Class MilleFeuille

MilleFeuille imposes that all its components share the same geometry (size and position). When a component is added to a MilleFeuille it size and position are reset to match the MilleFeuille's. When a MilleFeuille's geometry is changed the change is propagated to all its components. Finally if any component changes its geometry then the MilleFeuille geometry is updated to reflect this change. MilleFeuille policy regarding different type of feuilles is as follow:

Public type

class Parser: public XMLDocumentType::ElementParser
This class provide the interface needed to parse and XML MilleFeuille tag (see the description of the XML infrastructure for further detail).

Constructor and destructor

MilleFeuille(Mural32 new_x = 0, Mural32 new_y = 0,
	     MuralU32 new_widht = DEFAULT_WIDTH,
	     MuralU32 new_height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT,
	     ObjectType new_type = TypeGraphic,
	     const char *new_name = ""):

new_x, new_y provide the initial position for the feuille,
new_width, new_height
provide the initial width and height of a the feuille (160X120 by default),
new_type provide the type of the object being created
new_name provide an optional name.

Public methods

void write(NSL_File fp, NSL_Doctype doctype);
write is used to print this object to fp a XML file descripor as provided by the ltxml library. doctype is used a the reference document description.

Protected Methods


Public fields


Protected fields
