using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using System.IO; namespace ScreenCaptureApp { public partial class Form1 : Form { class WindowInfo { public override string ToString() { return Description; } public UInt32 Window; public UInt32 Width, Height; public String Description; }; class AudioCaptureDeviceInfo { public override string ToString() { return Description; } public UInt32 Index; public String Description; }; Capture _CaptureThreadEntry; Thread _CaptureThread; List _WindowList; List _AudioList; MarkerWindow _MarkerWindow; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void StartButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_CaptureThreadEntry != null || _CaptureThread != null) { MessageBox.Show("Capture in progress!"); return; } WindowInfo curWindow = null; try { curWindow = _WindowList[AppListComboBox.SelectedIndex]; } catch {} if(curWindow == null) { MessageBox.Show("You need to select a window to capture"); return; } _CaptureThreadEntry = new Capture(); _CaptureThreadEntry.WindowHandle = curWindow.Window; _CaptureThreadEntry.WholeWindow = 1; _CaptureThreadEntry.X = 0; _CaptureThreadEntry.Y = 0; _CaptureThreadEntry.Width = curWindow.Width; _CaptureThreadEntry.Height = curWindow.Height; _CaptureThreadEntry.BitRate = 20000000; _CaptureThreadEntry.FrameRate = 30; _CaptureThreadEntry.Audio = 0xFFFFFFFF; _CaptureThreadEntry.Filename = String.Format("{0:M-d-yyyy}", DateTime.Now) + ".mp4"; if(AudioComboBox.SelectedIndex >= 1) { _CaptureThreadEntry.Audio = (uint)(AudioComboBox.SelectedIndex - 1); } try { _CaptureThreadEntry.FrameRate = Convert.ToUInt32(FrameRateComboBox.Items[FrameRateComboBox.SelectedIndex]); } catch { } if (DataRateComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) _CaptureThreadEntry.BitRate = 50 * 8192; if (DataRateComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) _CaptureThreadEntry.BitRate = 100 * 8192; if (DataRateComboBox.SelectedIndex == 2) _CaptureThreadEntry.BitRate = 250 * 8192; if (DataRateComboBox.SelectedIndex == 3) _CaptureThreadEntry.BitRate = 500 * 8192; if (DataRateComboBox.SelectedIndex == 4) _CaptureThreadEntry.BitRate = 1024 * 8192; if (DataRateComboBox.SelectedIndex == 5) _CaptureThreadEntry.BitRate = 2048 * 8192; if (DataRateComboBox.SelectedIndex == 6) _CaptureThreadEntry.BitRate = 4096 * 8192; _CaptureThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_CaptureThreadEntry.Start)); _CaptureThread.Start(); while (!_CaptureThread.IsAlive) Thread.Sleep(100); while (!_CaptureThreadEntry.VideoCaptureAttempted) Thread.Sleep(100); if (_CaptureThreadEntry.VideoCaptureStarted) { StartButton.Enabled = false; StopButton.Enabled = true; } else { while (_CaptureThread.IsAlive) ; _CaptureThread = null; _CaptureThreadEntry = null; } } private void StopButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StopButton.Enabled = false; StartButton.Enabled = true; if (_CaptureThreadEntry == null || _CaptureThread == null) { MessageBox.Show("No capture in progress"); return; } _CaptureThreadEntry.ThreadExitSignaled = true; while (_CaptureThread.IsAlive); _CaptureThread = null; _CaptureThreadEntry = null; } private void UpdateWindows_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateWindowListBox(); } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataRateComboBox.Items.Add("50KB/sec"); DataRateComboBox.Items.Add("100KB/sec"); DataRateComboBox.Items.Add("250KB/sec"); DataRateComboBox.Items.Add("500KB/sec"); DataRateComboBox.Items.Add("1MB/sec"); DataRateComboBox.Items.Add("2MB/sec"); DataRateComboBox.Items.Add("4MB/sec"); DataRateComboBox.SelectedIndex = 5; FrameRateComboBox.Items.Add("5"); FrameRateComboBox.Items.Add("10"); FrameRateComboBox.Items.Add("15"); FrameRateComboBox.Items.Add("20"); FrameRateComboBox.Items.Add("25"); FrameRateComboBox.Items.Add("30"); FrameRateComboBox.SelectedIndex = 5; ResolutionComboBox.Items.Add("Select New Resolution"); ResolutionComboBox.Items.Add("320x240"); ResolutionComboBox.Items.Add("640x480"); ResolutionComboBox.Items.Add("768x576"); ResolutionComboBox.Items.Add("1024x768"); ResolutionComboBox.Items.Add("1280x720"); ResolutionComboBox.Items.Add("1920x1080"); ResolutionComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; AudioComboBox.Items.Add("None"); AudioComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } private