Assignment 3 - Creating a Two Column Page of Text

Due Date: Thursday February 1st, 11:59PM

Questions? Check out the Assignment 3 FAQ and discussion page.

In this assignment you will be given several paragraphs of text that need to be displayed on screen. You are asked to render the text using one of several Truetype fonts and to full justify the text in a two column (think magazine style) format. To make things a little tricker, the width of the columns will vary throughout the page. A few examples of page layouts your program should ultimately produce are shown below.

format1 format2 format3


Download and build the starter code

  1. Begin by downloading the Assigment 3 starter code and latest version of the libST source here.

  2. Build libST. Building libST should require the same steps on your development system as it did assignment 2. Mac users may need to install the Freetype2 libraries on their system. Instructions on how to do this will be available shortly. The library has been augmented with two new classes STText and STFontFace that will be useful to you in this assignment. Also note that in this release of the code STSceneNode::GetObject() has been renamed STSceneNode::GetObj as a fix for build issues on the Windows platform that appeared in assignment 2.

  3. Build the assignment 3 starter code. The subdirectory /assignment3 contains the starting code for your project. This directory should contain the C++ source file layout.cpp. You will provide us your modified version of layout.cpp as part of this assignment's handin. The directory also contains a number of text files (containing text you will need to display) and a few common truetype fonts.

Understanding Text in libST

The STText class in libST is a Drawable object (just like shapes and images) that, given a font face, a font size, and a string of text, draws the text in the given font to the screen. Briefly read through the code to familiarize yourself with the implementation of STText.

The STFontFace class loads fonts and provides you access to information about the font, such as total character, ascender, and descender height. This information will be important to you when laying out your text. STFontFace is also used by the STText class as an engine for generating GL bitmaps that represent font glyphs and for drawing these glyphs to the screen.

Answer These Questions

(Please include answers to the following with your handin)

  1. First let's review some font terminology. What is the baseline of a font? How are the ascender and decender heights related to the baseline?
  2. Font sizes are often expressed in points (the argument to STFontFace::SetSize() is in units of points). One point is 1/72 of an inch. To display a font on screen at the correct size, the size of the font in pixels must be computed, which means we need to know the size of a pixel in inches. How many screen pixels would a 14 point font span if the screen has a resolution of 300 DPI (300 dots (pixels) per inch)? (notice that the STText and STFontFace classes return most information about fonts in units of pixels)

  3. Describe the correspondence between window coordinates and pixels that is established via the use of glViewport and glOrtho in the GLUT resize handler. After completely the assignment, it should be clear why it is wise to NOT to not modify this mapping in this assignment?

Margins and Columns: Where to Put Your Text

Before proceeding, note how the window coordinate system is set up in the GLUT resize handler (there's an assignment questions relating to this).

In this assignment your "page" (your OpenGL window) is divided into two columns of text. As illustrated in the examples above, these columns can vary in width in different parts of the page. The starter code in layout.cpp contains a method dividingLine(float y) that can be used to determine points on the curve that seperates the columns. This function returns the x coordinate of the curve corresponding to a specfied y position (x = dividingLine(y)). This x position should be the center of the space between the two columns at the height in the window. In this assignment, we ask that you maintain a margin of size marginSize pixels around your text. The spacing between the two column of text should be twice this marginSize.

As an example, I've drawn an outline of the two regions of the screen that should be filled with column text in the image at left below. Here, the marginSize was 10 pixels, and the dividing line style is a sinusoid. A fully justified text in a column just have the beginning of the first word aligned with the left edge of the column, and the end of the last word aligned with the right edge of the column (see zoomed image at right).

textregions textfillexample

We have provided you with a number of text files and a number of TrueType font files in the /assignment3 directory of the starter code. Your goal in this assignment is to render the text in a file in the two column format displayed above. Thus your principal task will be to turn the input text file into a list of words, determine how to break this list of words into lines, and then determine how much spacing to insert between words so that the text is fully justified. In general, you will want to keep adding words to a line until the next word no longer fits, or the spacing between the words becomes too small (too small is defined below). The "blocks and glue" model discussed in the Typography lecture is a good way to think about solving this problem. A list of problems you'll likely need to solve is given below.

  1. Read the text from disk. Build a structure that holds each of the words in the text file, and organizes these words into paragraphs.
  2. Initialize STFontFace objects for the fonts you are using.

  3. Render the first paragraph center justified at twice the size as the other paragraphs.
  4. For all other paragraphs, render the paragraphs line by line, adding STText nodes to the scene corresponding to each word. Transformations on the nodes should be used to place the text objects on the screen in the appropriate positions.

  5. Figure out how to detect when you've reached the end of the first column.
  6. Add support for recomputing your placement of words when the state of the window changes.

Guidelines and Requirements

We also expect your code to be robust against changes in application state. We expect text to reflow in all the following situations:

Suggestions and Hints for Getting Started


This assignment will be graded on a scale of 1-4.

Submission Instructions

We would like submission to be in the form of a single .zip archive. This archive should contain your modified version of layout.cpp, and a text file containing answers to assignment questions. Make sure you let us know if you implemented any additional features on the assignment, we'd certainly like to see. We imagine you could choose to become extremely creative on this assignment.

Please email this zip file to before the deadline. Please make the subject line of this email "CS148 Assignment 3 Handin".

last edited 2007-01-31 01:22:11 by DNab422273