Interactive Room

Purpose: Create an interactive room.

The Light

In this room you can Turn objects on and off. Touch the light once and it goes on. Notice the white sliders on the sides of some of the walls. They will help you figure out your position.

Touch it again and it goes off.

The Coke Can

In this room you can pick up objects. Touch the coke can holding 0 fingers up and it will pick up the coke can. Move your hand around to move the object. Hold up one finger and it will drop it. Note that the ball representing the hand disappears.

The File Cabinet

Purpose: based on the movie Disclosure we wanted to be able to open a drawer, take out a file, read it, put it back, and close the drawer.

To open the drawer, move your hand over the cabiner holding TWO fingers up.

To grab the paper, move your hand over the cabinet holding ZERO fingers up. Now moving your hand around will move the paper. Note that the ball turns red when you have TWO fingers out.

Drop the paper by raising ONE finger. You can now zoom in on the paper using the dolly. The Paper should look like this.

To put the Paper away simply close the drawer. Close the Drawer by moving over the Cabinet holding THREE fingers up. Note that the ball turns Cyan when you have THREE fingers out.

Design Issues.