlab.html - POVLAB modeler page,
a modeler for POV-Ray.
http://www.lightside.com/3dsite - 3D Site's new address, a great
clearinghouse for all things computer graphical
http://graphics.rent.com/ - A graphics user related site, lots of
pointers and graphics package mailing list addresses and
http://www.PrimeNet.com:80/~grieggs/cg_faq.html - computer graphics FAQ
http://www.research.microsoft.com/research/graphics/glassner -
Andrew Glassner's home page, interesting graphics research
http://www.sdsc.edu/SDSC/Partners/vrml/software/textures.html -
sources of free textures on the Web.
http://www.exit109.com/~jimh/ - a nice little gallery; the glass
sphere experiments are different and interesting.
http://www2.cinenet.net/GWEB - professional computer animators' site
http://intranet.on.ca/~sshah/booklist.html#Graphics - list of graphics
books and ISBNs, pointers to some publishers now on line.
http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/mxr/objects.html - another free 3D model
http://rushmore.JPL.NASA.GOV/~ndr/tiff - Unofficial TIFF homepage
A Freeware modeller supporting VRML,
by Stephen Chenney (schenney@cs.berkeley.edu)
I'm the author of the free scene design program Sced. The next release of
Sced will come shortly, and it will include the capability to export VRML.
[There is also a patched version of Sced called Sceda, at:
which adds keyframing abilities. - EAH]
3D Point Hashing,
by Steve Worley (spworley@best.com)
[I asked Steve if he had any good hashing function for 3D points in space. In
other words, is there some good function that takes a 3D point and gives back
a hash value in some range, and has a good spread of hashing numbers. For
example, this can be useful for finding and deleting duplicate vertices, or
for getting a repeatable seed value for a 3D procedural texture function or
fractal terrain generator. Making a function which does not lead to
patterning or clumping is not obvious; for example, the function "int(x+y+z)
modulus range" would be a bad function: all points within 0 <= x+y+z < 1, a
sort of diagonal slab, and so all have the same hash number. If you made a
fractal mountain with this function, you would probably see diagonal strips at
the same altitude. Or if your entire object fell inside one slab, all the
vertices would have the same hash number and so not save you any sorting time.
This problem is called aliasing. -EAH]
float position[3];
unsigned char *byte;
for i=0 to 255
next i
for i=0 to 255
swap sbox[i] with sbox[j]
next i
hash = 3*sbox[byte[0]] + 5*sbox[byte[1]^123] + 7*sbox[byte[2]^47]...
+ (prime)*sbox[byte xor some random (fixed) number];
hash = (sbox[(X+sbox[(Y+sbox[Z%256])%256])%256];
5D vs. BSP and ABVH,
by Nguyen Duc Cuong aka "JuHu" (cn1@irz.inf.tu-dresden.de)
[GX is an "extended" ray tracer with some interesting capabilities, including
the use of 5D ray classification, a hybrid BSP and ABVH efficiency scheme,
selection of sampling patterns, area light sources, etc. One of its primary
uses has been in testing efficiency schemes. Find it at:
- Object-CH : shadow cache hits by last object
- Voxel-CH : shadow cache hits by last voxel
- BSP-Tree is generated w/ X/Y (means the max. depth is X and
the max. number of objects in a node is Y)
- Preparation and tracing times are given in seconds.
