Below are a set of tools for manipulating PLY files.
Here are some quick links to the descriptions of these tools:
usage: ply2asc [flags] [infile] > outfile or: ply2asc [flags] < infile > outfile -p (print element labels)
Usage: ply2bboxcube in1.ply [in2.ply] ... And it will generate files called in1.bboxcube.ply, in2.bboxcube.ply, etc..... Which contain all 12 faces of the bounding box.
usage: ply2bin [infile] > outfile or: ply2bin < infile > outfile
Usage: ply2crunchset [options] in.ply... Options: -l levels number of levels for final .set file (default 4)
Usage: ply2verts [flags] [in.ply] > out or: ply2verts [flags] < in.ply > out Flags: -s scale
Usage: plyaddinfo file.ply 'info_1' ... 'info_n' or: plyaddinfo - 'info_1' ... 'info_n' < in.ply > out.ply
usage: plyarea [in.ply] or: plyarea < in.ply
usage: plybbox [in.ply] or: plybbox < in.ply
usage: plybound [flags] [in.ply] > out.ply or: plybound [flags] < in.ply > out.ply -b box_size (default = 2) -c xcenter ycenter zcenter (default is origin) -m (use mass center instead of geometric center) -p (only print information)
usage: plycomps [flags] [in.ply] or: plycomps [flags] < in.ply -s (silent mode) -m num filename (writes out all components with >= num verts) -l num filename (writes out all components with <= num verts) -t num (max num of components printed to screen and written to file)
usage: plyconfcrop [flags] [in.ply] > out.ply or: plyconfcrop [flags] < in.ply > out.ply -c confidence_threshold (default = 0) This program will remove all vertices (and their corresponding faces) that have a confidence at or below the cutoff threshold. By default, it removes vertices with confidence 0.
usage: plycrunch [flags] [in.ply] > out.ply or: plycrunch [flags] < in.ply > out.ply -d distance (default = 1e-04)
usage: plydice [options] subvol_size epsilon [in.ply] or: plydice [options] subvol_size epsilon < in.ply Options: -writebbox bboxname (writes mesh bbox to file) -printbbox (prints bbox to stdout) -outdir dir (directory for storing output files..) -dice subvolsize epsilon basename Will write out subvols of the form: basename_-2_3_0.ply (and write the names of the files to stdout.) -odice subvolsize epsilon basename Other dice option. Will not actually generate any ply files, but will write their names to stdout (useful to find which subvols have tris. -crop minx miny minz maxx maxy maxz (crops output) As well as plyxform options: -f m.xf (a transform matrix file) -t xtrans ytrans ztrans (translation) -s xscale yscale zscale (scale) -r xangle yangle zangle (rotation, all in degrees) -q qi qj qk ql (rotation, quaternion) (point = m.xf * (ftrans_factor + rotz * roty * rotx * scale_factor * point))
usage: plyflip [flags] [in.ply] > out.ply or: plyflip [flags] < in.ply > out.ply -n (flip normals) -b (flip both normals and vertex order in faces)
Usage: plyhead [ply-file] or: plyhead < ply-file plyhead prints the header information from a Ply file. Note: When reading on stdin, it makes the assumption that it is a valid ply file. If you're not sure, pass the filename as an argument.
usage: plymirror in.mir in.xf [-o out.ply] [-r rest.ply] [in.ply] or: plymirror in.mir in.xf [-o out.ply] [-r rest.ply] < in.ply or: plymirror all none [-o out.ply] [-r rest.ply] < in.ply where: in.mir is mirror file, four lines of 3 coords, for each corner of the mirror glass. (the keyword 'all' mirrors the entire scan in x.) in.xf is the .xf file moving the mirror file to match the position of the mirror in the input file. ('none' loads the identity matrix.) out.ply is the output file for all points seen through the mirror. rest.ply is the output file for all points NOT seen through the mirror. in.ply is the input ply file.
usage: plynormals [flags] [in.ply] > out.ply or: plynormals [flags] < in.ply > out.ply -f (flip sign of normals) -a (use area weighted average) usage: plyremove [in.ply] [element1] ... [elementN] > out.ply or: plyremove - [element1] ... [elementN] < in.ply > out.ply This program removes elements from a ply file. Or you can remove a property from an element. For example: plyremove - face vertex.z < x.ply > y.ply will remove faces and z components of vertices.
