// FrameHUDManager.cpp
// Handles the set of all relevant HUD events in a single frame.
// Written by Matthew Fisher
#include "Main.h"

void FrameHUDManager::StartFrame()
    _Minerals = -1;
    _Gas = -1;
    _SupplyCurrent = -1;
    _SupplyCap = -1;
    _CurHP = -1;
    _MaxHP = -1;
    _CurShields = -1;
    _MaxShields = -1;
    _CurEnergy = -1;
    _MaxEnergy = -1;
    _ResourcesRemaining = -1;
    _ControlGroupLevel = 0;
    _SoloPortrait = NULL;
    _WarpGatePresent = false;
    _WarpGateCount = 0;
    _IdleWorker = false;
    _BuildQueuePresent = false;
    for(UINT PortraitIndex = 0; PortraitIndex < BubblePortraitCount; PortraitIndex++)
        _BubblePortraits[PortraitIndex].Tex = NULL;

    for(UINT ActionButtonIndex = 0; ActionButtonIndex < ActionButtonCount; ActionButtonIndex++)
        _ActionButtons[ActionButtonIndex].Tex = NULL;
        _ActionButtons[ActionButtonIndex].State = ActionButtonStateInvalid;

    for(UINT BuildQueueIndex = 0; BuildQueueIndex < BuildQueueCount; BuildQueueIndex++)
        _BuildQueue[BuildQueueIndex].Tex = NULL;

    _MinimapViewportObserved = false;
    _MinimapViewportCenter = Vec2f(0.5f, 0.5f);

void FrameHUDManager::EndFrame()
        g_Context->WriteConsole(String("ControlGroupLevel: ") + String(_ControlGroupLevel), RGBColor::White, OverlayPanelStatus);
        g_Context->WriteConsole(String("WarpGateCount: ") + String(_WarpGateCount), RGBColor::White, OverlayPanelStatus);
        g_Context->WriteConsole(String("Viewport: ") + _MinimapViewportCenter.CommaSeparatedString(), RGBColor::White, OverlayPanelStatus);
        g_Context->WriteConsole(String("Shields: ") + String(_CurShields) + String("/") + String(_MaxShields), RGBColor::Blue, OverlayPanelStatus);
        g_Context->WriteConsole(String("HP: ") + String(_CurHP) + String("/") + String(_MaxHP), RGBColor::Green, OverlayPanelStatus);
        g_Context->WriteConsole(String("Energy: ") + String(_CurEnergy) + String("/") + String(_MaxEnergy), RGBColor::Purple, OverlayPanelStatus);
        g_Context->WriteConsole(String("Resources remaining: ") + String(_ResourcesRemaining), RGBColor::Green, OverlayPanelStatus);
        if(_ResourcesRemaining > 0)
            g_Context->Files.Events << GameTime() << '\t' << _ResourcesRemaining << endl;
        g_Context->WriteConsole(String("Minerals: ") + String(_Minerals), RGBColor::Blue, OverlayPanelStatus);
        g_Context->WriteConsole(String("Gas: ") + String(_Gas), RGBColor::Green, OverlayPanelStatus);
        g_Context->WriteConsole(String("Supply: ") + String(_SupplyCurrent) + String("/") + String(_SupplyCap), RGBColor::White, OverlayPanelStatus);
        if(_SoloPortrait != NULL)
            g_Context->WriteConsole(String("Solo: ") + String(_SoloPortrait->ID()), RGBColor::Orange, OverlayPanelStatus);
        for(UINT Y = 0; Y < 3; Y++)
            String S = String("Row ") + String(Y) + String(": ");
            for(UINT X = 0; X < 8; X++)
                Texture *CurTexture = _BubblePortraits[Y * 8 + X].Tex;
                if(CurTexture == NULL)
                    S += "E,";
                    S += CurTexture->ID() + String(",");
            g_Context->WriteConsole(S, RGBColor::Orange, OverlayPanelStatus);
        for(UINT Y = 0; Y < 3; Y++)
            String S = String("Row ") + String(Y) + String(": ");
            for(UINT X = 0; X < 5; X++)
                const FrameActionButton &CurButton = _ActionButtons[Y * 5 + X];
                String Modifier;
                if(CurButton.State == ActionButtonStateInvalid)
                    Modifier = "I";
                if(CurButton.State == ActionButtonStateNormal)
                    Modifier = "N";
                if(CurButton.State == ActionButtonStateDisabled)
                    Modifier = "D";
                if(CurButton.State == ActionButtonStateSelected)
                    Modifier = "S";
                if(CurButton.State == ActionButtonStateNotEnoughEnergy)
                    Modifier = "O";
                if(CurButton.State == ActionButtonCoolingDown)
                    Modifier = "C";
                if(CurButton.Tex == NULL)
                    S += "E,";
                    S += Modifier + CurButton.Tex->ID() + String(",");
            if(S.Length() > 0)
            g_Context->WriteConsole(S, RGBColor::Orange, OverlayPanelStatus);