max. subdivision depth =
ceil(log(number of primitives / max. num of prim. in a node)/log(2)) + 1 )
Eye rays : 40000
Reflection rays : 13335
Refraction rays : 16749
Shadow rays : 238681
BSP-Tree | 15/1 | 11/10 | 10/20 | 9/50 | 8/90 | 7/200 | 6/400 |5/1000
Preparing| 74 | 52 | 60 | 65 | 56 | 55 | 76 | 86
Tracing | 651 | 308 | 298 | 293 | 259 | 340 | 418 | 597
Object-CH| 40376| 41524 | 41572 |42145 |42454 | 41866 | 4183 | 40253
Voxel-CH | 2578| 5889 | 7077 |10568 |12296 | 16492 | 20374 | 24056
Eye | 40000
Reflection | 30889
Refraction | 0
Shadow | 150967
BSP-Tree | 14/1 | 11/10 | 10/20 | 9/50 | 8/90 | 7/200 | 6/400 | 4/1000
Preparing| 37 | 45 | 40 | 65 | 44 | 43 | 47 | 65
Tracing | 634 | 352 | 261 | 293 | 228 | 264 | 348 | 891
Object-CH| 23270 | 23660 | 23718 |42145 |23971 | 2382 | 23897 | 23429
Voxel-CH | 594 | 1470 | 2162 |10568 | 3942 | 4985 | 5973 | 8617
gzipped (much smaller! 0.7 megs) at:
Interacting with Ray Traces,
by Bert Peers (BERT.PEERS@student.kuleuven.ac.be)
Mark Craig (as5mcrai@scot1.ucsalford.ac.uk) asks:
>Has anyone ever pre-calculated a z-buffer, that is generated a scene in a ray
>tracer or similar app. and somehow stored the depth of each pixel in a buffer
>and used this for the zbuffer. I think the results would look interesting.
Hierarchical Techniques for Glossy Global Illumination,
by Per Christensen (per@cs.washington.edu)
Global Illumination SIGGRAPH meeting,
by Greg Ward (greg@theo.lbl.gov)
Well, we just got out of our annual Siggraph [global illumination] lunch
meeting, so I thought I would jot some notes about it while it was still fresh
in my overcrowded brain.
Total Internal Reflection,
by Eric Haines, Greg Ward (greg@hobbes.lbl.gov), and Chris Larson (larson@kingston.cs.ucla.edu)
I asked a few people:
Pretemporal Imaging Systems,
by Ken Musgrave and Eric Haines
You, too, can get in on the technology Ken Musgrave and I are developing. As
you may know, sometimes it is possible to get an index of refraction *less*
than 1.0. Ken writes:
"Anomalous dispersion", the peculiar asymptotic curves for refractive index
vs. frequency which I mentioned before, can yield a refractive index of less
than 1.0, but apparently only occurs at frequencies higher than visible light
(e.g., UV and X rays). Or so say Born & Wolf in "Principles of Optics", 1964
edition, pp. 93. Another reference I read contradicts this, saying that it
happens in dyes -- which are necessarily colored, due to the presence of an
absorption band in the visible frequencies.
"Pretemporal imaging systems"
"Supersimultaneous transmission optics"
PNG Status,
by Tim Wegner (twegner@phoenix.net) and Tom Lane (tgl@netcom.com)
[PNG (say "ping") is the new alternative to GIF, with development helped by
CompuServe. Here's an update. -EAH]
Cinematography References,
by Dan Wexler (wexler@pdi.com)
Last week at SigGraph I mentioned that the Cinematography literature is
replete with information concerning real-time global illumination.
American Cinematographer Manual
Published by the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC), this is the
Foley, vanDam (F&H) of all cameramen and lighting experts. Complete
descriptions of all types of cameras, lights, lenses, filters and supports
are given along with comparison tables. Techniques for special visual
effects (background plates, compositing, miniatures, travelling mattes,
optical printers), and special techniques (arial, underwater, arctic,
tropical, day for night, stereo 3D, sound, television) are briefly
discusses. There's even a section on Computer Graphics. This is a small
book that can be found in many good book stores and sells for about $70.
ISBN 0-935578-11-0
Millerson, Gerald; "Lighting for Television and Film"; 3rd Ed.; Focal Press;
This is a very good introduction on how to light for film and video.
Excellent discussions of the aesthetic qualities of light and perception.
