About myself
I am interested in creating high-quality 3D models of real-world environments, enabling human-level scene understanding and a first step towards democratizing 3D scanning for content creation and mixed reality scenarios. My research lies at the intersection of computer graphics and vision; I develop algorithms based on generative deep learning to create these 3D models from RGB-D video observations of real-world scenes.
I am currently a postdoc at the Technical University of Munich.
I recently completed my PhD in computer science at Stanford University, advised by Pat Hanrahan.
I received my BSE in Computer Science from Princeton University.
On this site you will find a list of my publications. I am working towards bringing 3d reconstructions with commodity sensors to content creation quality. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions, or if you are interested collaborations.
On this site you will find a list of my publications. I am working towards bringing 3d reconstructions with commodity sensors to content creation quality. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions, or if you are interested collaborations.