
Some handouts are available in PostScript format, which you may view and/or print as follows: If you have problems printing the PostScript files, hard copies are available in Gates 377, in a drawer marked "CS 161".

NOTE: homework/exam solutions, handwritten handouts, and papers will not be made available in electronic format; only hard copies are available, in Gates 377.

  1. Textbook errata, for the second and subsequent printings.
  2. Theoretical Computer Science Cheat Sheet by Steve Seiden.
  3. Problem set 1.
  4. Sections 1 and 3 of Johannes Weidl's The Standard Template Library Tutorial. In-depth information is available at the Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide.
    On-line: section 1, section 3.
  5. The Maximum Subsequence Sum problem. Pages 19-20, 24-29 of: Weiss, Mark Allen. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C. Second edition. Addison-Wesley: Menlo Park, CA, 1996.
    Unavailable on-line.
  6. Analysis of the running time of Randomized-Quicksort. Pages 3-7 of: Motwani, Rajeev, and Prabhakar Raghavan. Randomized Algorithms. Cambridge UP: New York, NY, 1995.
    Unavailable on-line.
  7. The Eight Queens problem. Pages 308-311, 328-331, 353-358 of: Brassard, Gilles, and Paul Bratley. Fundamentals of Algorithmics. Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1996.
    Unavailable on-line.
  8. Problem set 2.
  9. Randomized skip lists. Pages 209-213 of Motwani.
    Unavailable on-line.
  10. Deterministic skip lists. Pages 469-476 of Weiss.
    Unavailable on-line.
  11. Treaps. Pages 482-485 of Weiss.
    Unavailable on-line.
  12. Splay trees. Pages 122-132 of Weiss.
    Unavailable on-line.
  13. Problem set 3. In order to digest the material on binary search trees, you may find useful Doug Ierardi's and Ta-Wei Li's interactive animations of tree algorithms.
  14. Solutions to problem set 1.
    Unavailable on-line.
  15. Optimal binary search trees. Pages 387-390 of Weiss. A more in-depth analysis is available in pages 432-439 of: Knuth, Donald Ervin. Sorting and Searching. Volume 3 of The Art of Computer Programming. Addison-Wesley: Reading, MA, 1973.
    Unavailable on-line.
  16. The Knapsack problems. Pages 202-204, 266-268 of Brassard/Bratley.
    Unavailable on-line.
  17. Problem set 4.
  18. Solutions to problem set 2.
    Unavailable on-line.
  19. Problem set 5.
  20. Solutions to problem set 3.
    Unavailable on-line.
  21. Midterm examination.
    Unavailable on-line.
  22. Mid-quarter course evaluation.
  23. Problem set 6.
  24. Solutions to problem set 4.
    Unavailable on-line.
  25. Performance analysis of splay trees. Pages 445-449 of Weiss.
    Unavailable on-line.
  26. Solutions to the midterm.
    Unavailable on-line.
  27. Solutions to problem set 5.
    Unavailable on-line.
  28. Monte Carlo algorithms. Pages 7-10, 127-129, 161-172 of Motwani.
    Unavailable on-line.
  29. Solutions to problem set 6.
    Unavailable on-line.

© 1998 Apostolos Lerios