UINT FrameHUDManager::CountUnitsWithName(const String &Name) const
    if(_SoloPortrait != NULL)
        if(_SoloPortrait->ID() == Name)
            return 1;
            return 0;
        UINT Result = 0;
        for(UINT PortraitIndex = 0; PortraitIndex < BubblePortraitCount; PortraitIndex++)
            Texture *CurTexture = _BubblePortraits[PortraitIndex].Tex;
            if(CurTexture != NULL && CurTexture->ID() == Name)
        return Result;

void FrameHUDManager::ReportMinimapViewport(const RenderInfo &Info, const Vector<ProcessedVertex> &ProcessedVertices)
    _MinimapViewportObserved = true;
    Vec2f AverageScreenPos = Vec2f::Origin;
    for(UINT Index = 0; Index < 8; Index++)
        const Vec4f &Vertex = ProcessedVertices[Index].TransformedProjectionPos;
        AverageScreenPos += Vec2f(Vertex.x, Vertex.y);
    AverageScreenPos *= 0.125f;
    _MinimapViewportCenter = g_Context->Constants.ScreenCoordToMinimapCoord(AverageScreenPos);

void FrameHUDManager::ReportWarpGatePresent()
    _WarpGatePresent = true;

void FrameHUDManager::ReportIdleWorker()
    _IdleWorker = true;

void FrameHUDManager::ReportBuildQueue()
    _BuildQueuePresent = true;

bool FrameHUDManager::CurrentUnitUnderConstruction() const
    for(UINT ActionIndex = 0; ActionIndex < ActionButtonCount - 1; ActionIndex++)
        const FrameActionButton &CurAction = _ActionButtons[ActionIndex];
        if(CurAction.Tex != NULL)
            return false;
    return (_ActionButtons[ActionButtonCount - 1].Tex != NULL && _ActionButtons[ActionButtonCount - 1].Tex->ID() == "Cancel");

void FrameHUDManager::ReportFont(const RenderInfo &Info)
    const Rectangle2i &UnitInfoRegion = g_Context->Constants.GetRectangle2iConstant(ScreenConstantRectangle2iUnitInfoRegion);
    const Rectangle2i &ResourceRegion = g_Context->Constants.GetRectangle2iConstant(ScreenConstantRectangle2iResourceRegion);
    const Rectangle2i &WarpGateRegion = g_Context->Constants.GetRectangle2iConstant(ScreenConstantRectangle2iWarpGateRegion);

    if(ScreenBoundInsideRegion(Info.ScreenBound, ResourceRegion))
    if(ScreenBoundInsideRegion(Info.ScreenBound, UnitInfoRegion))
    if(ScreenBoundInsideRegion(Info.ScreenBound, WarpGateRegion))
        int Value = Info.Text.ConvertToInteger();
        if(Value >= 0 && Value < 20)
            _WarpGateCount = Value;