void UpdateWindowListBox() { VideoCapture.CallEnumerateAndSaveWindows(); String[] allLines = null; try { String loadFilename = "Windows.txt"; allLines = File.ReadAllLines(loadFilename); FileInfo loadedFileInfo = new FileInfo(loadFilename); loadedFileInfo.Delete(); } catch { } if (allLines == null) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to read list of active windows!"); } else { int WindowCount = Convert.ToInt32(allLines[0]); _WindowList = new List(); for (int lineIndex = 1; lineIndex < allLines.Length; lineIndex++) { String curLine = allLines[lineIndex]; String[] curWords = curLine.Split('\t'); if (curWords.Length == 4) { WindowInfo NewWindow = new WindowInfo(); NewWindow.Window = Convert.ToUInt32(curWords[0]); NewWindow.Width = Convert.ToUInt32(curWords[1]); NewWindow.Height = Convert.ToUInt32(curWords[2]); NewWindow.Description = curWords[3]; if (NewWindow.Description != this.Text) { _WindowList.Add(NewWindow); } } } int selectedIndex = AppListComboBox.SelectedIndex; if (selectedIndex == -1) { selectedIndex = 0; } AppListComboBox.Items.Clear(); if (_WindowList != null) { foreach (WindowInfo curWindow in _WindowList) { AppListComboBox.Items.Add(curWindow.ToString()); } } try { AppListComboBox.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex; } catch { } } } private void UpdateAudioListBox() { VideoCapture.CallEnumerateAndSaveAudioCaptureDevices(); String[] allLines = null; try { String loadFilename = "AudioCaptureDevices.txt"; allLines = File.ReadAllLines(loadFilename); FileInfo loadedFileInfo = new FileInfo(loadFilename); loadedFileInfo.Delete(); } catch { } if (allLines == null) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to read list of audio devices!"); } else { int deviceCount = Convert.ToInt32(allLines[0]); _AudioList = new List(); for (int lineIndex = 1; lineIndex < allLines.Length; lineIndex++) { String curLine = allLines[lineIndex]; String[] curWords = curLine.Split('\t'); if (curWords.Length == 2) { AudioCaptureDeviceInfo NewAudio = new AudioCaptureDeviceInfo(); NewAudio.Index = Convert.ToUInt32(curWords[0]); NewAudio.Description = curWords[1]; _AudioList.Add(NewAudio); } } } int selectedIndex = AudioComboBox.SelectedIndex; if (selectedIndex == -1) { selectedIndex = 0; } AudioComboBox.Items.Clear(); AudioComboBox.Items.Add("None"); int index = 0; foreach (AudioCaptureDeviceInfo curDevice in _AudioList) { AudioComboBox.Items.Add(curDevice.ToString()); index++; } try { AudioComboBox.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex; } catch { } } private void AppListComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { WindowInfo curWindow = _WindowList[AppListComboBox.SelectedIndex]; DimensionsLabel.Text = "Current Dimensions: " + curWindow.Width.ToString() + "x" + curWindow.Height.ToString(); ResolutionComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; NewWidthTextBox.Text = curWindow.Width.ToString(); NewHeightTextBox.Text = curWindow.Height.ToString(); } catch {} } private void AppListComboBox_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateWindowListBox(); } private void AudioComboBox_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateAudioListBox(); } private void MarkerWindow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_MarkerWindow == null || _MarkerWindow.IsDisposed) { _MarkerWindow = new MarkerWindow(); } try { _MarkerWindow.Show(); } catch { _MarkerWindow = new MarkerWindow(); _MarkerWindow.Show(); } UpdateWindowListBox(); for (int index = 0; index < AppListComboBox.Items.Count; index++) { if (AppListComboBox.Items[index].ToString() == "Marker Window") { AppListComboBox.SelectedIndex = index; } } } private void Resize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { WindowInfo curWindow = _WindowList[AppListComboBox.SelectedIndex]; UInt32 NewWidth = Convert.ToUInt32(NewWidthTextBox.Text); UInt32 NewHeight = Convert.ToUInt32(NewHeightTextBox.Text); if (NewWidth >= 32 && NewWidth <= 4096 && NewHeight >= 32 && NewHeight <= 4096) { VideoCapture.CallReSizeWindow(curWindow.Window, NewWidth, NewHeight); } } catch { } string currentWindowName = null; try { currentWindowName = AppListComboBox.Items[AppListComboBox.SelectedIndex].ToString(); } catch { } UpdateWindowListBox(); if (currentWindowName != null) { for (int index = 0; index < AppListComboBox.Items.Count; index++) { if (AppListComboBox.Items[index].ToString() == currentWindowName) { AppListComboBox.SelectedIndex = index; } } } } private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (_CaptureThreadEntry != null || _CaptureThread != null) { _CaptureThreadEntry.ThreadExitSignaled = true; while (_CaptureThread.IsAlive) ; _CaptureThread = null; _CaptureThreadEntry = null; } } private void AudioComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void ResolutionComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { String ResolutionLine = ResolutionComboBox.Items[ResolutionComboBox.SelectedIndex].ToString(); String[] curWords = ResolutionLine.Split('x'); if (curWords.Length == 2) { NewWidthTextBox.Text = curWords[0]; NewHeightTextBox.Text = curWords[1]; } } catch { } } private void label5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } } public class Capture { public bool ThreadExitSignaled = false; public bool VideoCaptureAttempted = false; public bool VideoCaptureStarted = false; public String Filename; public UInt32 WindowHandle, WholeWindow, X, Y, Width, Height, BitRate, FrameRate, Audio; public void Start() { ThreadExitSignaled = false; UInt32 Result = VideoCapture.CallBeginVideoCapture(WindowHandle, WholeWindow, X, Y, Width, Height, BitRate, FrameRate, Audio, Filename); if (Result == 0) { VideoCaptureStarted = true; VideoCaptureAttempted = true; } else { VideoCaptureAttempted = true; return; } while (!ThreadExitSignaled) { VideoCapture.CallCaptureVideoFrame(); } VideoCapture.CallStopVideoCapture(); } } class VideoCapture { public static UInt32 CallBeginVideoCapture(UInt32 WindowHandle, UInt32 WholeWindow, UInt32 X, UInt32 Y, UInt32 Width, UInt32 Height, UInt32 BitRate, UInt32 FrameRate, UInt32 Audio, String Filename) { StringBuilder sBuffer = new StringBuilder(256); sBuffer.Append(Filename); UInt32 Result = BeginVideoCapture(WindowHandle, WholeWindow, X, Y, Width, Height, BitRate, FrameRate, Audio, sBuffer); Thread.Sleep(100); return Result; } public static void CallCaptureVideoFrame() { if (CaptureVideoFrame() != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to capture video frame"); } Thread.Sleep(100); } public static void CallStopVideoCapture() { if (StopVideoCapture() != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to stop video capture"); } Thread.Sleep(100); } public static void CallEnumerateAndSaveWindows() { try { EnumerateAndSaveWindows(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("A required DLL was not found. Most likely, this computer has an operating system prior to Windows 7 installed."); Application.Exit(); } Thread.Sleep(100); } public static void CallEnumerateAndSaveAudioCaptureDevices() { EnumerateAndSaveAudioCaptureDevices(); Thread.Sleep(100); } public static void CallReSizeWindow(UInt32 WindowHandle, UInt32 NewWidth, UInt32 NewHeight) { ReSizeWindow(WindowHandle, NewWidth, NewHeight); Thread.Sleep(100); } //string ScreenCaptureDLL = "C:\\Code\\allProjects\\ScreenCaptureDLL\\Debug\\ScreenCapture.dll"; const string ScreenCaptureDLL = "VideoCapture.dll"; [DllImport(ScreenCaptureDLL)] public static extern UInt32 BeginVideoCapture(UInt32 WindowHandle, UInt32 WholeWindow, UInt32 X, UInt32 Y, UInt32 Width, UInt32 Height, UInt32 BitRate, UInt32 FrameRate, UInt32 Audio, StringBuilder Filename); [DllImport(ScreenCaptureDLL)] public static extern UInt32 CaptureVideoFrame(); [DllImport(ScreenCaptureDLL)] public static extern UInt32 StopVideoCapture(); [DllImport(ScreenCaptureDLL)] public static extern UInt32 EnumerateAndSaveWindows(); [DllImport(ScreenCaptureDLL)] public static extern UInt32 EnumerateAndSaveAudioCaptureDevices(); [DllImport(ScreenCaptureDLL)] public static extern UInt32 ReSizeWindow(UInt32 WindowHandle, UInt32 NewWidth, UInt32 NewHeight); } }