CS328 Final Project Report

Results and Discussion


Several results are shown below, the detected faces are marked by black rectangles, click them for enlarged versions:

case result


Case 1:
The hands occlude the face completely, and we successfully removed it from being a face during the eye detection test.
Case 2:
The 2 faces with varying distances are all successfully detected, with one false match on the arm. The arm with the background contains very similar histograms to the human face and confused our algorithm.
Case 3:
Both the front facing and side facing faces are successfully detected.
Case 4:
3 people with varying distances and skin colors are all successfully detected.
Case 5:
Our algorithm could detect faces with different sizes and shapes, as could be seen in my friend Ken's face.
Case 6:
The female face is detected, though our training set contains oyly male images.

Discussions and future directions

There are several restrictions for out algorithm, with possible extensions illustrated:

The following image is captured during the day of the final project demo. We didn't calibrate the lighting, and the result is horrible:

but after we calibrate the lighting, the result is pretty good:

We still have problems with human arms, but they might be get rid of using geometric information, since arms are mostly rods but human heads are mostly balls or ellipsoids.