void FrameHUDManager::ReportControlGroupLevel(const RenderInfo &Info)
    UINT NewValue = 0;
    if(Info.PrimitiveCount == 18 * 1)
        NewValue = 1;
    else if(Info.PrimitiveCount == 18 * 2)
        NewValue = 2;
    else if(Info.PrimitiveCount == 18 * 3)
        NewValue = 3;
    else if(Info.PrimitiveCount == 18 * 4)
        NewValue = 4;
    else if(Info.PrimitiveCount == 18 * 5)
        NewValue = 5;
        g_Context->Files.Assert << "Unexpected ControlGroupLevel\n";
    if(_ControlGroupLevel != 0 && _ControlGroupLevel != NewValue)
        g_Context->Files.Assert << "Conflicting ControlGroupLevel: " << _ControlGroupLevel << ' ' << NewValue << endl;
    _ControlGroupLevel = NewValue;

void FrameHUDManager::ReportBubbleIcon(const RenderInfo &Info)
    if(Info.PrimitiveCount != 2 || Info.PrimitiveType != D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST)
        g_Context->Files.Assert << "Invalid icon parameters\n";
    for(UINT Index = 0; Index < BuildQueueCount; Index++)
        FrameBuildQueue &CurBuildQueue = _BuildQueue[Index];
        if(CurBuildQueue.Tex == NULL)
            CurBuildQueue.Tex = Info.Texture1;

void FrameHUDManager::ReportPortrait(const RenderInfo &Info, const Vector<ProcessedVertex> &ProcessedVertices)
    if(Info.PrimitiveCount > 48 || (Info.PrimitiveCount & 1) == 1 || Info.PrimitiveType != D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST || ProcessedVertices.Length() != Info.PrimitiveCount * 2)
        g_Context->Files.Assert << "Invalid bubble portrait parameters\n";
    for(UINT BubbleIndex = 0; BubbleIndex < Info.PrimitiveCount / 2; BubbleIndex++)
        Rectangle2f ScreenPosBounds;
        for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < 3; VertexIndex++)
            const ProcessedVertex &CurVertex = ProcessedVertices[BubbleIndex * 4 + VertexIndex];
            const Vec2f CurScreenPos = Vec2f(CurVertex.TransformedProjectionPos.x, CurVertex.TransformedProjectionPos.y);
            if(VertexIndex == 0)
                ScreenPosBounds.Min = CurScreenPos;
                ScreenPosBounds.Max = CurScreenPos;
        if(Info.PrimitiveCount == 2 && Math::Round(ScreenPosBounds.Width()) == 89 && Math::Round(ScreenPosBounds.Height()) == 89)
            if(_SoloPortrait == NULL)
                if(Info.Texture0 == NULL || Info.Texture0->Unit() == NULL)
                    g_Context->Files.Assert << "No unit info found for portrait\n";
                    _SoloPortrait = Info.Texture0;
                g_Context->Files.Assert << "Multiple solo portraits\n";
            int PortraitIndex = BubblePortraitIndexFromScreenBounds(ScreenPosBounds);
            if(PortraitIndex != -1)
                FrameBubblePortrait &CurPortrait = _BubblePortraits[PortraitIndex];
                if(Info.Texture0->ID() == "PortraitBubble")
                    CurPortrait.Tex = Info.Texture1;
                    CurPortrait.Tex = Info.Texture0;
                if(CurPortrait.Tex != NULL && CurPortrait.Tex->Unit() == NULL)
                    g_Context->Files.Assert << "No unit info found for portrait\n";
                    CurPortrait.Tex = NULL;

bool FrameHUDManager::ValidateSingleUnit(const String &Name) const
    if(_SoloPortrait != NULL)
        return (Name == _SoloPortrait->ID());
        if(_BubblePortraits[0].Tex == NULL)
            return false;
        for(UINT PortraitIndex = 1; PortraitIndex < BubblePortraitCount; PortraitIndex++)
            if(_BubblePortraits[PortraitIndex].Tex != NULL && _BubblePortraits[PortraitIndex].Tex->ID() != Name)
                return false;
        return true;

bool BuildingsEquivalent(const String &A, const String &B)
    return (A == "Gateway" && B == "WarpGate");

