Purpose: Create a basic application for use with gesture recognition. Help the user famiarize with gesture recognition.

What it does

The program will play different sounds based on how many fingers you are holding up. Here is a sample sound file: In this file the user starts with Zero fingers so there is no sound. Then the users starts raising more fingers. five is a little faint to hear but it is there.

How it works

The Fingers program was contructed by modifing existing sample code provided by SGI for writing aiffc audio file formats to the audio hardware. It is a prime example of the easines of the 3D imput device's API. All that was required for the code was in clude the server networking library and recieve how many fingers the user has up to before deciding which file to play.

Server s; //declares the socket server and inits is
vec3 pos; // holds the information from the camera client
s.InitSock(5000); //Ints the sock to port 5000
{... Loop ...}
pos = s.GetVec3(); //Gets the most recent data from the socket
fingers = pos[2]; //Gets the finger data from the vector
{play a sound according to the value of fingers}