

Billy Chen, Ph.D.

Last updated: 08/30/10



Street Slide: Browsing Street Level Imagery

Johannes Kopf, Billy Chen, Richard Szeliski, Michael Cohen



Integrated Videos and Maps for Driving Directions

Billy Chen, Boris Neubert, Eyal Ofek, Oliver Deussen, Michael Cohen

User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2009






Mouse 2.0: Multi-touch Meets the Mouse

Nicholas Villar, Shahram Izadi, Hrvoje Benko, John Helmes, Dan Rosenfeld, Eyal Ofek, Jonathan Westhues, Steve Hodges, Alex Butler, Xiang Cao, Billy Chen

User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2009

(best paper award)



Deep Photo: Model-Based Photograph Enhancement and Viewing

Johannes Kopf, Boris Neubert, Billy Chen, Michael Cohen,

Daniel Cohen-Or, Oliver Deussen, Matt Uyttendaele, Dani Lischinski

SIGGRAPH Asia, 2008



Interactive Techniques for Registering Images to Digital Terrain and Building Models

Billy Chen, Gonzalos Ramos, Eyal Ofek, Michael Cohen,

Steven Drucker, David Nister

Microsoft Technical Report #MSR-TR-2008-115



Video Carving (pdf)

Billy Chen, Pradeep Sen

Eurographics, 2008




LightShop: Interactive Light Field Manipulation and Rendering

Daniel Horn, Billy Chen

ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2007




Optical Splitting Trees for High-Precision Monocular Imaging (pdf)
Morgan McGuire, Wojciech Matusik, Billy Chen, John F. Hughes, Hanspeter Pfister, Shree Nayar
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Special Issue on Computational Photography, 2007.



Light Source Interpolation for Sparsely Sampled Reflectance Fields
Billy Chen, Hendrik Lensch
10th International Fall Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, 2005.



Interactive Deformation of Light Fields
Billy Chen, Eyal Ofek, Harry Shum, Marc Levoy
ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2005.



Dual Photography
Pradeep Sen, Billy Chen, Gaurav Garg, Steve Marschner, Mark Horowitz, Marc Levoy, Hendrik Lensch
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2005), 2005.



Synthetic Aperture Confocal Imaging
Marc Levoy, Billy Chen, Vaibhav Vaish, Mark Horowitz, Ian McDowall, Mark Bolas

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2004), 2004.