bool FrameHUDManager::SingleUnitTypeSelected() const
    if(_BubblePortraits[0].Tex == NULL)
        return false;
    for(UINT PortraitIndex = 1; PortraitIndex < BubblePortraitCount; PortraitIndex++)
        if(_BubblePortraits[PortraitIndex].Tex != NULL)
            if(_BubblePortraits[PortraitIndex].Tex == _BubblePortraits[0].Tex ||
               BuildingsEquivalent(_BubblePortraits[PortraitIndex].Tex->ID(), _BubblePortraits[0].Tex->ID()) ||
               BuildingsEquivalent(_BubblePortraits[0].Tex->ID(), _BubblePortraits[PortraitIndex].Tex->ID()))
                return false;
    return true;

bool FrameHUDManager::HaveResourcesForUnit(const UnitEntry &Entry) const
    return (_Minerals >= int(Entry.MineralCost) && _Gas >= int(Entry.GasCost) && _SupplyCap - _SupplyCurrent >= int(Entry.SupplyCost));

Vec2i FrameHUDManager::ScreenCoordFromControlGroupLevel(UINT Level) const
    const Vec2f TopLeft = g_Context->Constants.GetVec2fConstant(ScreenConstantVec2fControlGroupLevelTopLeft);
    const Vec2f Displacement = g_Context->Constants.GetVec2fConstant(ScreenConstantVec2fControlGroupLevelDisplacement);

    return (TopLeft + Displacement * float(Level)).RoundToVec2i();

Vec2i FrameHUDManager::ScreenCoordFromBubblePortraitIndex(UINT Index) const
    const Vec2f TopLeft = g_Context->Constants.GetVec2fConstant(ScreenConstantVec2fBubblePortraitTopLeft);
    const Vec2f ExpectedDimensions = g_Context->Constants.GetVec2fConstant(ScreenConstantVec2fBubblePortraitDimensions);
    UINT Row = Index / 8;
    UINT Col = Index - Row * 8;
    Vec2f ScreenCoord = TopLeft + Vec2f(ExpectedDimensions.x * (Col + 0.5f), ExpectedDimensions.y * (Row + 0.5f));
    return ScreenCoord.RoundToVec2i();

int FrameHUDManager::BubblePortraitIndexFromScreenBounds(const Rectangle2f &ScreenBounds) const
    const Vec2f ObservedDimensions = ScreenBounds.Dimensions();
    const Vec2f TopLeft = g_Context->Constants.GetVec2fConstant(ScreenConstantVec2fBubblePortraitTopLeft);
    const Vec2f ExpectedDimensions = g_Context->Constants.GetVec2fConstant(ScreenConstantVec2fBubblePortraitDimensions);
    if((ExpectedDimensions - ObservedDimensions).LengthSq() >= 4.0f)
        g_Context->Files.Assert << "Invalid bubble portrait dimensions: Observed=" << ObservedDimensions.CommaSeparatedString() << " Expected=" << ExpectedDimensions.CommaSeparatedString() << endl;
        return -1;
    Vec2f Offset = ScreenBounds.Min - TopLeft;
    int XIndex = Math::Round(Offset.x / ExpectedDimensions.x);
    int YIndex = Math::Round(Offset.y / ExpectedDimensions.y);
    if(XIndex < 0 || YIndex < 0 || XIndex >= 8 || YIndex >= 3)
        g_Context->Files.Assert << "Invalid bubble portrait coordinates\n";
        return -1;
    return (YIndex * 8 + XIndex);

