Environment Variables

Many of WireGL's features can be adjusted through environment variables. Below is the list of the environment variables and a description of their effect on the system. There are three catagories: general which applies to both the server and client application, server variables, and client variables. Note that client variables only need to be set on the client system, likewise for server variables. Also many features are enabled if the variable is defined, regardless of value. For example:

enables the bounding box drawing while
disables bounding box drawing.

General environment variables:

If defined, system errors are displayed with a Windows message box. Otherwise, errors are printed to stderr. Only used in Windows version.

This defines the system warning level. It can have 6 different values: VERBOSE_DEBUG, DEBUG, CHATTY, NOTICE, IMPORTANT, CRITICAL (default). By default, only critical messages are reported.

Server environment variables:

Sets which display to open the rendering window. If not defined, the DISPLAY environment variable is used. If DISPLAY is not defined, the pipeserver will use the local display. Ignored with Windows version.

By default, the pipeserver window is defined to be the top most window on the desktop. If WIREGL_NO_TOP is defined, the window can be placed behind other windows which is useful for debugging. Only used in Windows version.

Client environment variables:

The location of the WireGL opengl32.dll or libGL.so. This variable is referenced by the wgl executable for launching client applications. See Cluster Setup for its usage.

This sets the maximum number of vertexs and can be packed into the geometry buffer before flushing. Default: 2^31.

If defined, geometry bucketing is disabled.

If defined, WireGL disables all tracking of the OpenGL state tracking, including bucketing and tiling. Primarily for debugging purposes, all commands are simply packed into the network buffer and sent to all pipeservers. Similar to GLX style remote rendering.

If defined, WireGL inserts bounding box information into the network stream which is rendered by the pipeservers. Primarily for debugging, it allows the user to visualize the bucketing behavior of WireGL.

If defined, WireGL will resolve all vertex array calls on the client, sending glVertex*, glNormal*, glTexCoord*, etc. commands instead of glArrayElement, glDrawElements, or glDrawArrays commands. This command disables the vertex array client server cacheing code.

By default, WireGL will perform OpenGL error checking as defined by the OpenGL specification. If this environment variable is defined, the WireGL state tracking will display a message box explaining the OpenGL error when it occurs. The user can then choose to debug the application, ignore the error, or perform the OpenGL specified behavior. Only valid in Windows version.

Determines the path to use to for locating the WireGL configuration file, wiregl.conf. By default, the current directory is used.

Sets the size (in bytes) of the network buffers to use. Increasing the buffer size can increase performance but requires more memory. Default is 256KB.