Greg Turk's Home Page
In September 1994 I concluded my postdoc at Stanford.
I am now an assistant research professor at UNC Chapel Hill.
Here is my
UNC Web page,
which is a bit more current.
- Office: Room 204 Sitterson Hall, UNC Chapel Hill
- Office Phone: (919) 962-1819
- Home Phone: (910) 288-1736 (note the different area code)
- E-mail:
- 1-A Yester Oaks Court
- Greensboro, NC 27455
Work Address:
- Department of Computer Science
- University of North Carolina
- Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175
Computer graphics, computational geometry, heuristic search,
developmental biology, scuba, juggling, ultimate frisbee.
Current Project:
I am working on zippering together range images to create polygonal models.
This research is being done as a part of the 3D Fax Project that is
headed by Professor Marc Levoy.
Our paper on the subject is Zippered Polygon Meshes from
Range Images (postscript, 0.95 Mbytes), published in the Siggraph
94 Proceedings. Below are some models built by this method.
Model created by combining 14 range images of a plastic dinosaur.
Here is a tiny movie of the above dinosaur
(70 Kbytes).
Telephone handset zippered together from 10 range images.
Here is a movie of the phone
(111 Kbytes).
This lion was reconstructed from thirteen range scans of a plastic
model. This is work-in-progress by
Hua Ge,
Marc Levoy
and myself to incorporate color into models
reconstructed from range images. You may want to compare
a photograph of the original model against the
reconstructed lion.