int FrameHUDManager::ActionButtonIndexFromScreenBounds(const Rectangle2f &ScreenBounds) const
    const Vec2f ObservedDimensions = ScreenBounds.Dimensions();
    const Vec2f TopLeft = g_Context->Constants.GetVec2fConstant(ScreenConstantVec2fActionButtonTopLeft);
    const Vec2f ExpectedDimensions = g_Context->Constants.GetVec2fConstant(ScreenConstantVec2fActionButtonDimensions);
    if((ExpectedDimensions - ObservedDimensions).LengthSq() >= 4.0f)
        //g_Context->Files.Assert << "Invalid action button dimensions: Observed=" << ObservedDimensions.CommaSeparatedString() << " Expected=" << ExpectedDimensions.CommaSeparatedString() << " Center=" << ScreenBounds.Center().CommaSeparatedString() << endl;
        return -1;
    Vec2f Offset = ScreenBounds.Min - TopLeft;
    int XIndex = Math::Round(Offset.x / ExpectedDimensions.x);
    int YIndex = Math::Round(Offset.y / ExpectedDimensions.y);
    if(XIndex < 0 || YIndex < 0 || XIndex >= 5 || YIndex >= 3)
        g_Context->Files.Assert << "Invalid action button coordinates\n";
        return -1;
    return (YIndex * 5 + XIndex);

void FrameHUDManager::ReportActionButtonBackground(const RenderInfo &Info, const Vector<ProcessedVertex> &ProcessedVertices)
    if(Info.PrimitiveCount > 30 || (Info.PrimitiveCount & 1) == 1 || Info.PrimitiveType != D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST || ProcessedVertices.Length() != Info.PrimitiveCount * 2)
        g_Context->Files.Assert << "Invalid action button background parameters\n";
    ActionButtonStateType State = ActionButtonStateNormal;
    if(Info.Texture0->ID() == "ActionButtonSelectedBubble")
        State = ActionButtonStateSelected;

    const Vec4f CurColor = g_Context->Managers.State.PShaderFloatConstants[0];
    if(Math::Abs(CurColor.x - 0.50196f) < 0.01f && 
       Math::Abs(CurColor.y - 0.50196f) < 0.01f &&
       Math::Abs(CurColor.z - 0.50196f) < 0.01f)
        State = ActionButtonStateDisabled;
        g_Context->Managers.State.PShaderFloatConstants[0] = Vec4f::Origin;

    for(UINT ButtonIndex = 0; ButtonIndex < Info.PrimitiveCount / 2; ButtonIndex++)
        Rectangle2f ScreenPosBounds;
        for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < 3; VertexIndex++)
            const ProcessedVertex &CurVertex = ProcessedVertices[ButtonIndex * 4 + VertexIndex];
            const Vec2f CurScreenPos = Vec2f(CurVertex.TransformedProjectionPos.x, CurVertex.TransformedProjectionPos.y);
            if(VertexIndex == 0)
                ScreenPosBounds.Min = CurScreenPos;
                ScreenPosBounds.Max = CurScreenPos;
        int ButtonIndex = ActionButtonIndexFromScreenBounds(ScreenPosBounds);
        if(ButtonIndex != -1)
            FrameActionButton &CurActionButton = _ActionButtons[ButtonIndex];
            CurActionButton.State = State;

void FrameHUDManager::ReportActionButtonIcon(const RenderInfo &Info, const Vector<ProcessedVertex> &ProcessedVertices)
    if(Info.PrimitiveCount != 2 || Info.PrimitiveType != D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST || ProcessedVertices.Length() != 4)
        g_Context->Files.Assert << "Invalid action button icon parameters\n";
    Rectangle2f ScreenPosBounds;
    for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < 3; VertexIndex++)
        const ProcessedVertex &CurVertex = ProcessedVertices[VertexIndex];
        const Vec2f CurScreenPos = Vec2f(CurVertex.TransformedProjectionPos.x, CurVertex.TransformedProjectionPos.y);
        if(VertexIndex == 0)
            ScreenPosBounds.Min = CurScreenPos;
            ScreenPosBounds.Max = CurScreenPos;
    int ButtonIndex = ActionButtonIndexFromScreenBounds(ScreenPosBounds);
    if(ButtonIndex != -1)
        FrameActionButton &CurActionButton = _ActionButtons[ButtonIndex];
        CurActionButton.Tex = Info.Texture0;
        if(Info.Texture1->Type() == RenderSpecial && Info.Texture1->ID() == "CooldownGrid")
            CurActionButton.State = ActionButtonCoolingDown;
        else //if(Info.PShaderHash == 84762009 || Info.PShaderHash == 200960479)
            const Vec4f CurColor = g_Context->Managers.State.PShaderFloatConstants[0];
            if(Math::Abs(CurColor.x - 0.462744f) < 0.01f && 
               Math::Abs(CurColor.y - 0.286274f) < 0.01f)
                if(CurActionButton.State == ActionButtonStateNormal)
                    CurActionButton.State = ActionButtonStateNotEnoughEnergy;
                    g_Context->Managers.State.PShaderFloatConstants[0] = Vec4f::Origin;