The basic principals of lighting (key, fill, shadows, balance, direction,
continuity) are summarized. Detailed chapters on lighting people, the
production process, atmospheric lighting, light sources and equipment,
color temperature, picture control, scenery, and visual effects. A great
book to learn how to light a scene to achieve a specific mood. First
published in '72, third edition revised in '91. ISBN 0-240-51299-5
Malkiewicz, Kris; "Cinematography"; Simon & Schuster; '73 & '89
A shorter, but thorough treatment of the basic techniques. Chapters
include Cameras, Films and Sensitometry, Filters and Light, Picture
Quality Control, Sound Recording, Cutting and Lab Work, The Basics of
Optical Printing, Vehicle and Underwater Cinematography, Production, and
Video Transfer. ISBN 0-671-76220-6
R&D Staff, Pacific Data Images
Getting Rid of the Divide,
by Frank Compagner (fc@fee.uva.nl) and Bob Pendleton (bobp@bga.com)
[A common question when implementing z-buffer algorithms is how one can avoid
the division per pixel that is needed to correctly perform texture mapping.
Division is usually an expensive operation, so is worth avoiding at almost any
cost. (Yes, this has nothing to do with ray tracing per se, but as I have
said before, I will include topics here that are interesting to me. Also,
more and more renderers are becoming hybrid systems, where eye rays are done
using z-buffers, so it has some relevance). -EAH]
1 : lines of constant z (that's q to you, for some reason)
First, find the 2-d, screenspace, line along which the polygon has
constant z (or q). There exists such a line for any polygon in any
orientation. Then scan convert your polygon along this line. As z
is constant along this line, linear interpolation of the texture
coordinates does give you the more or less correct result (as
long as you do the divide along the poly's edges to get the correct
values to interpolate between).
pro's : - potentially very fast.
- if all your poly's are walls/floors (ala doom/marathon),
this gets a lot easier because then the lines of constant
z are vertical/horizontal lines across the screen.
- very easy to do light diminishing with distance (or fog).
con's : - nasty implementation. You have to be *very* careful how
you scan convert along these lines in order to avoid holes
and/or multiple writes to the same pixel. This is especially
true for the edges.
- as the on-screen line along which you are scan converting
is (necessarily) an approximation of the real line of
constant z, the texture coordinates will not be absolutely
2 : (scanline) subdivision.
This is what you mention above: the divide and conquer approach.
You linearly interpolate the texture coordinates, while making sure
the distance across which you interpolate doesn't get too big. You
can do this by cutting up big polygons into lots of smaller ones, or
(the more popular approach) by sampling the texture coordinates at
a couple of points for each scanline (by doing the divide) and
interpolating between them.
pro's : - relatively easy implementation.
- when correctly implemented, easy to trade a bit of speed
for accuracy and vice versa. That is, you can simply
decide which combination of speed and accuracy looks best
after you've implemented it.
con's : - there are usually still artifacts from the linear
interpolation visible. These are in part caused by:
- hard to find a good rule for the subdivision process (how
to cut up the polygons/scanlines). This must be continuous
from frame to frame as sudden jumps in the places where
you cut/sample will produce very strange looking results.
(I think this is where SlipStream 5000 (a new 3D racing
game for the pc, there's a demo somewhere) breaks down.
Just fly close to a wall and move around a bit, it makes
me want to cry :^).
3 : n-th order approximation.
Here you do not linearly interpolate the texture coordinates (a
first order approximation), instead you use a higher order of
approximation. Usually, this means a quadratic approximation, where
you pick a third point somewhere between the endpoints and "draw" a
2nd order polynomial (a parabola) through these points. The
mathematics of this are not completely straightforward, but they
aren't exactly rocket-science either. If you want me to explain this
in more detail, mail me, or, better yet, post here so others can read
it as well.
pro's : - very nice, clean implementation. Your inner loop can look
as simple as :
for (x=0; x < dx; x++){
*screenptr++ = texture[u][v];
// well, ok, you'll have to round
u += du; // u and v, but that's no real
v += dv; // problem with fixed point math.
du += ddu;
dv += ddv;
- (almost) as fast as approach 1).
con's : - we're approximating a hyperbola by a parabola, so the
results will not be exact. (but pretty close, if you're
- not so easy to pick a midpoint. It's not hard to formulate
in mathematical terms where the ideal midpoint is, but
calculating it in real time is very expensive, You can,
however, get quite good results with some simple rules.
Eric Haines / erich@eye.com