screenshot of generative agents interacting in the Smallville town simulation

project areas

AI for Accessibility

AI Ethics and Fairness

Interaction with Generative AI

Human-AGI Interaction

Human-Centered AI and Human-AI Interaction


My AI research draws on my background in Human-Computer Interaction, taking a user-centered perspective on artificial intelligence. This includes developing novel techniques for human-AI interaction, harnessing the power of AI for socially beneficial uses (including AI for accessibility systems that augment users' ablities), and studies relating to ethics and fairness topics, including the impact of AI on society.

research projects

AI for Accessibility

AI Ethics and Fairness

Interaction with Generative AI

Human-AGI Interaction

  • Levels of AGI [ ICML 2024, arXiv pre-print ]
  • AGI is Coming... Is HCI Ready? [UIST 2023 Visions Keynote]