CURIS 2002
Poster Session
Kurt, Jason, Jon, and the David
Jon shows off his poster
...Jason too
...and Tricia
Leslie and Natasha don't have posters
Kurt deeply engaged in his presentation
Big Basin Hike
And it wasn't even a Death March!
Spot the difference between this picture
..and this one. The sign reads "Berry Creek Falls, 6 hours round trip. Strenuous hike."
The group admires a big hole in the redwood
Taking a break
Berry Creek Falls
Banana slug. Francois was very fascinated by it.
Mandatory group photo. Front row: Leslie, Marc, Tricia. Back row: Jon, David, Francois, Kurt, Kurt's friend, Jason, Natasha
Having run out of food, the group was forced to eat hardtack on the return trip. Cutting hardtack is hard work.
Eating hardtack is hard work too!