Post-Siggraph Trip to Provincetown
August 4, 2006
Photos: Natasha Gelfand and Michael Wand
(1) Leaving Boston on the Provincetown Ferry. Left to right: Zhang, Marc, Michael, Kayvon.
(2) The weather looks questionable.
(3) Along the way we were almost attacked by some whales (disappearing whale is circled in red).
(1) Land ahoy! (2) We rented some bikes and (3) set off for the beach.
(1) First stop: a hike through the sand dunes.
(2) Setting off into the dunes.
(3) Michael charges up the hill, pursued by Zhang and Robert.
(4) Marc leads the students in a rising traverse of a dune.
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According to Kayvon, "Sand dunes are cool because you can do stupid things and not get hurt." Stupid things included (1) jumping off or (2) rolling down the hill.

In the dunes, we were attacked by flesh eating bugs and poison
ivy. Here Marc is looking for the most poison ivy free route back to the bikes.
(1) The ride continued to Old Harbor Lifesaving Station and
Race Point beach. (2) We had to stay out of the grass in fear of being
attacked by very territorial plovers and terns, who were protecting their nests.
(3) Group picture at Race Point beach. Left to right:
Natasha, Mike, Robert, Michael, Marc, Kayvon, Zhang.
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(1) In the meantime, the weather improved and Kayvon had to make good on his earlier promise to jump in the water if he saw a single ray of sun. (2) He promptly jumped out too, the water was pretty cold.
(1) The bike path continued into the forest to the beautiful Bennett Pond.
(2) We decided to follow a trail that seemed to lead around the
pond. Unfortunately, half way around the trail disappeared and was
replaced by progressively thicker undergrowth. We kept going.
(3) Along the way Marc and Robert were attacked by some thorny brambles (or maybe a herd of irate cats?)
(4) Ouch!

Proof that one can actually persuade the weather to change. After a gray and drizzly morning, it was bright and sunny biking back to Provincetown for dinner.
More pictures from the trip.