Looking for "Profiling Of 3 Games Running On The S3 ViRGE Chip"? It has been moved to http://www-graphics.stanford.edu/~bjohanso/index-virge-study.html.

Brad Johanson

Last updated 9/28/2004


For my personal page click here.

Welcome to my research home page!  I just recently finished working as a post-doc in Computer Science at Stanford University and am now no longer affiliated with Stanford. Currently I'm working on a startup company, Tidebreak, which is commercializing some of the research I worked on during my time at Stanford. My dissertation topic was coordination infrastructures for Interactive Workspaces, and I continued to do research in this area and, more generally, interactive workspaces and ubiquitous computing during my Post-Doc.  In the past I was also the TA for CS448a in Fall 1999 which focused on Interactive Workspaces.  I have also been a member of the Immersive Television Group (IMTV) and have worked on a project to capture Video Panoramas through a related class.  As part of my Masters degree at the University of Birmingham, Enland, I have also looked at Genetic Programming, and have a paper out in GP'98 on using GP and neural networks to automatically compose music.

Ph.D. Research


Related Projects and Courses

Past Research



Board Games

In my spare time I enjoy playing board games with friends. Below is a list of the games I have and recommend with links to Funagain Games, a great place to order board games from on the web (and if you use these links I get a percentage of what you order as a store credit with them).