Class Interaction

Subclass of Interaction Feuille received interactions events. They are currently 3 possible sources:

One of the key aspect of the mural is that several users probably using several input devices will interact at the same time.

Public type


Constructor and destructor

Interaction(Mural32 new_x = 0, Mural32 new_y = 0,
	    MuralU32 new_widht = DEFAULT_WIDTH,
	    MuralU32 new_height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT,
	    ObjectType new_type = TypeGraphic,
	    const char *new_name = ""):

new_x, new_y provide the initial position for the feuille,
new_width, new_height
provide the initial width and height of a the feuille (160X120 by default),
new_type provide the type of the object being created
new_name provide an optional name.

Public methods

virtual Dispatcher::DispatchType interaction_action(Dispatcher::DispatchType type,
						    Dispatcher::InteractionEvent *event)
interaction_action will be called each time a new event new event need to handled by type describe the source of the event:

event describe the event to be handled. See the Dispatcher description for more detail. The function return the new dispatch type after the event has been processed.
The default behavior of the function is to ignore the event and returns type.

Protected Methods


Public fields


Protected fields