Usage: plys2set [-q] [-no_dir_strip] [-no_xform] out.set x1.ply x2.ply... It checks to make sure out.set has the .set extension. Then it creates/overwrites the .set file, using the specified ply files. If a corresponding .xf file does not exist, it creates one (with the identity matrix). If the .xf file already exists, it does not touch it. It sets the lowest resolution .ply file to be the default, and all others are not preloaded.
Usage: plysetlevel n 1.set 2.set 3.set ... where n is an integer, usually from 1 to 4, and is the desired level. So it will set the nth mesh in each .set file to be the default, and all higher-res meshes will not be preloaded. e.g: plysetlevel 2 *.set will tell every set to load in meshes 2..4, and make mesh 2 the default.
Usage: plysets2conf [-l n] <1.set> <2.set> ... > all.conf The program will add the first-listed ply file for Each set to the conf file, as well as the xf. -l Use the nth level mesh. E.g. if n is 1, use the first mesh listed in each set file. Ex: plysets2conf -l 4 a.set b.set Will generate a .conf file with level 4 of each set.
usage: plyshared [flags] < in.ply > out.ply usage: plyshared [flags] [in1.ply [in2.ply] ...] > out.ply flags: -t tolerance (default = 1e-04) This program takes one or more ply files, and merges vertices that are within tolerance of each other. This is useful to combine multiple meshes into a single mesh, with smoothly continuous normals. If handling more than one file, the vertex and face elements must have exactly the same properties (in the same order) in all files or else it will print an error and exit. If the files have extra elements, they will be ignored (except for the first file, which has all extra elements written out, to maintain backward-compatibility with old plyshared. It will print a warning message if elements are ignored.
Usage: plystrip infile outfile plystrip will strip things that aren't, and unstrip things that are, stripped. -s will force strip; -u will force unstrip -q runs in quiet mode.
usage: plysubdiv [flags] [in.ply] > out.ply or: plysubdiv [flags] < in.ply > out.ply This program will subdivide triangles in the mesh to create a new file with even more triangles. As a general operator, it will create a new vertex at the midpoint of each triangle edge, and then re-tesselate it with 4 triangles instead of 1. E.g.: o o / ` / ` / ` ------> o---o / ` / ` / ` o-------o o---o---o It does nothing intelligent with other properties (such as confidence or normals). Faces copy the original face's properties, and new vertices copy the attributes of original vertices. Known bugs: - It allocates a little more memory than it needs, and doesn't check array limits well. - It only works for triangles, not 4+ sided faces.
usage: plysubtract [flags] [A.ply] [B.ply] > out.ply flags: -i (does intersection instead of subtraction) -t tolerance (default = 1e-04) This program computes (A-B), namely, those faces in A that do not occur in B. "Face equivalence" is defined as two faces, a' and b', such that every vertex in a' has a 1-1 mapping to vertices in b'. The distance between corresponding pairs must be less than tolerance, and for each vertex of b', the corresponding a' vertex must be the closest vertex in A. With the -i flag, it outputs (A^B), with the same definition for face equivalence.
usage: plyunshared [in.ply] > out.ply or: plyunshared < in.ply > out.ply
Usage: plyvolume -h | [-p nx ny nz d] (- | file1.ply [file2.ply [...]]) where: -h Displays this help -p Specifies a plane to use as the base; the plane has normal (nx, ny, nz) and is distance d from the origin in the normal's direction - Reads one ply file from standard input file.ply Is a ply file whose volume is added to the total.
usage: plyxform [flags] [in.ply] > out.ply or: plyxform [flags] < in.ply > out.ply -f m.xf (a transform matrix file) -t xtrans ytrans ztrans -s xscale yscale zscale -r xangle yangle zangle (all in degrees) -q qi qj qk ql (point = m.xf * (ftrans_factor + rotz * roty * rotx * scale_factor * point)) Convert NRC xyz laser range scan to a ply file.
Usage: xyz2ply -h | [-r] [headersize [rows [colunms]]] < > file.ply where: -h Shows this help -r Reverses the order of points in a row headersize Override the size of the header to be headersize rows Override the number of rows columns Override the number of columns