class CardCaravan : public CardEffect { public: void ProcessDuration(State &s) const { if(logging) s.Log("draws a card from " + c->PrettyName()); s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player)); } }; class CardLighthouse : public CardEffect { public: void ProcessDuration(State &s) const { if(logging) s.Log("gets $1 from " + c->PrettyName()); s.players[s.player].money++; } }; class CardTactician : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; if(p.hand.Length() == 0) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "has no cards to discard"); for(CardPlayInfo &playCard : p.playArea) { if(playCard.card == c && playCard.copies > 0 && playCard.turnsLeft > 0) { // // TODO: This may be a conservative implementation of tactician // playCard.copies--; return; } } } for(Card *c : p.hand) s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDiscardCard(s.player, c, DiscardFromHand)); } void ProcessDuration(State &s) const { if(logging) s.Log("draws 5 cards from " + c->PrettyName()); PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; p.actions++; p.buys++; for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player)); } }; class CardFishingVillage : public CardEffect { public: void ProcessDuration(State &s) const { if(logging) s.Log("gets $1 from " + c->PrettyName()); s.players[s.player].actions++; s.players[s.player].money++; } }; class CardMerchantShip : public CardEffect { public: void ProcessDuration(State &s) const { if(logging) s.Log("gets $2 from " + c->PrettyName()); s.players[s.player].money += 2; } }; class CardWharf : public CardEffect { public: void ProcessDuration(State &s) const { if(logging) s.Log("draws 2 cards from " + c->PrettyName()); s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player)); s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player)); s.players[s.player].buys++; } }; class CardWarehouse : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDiscardNCards(c, s.player, 3, 3)); } }; class CardPearlDiver : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; if(p.deck.Length() == 0) s.Shuffle(s.player); if(p.deck.Length() == 0) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "has no cards to reveal"); } else { Card *revealedCard = p.deck.First(); if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "reveals " + revealedCard->PrettyName() + " from the bottom of their deck"); s.decision.MakeDiscreteChoice(c, 2); if(decisionText) s.decision.text = "Put" + revealedCard->PrettyName() + "on top of your deck?|Yes|No"; } } bool CanProcessDecisions() const { return true; } void ProcessDecision(State &s, const DecisionResponse &response) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; Card *revealedCard = p.deck.First(); if(response.choice == 0) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "puts " + revealedCard->PrettyName() + " on top of their deck"); p.deck.RemoveSlow(0); p.deck.PushEnd(revealedCard); } else { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "leaves " + revealedCard->PrettyName() + " on the bottom of their deck"); } } }; class CardLookout : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventLookout(c)); } }; class CardNavigator : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventNavigator(c)); } }; class CardSalvager : public CardEffect { public: bool CanProcessDecisions() const { return true; } void PlayAction(State &s) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; if(p.hand.Length() == 0) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "has no cards to trash"); return; } s.decision.SelectCards(c, 1, 1); if(decisionText) s.decision.text = "Choose a card to trash:"; s.decision.AddUniqueCards(p.hand); } void ProcessDecision(State &s, const DecisionResponse &response) const { for(Card *c : { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventTrashCardFromHand(s.player, c)); int value = s.SupplyCost(c); s.players[s.player].money += value; if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "gets $" + String(value)); } } }; class CardSeaHag : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { for(const PlayerInfo &p :>players) { if(p.index != s.player) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventSeaHagAttack(c, p.index)); } } } }; class CardAmbassador : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventAmbassador(c)); } }; class CardGhostShip : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { for(const PlayerInfo &p :>players) { if(p.index != s.player) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventPutOnDeckDownToN(c, p.index, 3)); } } } }; class CardCutpurse : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { for(const PlayerInfo &p :>players) { if(p.index != s.player) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventCutpurseAttack(c, p.index)); } } } }; class CardSmugglers : public CardEffect { public: bool CanProcessDecisions() const { return true; } void PlayAction(State &s) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; s.decision.SelectCards(c, 1, 1); for(Card *c : s.prevGainList) { if(s.SupplyCost(c) <= 6) s.decision.AddUniqueCard(c); } if(s.decision.cardChoices.Length() == 0) { s.decision.type = DecisionNone; if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "cannot gain any cards"); return; } if(decisionText) s.decision.text = "Choose a card to gain:"; } void ProcessDecision(State &s, const DecisionResponse &response) const { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventGainCard(s.player,[0])); } }; class CardTreasureMap : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; s.stack.PushEnd(new EventTrashCardFromPlay(s.player, c)); if(p.hand.Contains(>baseCards.treasureMap)) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventTrashCardFromHand(s.player, c)); for(int goldIndex = 0; goldIndex < 4; goldIndex++) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventGainCard(s.player,>, false, false, GainToDeckTop)); } } } }; class CardExplorer : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventExplorer(c)); } }; class CardIsland : public CardEffect { public: bool CanProcessDecisions() const { return true; } void PlayAction(State &s) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; bool islandFound = false; for(UINT playIndex = 0; playIndex < p.playArea.Length(); playIndex++) { if(p.playArea[playIndex].card == c) { p.playArea.RemoveSwap(playIndex); p.islandZone.PushEnd(c); islandFound = true; } } if(!islandFound) { // // Sometimes we will not find the island in play because of throne room // return; } if(p.hand.Length() == 0) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "has no cards in hand to set aside"); return; } s.decision.SelectCards(c, 1, 1); s.decision.AddUniqueCards(p.hand); if(decisionText) s.decision.text = "Choose a card to set aside:"; } void ProcessDecision(State &s, const DecisionResponse &response) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; Card *asideCard =[0]; p.hand.RemoveSwap(p.hand.FindFirstIndex(asideCard)); p.islandZone.PushEnd([0]); if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "sets " + asideCard->PrettyName() + " aside"); } };