When we last left our noble adventurers, they have successfully
completed the fourth annual Marcin's Birthday Ride Up Mount
Hamilton. Another year has passed by quickly, and we again find the
same gang of idiots at the base of the same mountain.

The total fitness level of the group is at its lowest in at least
three years due to the lack of impending Death Ride.

We are also doing this ride later in the year than usual, so most of
the nice green grass is gone. Marcin is wearing his usual grin of
pain on this hill.

For a while, I had a nice view of Daniel and James's backs. Then they
rode away from me. The yellow flowers along the road were particularly
gigantic this year.

We breathe that stuff.

Kostadis coming up the hill. Slowly. Yes, his tongue is in fact
hanging out.

Daniel, on the other hand, is relaxed and cool at the Joe Grant rest

Break after the second descent. I am too lazy to stand up and am
taking pictures while lying on the ground.

Kostadis and James, going over the power bar conversation yet again.

This tree had lots of little holes drilled in the bark, presumably by woodpeckers.

Triumphant picture on the top. We lost Marcin along the way, but
instead ran into Google Ed (from the 2002 ride) at the observatory.

Aha, Marcin coming up the final switchback...

...using a slightly different mode of transportation. He had to turn
around 5 miles from the top because of tendinitis in his
knees. So he rode down, got into his car, and came right back
up. That's dedication!

The entire gang of idiots. Kostadis definitely approves of this,
but probably not James.

"My name is Kostadis, and I AM CANADIAN!"
The general consensus was that surface of Mount Hamilton road
has gotten to be too rough to enjoy this ride. That's okay, however,
since next year we can have the first annual Marcin's Birthday Ride
Up Mount Diablo instead, right Marcin?