Life in Birmingham

During my year in England I am staying in Flat 4 of Oakley Court, an International Post Graduate Residence at the University of Birmingham. Here are a few pictures to give you an idea of where I am staying.

View of Oakley Court. My Flat is circled in Red.
Oakley Court in the Winter
Here is a Panorama View of My Room, Combined from Three Different Images.
My Bulletin Board at the End of the Year (compare to picture at left)

Oakley Court

Oakley Court is the newest complex in Pritchatts Park, the International Students area mentioned above. It consists of four blocks centered around a grassy courtyard. The flat I am in has 9 students (and currently one vacant room). The flat has two rooms of five rooms, each set of five has a separate bathroom, shower room. There are also two sets of kitchen facilities located in the same room.

In addition as the year goes on I will put pictures here that aren't related to a specific event in the journal.

Rainbow Picture Taken mid-October 1996 from the Oakley Court Car Park
Traditional English Fry Up at Flat 4 from mid-November 1996
Where I shopped for the year-- Safeway! The same place I shopped in California. Late August, 1997.
Yoshihiro and I on top of the Clock Tower at U. Birmingham.  Late August, 1997
View from the Clock Tower at U. Birmingham.  Oakley Court is circled in red, and downtown is on the horizon. Late August, 1997.
Another view from the Clock Tower. Late August, 1997.
View of Selly Oak from Clock Tower
View of Aston Webb Building from Clock Tower
The clock mechanism in the Clock Tower. Late August, 1997.
View of Muirhead Tower and the City of Birmingham from Clock Tower.  Late August, 1997.
The Exit from Oakley Court.  I went past this almost every day for a year.
Late August, 1997.

Miscellaneous Scenes from Around Birmingham