Attachment ''

File Name                                            Modified              Size
subsurface/                                    2006-06-12 23:32:46            0
subsurface/.DS_Store                           2006-06-12 23:32:46         6148
__MACOSX/                                      2006-06-12 23:32:54            0
__MACOSX/subsurface/                           2006-06-12 23:32:54            0
__MACOSX/subsurface/._.DS_Store                2006-06-12 23:32:46           82
subsurface/core/                               2006-06-12 23:32:42            0
subsurface/core/api.cpp                        2006-06-09 11:33:42        17595
subsurface/core/geometry.h                     2006-06-12 20:23:46        10964
subsurface/core/material.h                     2006-06-09 14:49:38         1242
subsurface/core/octreeSS.h                     2006-06-12 22:04:20         8005
subsurface/core/pbrt.h                         2006-06-12 20:23:52        17055
subsurface/core/primitive.cpp                  2006-06-09 11:31:42         4238
subsurface/core/primitive.h                    2006-06-09 12:42:54         4793
subsurface/core/scene.h                        2006-06-06 15:01:04         1318
subsurface/integrators/                        2006-06-12 23:32:42            0
subsurface/integrators/exphotonmap.cpp         2006-06-12 20:31:58        27512
subsurface/materials/                          2006-06-12 23:32:42            0
subsurface/materials/uber.cpp                  2006-06-09 14:42:52         4569
subsurface/Readme.txt                          2006-06-12 22:24:58          210
subsurface/wavefront.cpp                       2006-06-12 20:21:38        13355

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