bool FrameHUDManager::BuildQueueEntryPresent(const String &Name) const
    for(UINT Index = 0; Index < BuildQueueCount; Index++)
        if(_BuildQueue[Index].Tex != NULL && _BuildQueue[Index].Tex->ID() == Name)
            return true;
    return false;

bool FrameHUDManager::ActionButtonPresent(const String &Name, ActionButtonStateType &State) const
    for(UINT Index = 0; Index < ActionButtonCount; Index++)
        if(_ActionButtons[Index].Tex != NULL && _ActionButtons[Index].Tex->ID() == Name)
            State = _ActionButtons[Index].State;
            return true;
    return false;

void FrameHUDManager::ProcessResourceString(const String &S)
    Vector<String> Words, SupplyWords;
    S.Partition('@', Words);
    if(Words.Length() != 3)
    Words[0].Partition('/', SupplyWords);
    if(SupplyWords.Length() != 2)
    _Minerals = Words[2].ConvertToInteger();
    _Gas = Words[1].ConvertToInteger();
    _SupplyCurrent = SupplyWords[0].ConvertToInteger();
    _SupplyCap = SupplyWords[1].ConvertToInteger();

float FrameHUDManager::CurrentHealthPercentage() const
    if(_CurHP <= 0 || _MaxHP <= 0)
        return -1.0f;
    int CurrentHealth = _CurHP;
    int TotalHealth = _MaxHP;
    if(_CurShields > 0 && _MaxShields > 0)
        CurrentHealth += _CurShields;
        TotalHealth += _MaxShields;
    return float(CurrentHealth) / float(TotalHealth);

bool IsBarStatString(const String &S, int &Current, int &Max)
    Vector<String> Words;
    S.Partition('/', Words);
    if(Words.Length() != 2)
        return false;
    Current = Words[0].ConvertToInteger();
    Max = Words[1].ConvertToInteger();
    return true;

void FrameHUDManager::ProcessUnitInfoString(const String &S)
    Vector<String> Words, HPWords;
    S.Partition('@', Words);
    if(Words.Length() == 0)

    /*if(Words.Length() >= 3 && Words[2].StartsWith("Remaining:"))
        _ResourcesRemaining = Words[2].RemovePrefix("Remaining:").ConvertToInteger();
    UINT BarCount = 0;
    int BarCurrent[3], BarMax[3];

    for(UINT WordIndex = 0; WordIndex < Words.Length(); WordIndex++)
        int Current, Max;
        const String &CurWord = Words[WordIndex];
        if(IsBarStatString(CurWord, Current, Max))
            if(BarCount < 3)
                BarCurrent[BarCount] = Current;
                BarMax[BarCount] = Max;

    if(BarCount == 0)

    bool Protoss = (g_Context->Managers.Knowledge.MyRace() == RaceProtoss);
    if(BarCount == 1)
        _CurHP = BarCurrent[0];
        _MaxHP = BarMax[0];
    else if(BarCount == 2)
            _CurShields = BarCurrent[0];
            _MaxShields = BarMax[0];
            _CurHP = BarCurrent[1];
            _MaxHP = BarMax[1];
            _CurHP = BarCurrent[0];
            _MaxHP = BarMax[0];
            _CurEnergy = BarCurrent[1];
            _MaxEnergy = BarMax[1];
        _CurShields = BarCurrent[0];
        _MaxShields = BarMax[0];
        _CurHP = BarCurrent[1];
        _MaxHP = BarMax[1];
        _CurEnergy = BarCurrent[2];
        _MaxEnergy = BarMax[2];