// ManagerController.h
// Instance of global objects and the code and the start and end of each frame; calls all corresponding code
// in each of the various managers
// Written by Matthew Fisher

class ManagerController
    void Init();
    void FrameStart();
    void FrameEnd();
    __forceinline double FrameStartTime()
        return _FrameStartTime;
    __forceinline double LastUpdate()
        return _LastUpdate;
    __forceinline UINT FrameIndex()
        return _FrameIndex;
    __forceinline bool AIEnabled()
        return _AIEnabled;
    __forceinline bool ConsoleEnabled()
        return _ConsoleEnabled;
    __forceinline bool InsideFrameCapture()
        return _InsideFrameCapture;
    __forceinline UINT& TexturesSavedThisFrame()
        return _TexturesSavedThisFrame;

    bool    _ConsoleEnabled;
    bool    _AIEnabled;
    UINT    _FrameIndex;             // Number of frames seen so far
    UINT    _TexturesSavedThisFrame;
    double  _FrameStartTime;
    double  _LastUpdate;
    bool    _InsideFrameCapture;
    double  _LastWindowResizeTime;
    Vector<Manager *> _ManagerList;  // List of all managers