Publications Mark Pauly Publications
Journal Papers and Conference Proceedings
Quasi-Rigid Objects in Contact
Mark Pauly, Dinesh Pai, Leo Guibas
ACM Siggraph/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2004

Point-Based Animation of Elastic, Plastic, and Melting Objects
Matthias Mueller, Richard Keiser, Andy Nealen, Mark Pauly, Markus Gross, Marc Alexa
ACM Siggraph/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2004

Uncertainty and Variability in Point Cloud Surface Data
Mark Pauly, Niloy Mitra, Leo Guibas
Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2004

Interactive 3D Painting on Point-Sampled Objects
Bart Adams, Martin Wicke, Philip Dutre, Markus Gross, Mark Pauly, Matthias Teschner
Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2004

Post-processing of Scanned 3D Surface Data
Tim Weyrich, Mark Pauly, Richard Keiser, Simon Heinzle, Sascha Scandella, Markus Gross
Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2004

Bounds on the k-Neighborhood for Locally Uniformly Sampled Surfaces
Mattias Andersson, Joachim Giesen, Mark Pauly, Bettina Speckmann
Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2004

Perspective Accurate Splatting
Matthias Zwicker, Jussi Räsänen, Mario Botsch, Carsten Dachsbacher, Mark Pauly
Graphics Interface 2004

Point-Based Multi-Scale Surface Representation
Mark Pauly, Leif Kobbelt, Markus Gross
ACM Transactions on Graphics, accepted for publication

Robust Watermarking of Point-Sampled Geometry
Daniel Cotting, Tim Weyrich, Mark Pauly, Markus Gross
Shape Modeling International 2004, to appear

Multi-Scale Feature Extraction on Point-Sampled Models
Mark Pauly, Richard Keiser, Markus Gross

Shape Modeling with Point-Sampled Geometry
Mark Pauly, Richard Keiser, Leif Kobbelt, Markus Gross

Efficient Simplification of Point-Sampled Surfaces
Mark Pauly, Markus Gross, Leif Kobbelt
IEEE Visualization 2002

PointShop 3D: An Interactive System for Point-Based Surface Editing
Matthias Zwicker, Mark Pauly, Oliver Knoll, Markus Gross

Spectral Processing of Point-Sampled Geometry
Mark Pauly, Markus Gross

Metropolis Light Transport for Participating Media
Mark Pauly, Thomas Kollig, Alexander Keller
Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, 2000
Technical Reports
Multiresolution Modeling of Point-Sampled Geometry
Mark Pauly, Leif Kobbelt, Markus Gross
ETH Zurich Technical Report, 2002
Course Notes
Point-Based Computer Graphics
Marc Alexa, Markus Gross, Mark Pauly, Hanspeter Pfister, Marc Stamminger, Matthias Zwicker
SIGGRAPH 2004 Course Notes

Point-Based Computer Graphics
Marc Alexa, Carsten Dachsbacher, Markus Gross, Mark Pauly, Jeroen van Baar, Matthias Zwicker
Eurographics 2003 Tutorial Notes

Point-Based Computer Graphics
Marc Alexa, Markus Gross, Mark Pauly, Hanspeter Pfister, Marc Stamminger, Matthias Zwicker
Eurographics 2002 Tutorial Notes

Point Primitives for Interactive Modeling and Processing of 3D Geometry
Mark Pauly
PhD Thesis, ETH Zurich, 2003

Robust Monte Carlo Methods for Photorealistic Rendering of Volumetric Effects
Mark Pauly
Diploma Thesis, University of Kaiserslautern